Doomsday Virus

Chapter 166: in case

An unexpected situation happened. Xia Leng didn't expect that the acting city owner Colinco went directly to the front passenger seat and sat down, so he immediately looked away from General Bach's eyes through the rear-view mirror.

With the keen observation of the fourth-order wise man, any unnatural movement may cause the other party's suspicion.

Collinco turned his head and looked at Xia Leng, disguised as a driver, with a smile-like expression, and asked with a wise voice: "Prael, is your wife's production going well?"

"Thank you for your participation ... Thank you for your care. Both mother and daughter are safe."

Wu Xia Leng still remarkably followed the driver's usual personality tone, pretending to answer with a little stammer.

"Oh, I'm just an agent of the city master, I can't learn the courage of the general." Collinco turned back and said with a smile.

"Colinco, aren't the guys in the group dissatisfied with you? If you have any difficult questions, tell me directly. I think they are scratching and itchy." General Bach knew something from Colinco's tone, so Asked.

"General Bach, there are no major problems for the time being, you can fulfill your wish with peace of mind, and I will take care of it here in the city."

Collinco looked at some vicissitudes of General Bach in the rearview mirror, bowed his head slightly, and answered with a respectful tone.

嗯 "Well, that's good, wait for you to come with me, if I have any problems on the spot, I believe that you can handle it with your ability, you know what to do."

明白 "Yes, but ... do you really want to test yourself, not some soldiers ..." Collinco took a deep breath and asked worriedly.

Xia Leng looked at Collinke's expression and tone through Yu Guang, not pretending. He thought he would be like the plot described in those dog blood scripts. After the master-servant status was exchanged, Collinco should He will seize political and military power while the general is in distress.

However, it seems that Collinco really followed Bach in a dead heart. This is indeed a rare and precious existence in an eschatological age where the Baptist is the most respected.

I ca n’t say, because every wise man is an “Oscar actor” in reality.

"I have an old bone anyway. The criminals who were tested before are all deserved. If you use the soldiers or residents and ordinary people to do the test, does this not go against my will and pursuit? I'm too old now, and I should go. There is nothing to complain about. "

Collinco was silent after listening to the general's words, and said nothing more.

Everyone knows that General Bach has paid so much for this city, and the only pursuit is to make all human beings no longer baptized and noble.

However, no one knows that it is harder than reaching the sky to achieve this wish.

Whether it is from ancient times to the last days, whether humans or animals, class distinctions have always existed, and it is impossible to obliterate them.

Like he is a general, the treatment between the soldier and him must be very different. This is also the distinction between high and low, but this is how to fight for it by his own ability.

And the baptist, it all depends on the lucky points spread by heaven for distribution.

Heiyu decides whether you become a baptist or a corpse or a miserable miserable, not depending on your original constitution and status, but entirely on the randomness of luck.

Even if you were an outstanding general in the old days, or a top athlete who won the gold medal for the country, after being exposed to the black rain, it may become a corpse without any thought, but the corpse mutated by the athlete runs Faster ...

But those lazy men, beggars, hooligans, and lunatics, after a rain, will undergo earth-shaking changes and become the hegemons who dominate today.

The leader of the Gluttonic Horde in the north of the city was drenched in black rain, which made him a high-level controller from a tramp who almost starved to death on the street.

Wu Xia Leng sat in the driver's seat, listening to the sentimental feelings of the two men in the car for so long that Lai Lai had begun to get bored ...

I thought that the two of them were here to meet each other. I simply waited until the vehicle drove into the dark and killed the two together. However, two consecutive city owners disappeared together. It is estimated that the city will soon face war. In the middle, make a mess of porridge ...

"Prell, let's go."

Finally, the general finally remembered that it was time to do business, so Xia Leng immediately started the vehicle and drove to the deeply hidden “biochemical waste treatment plant”.

While driving the car, Xia Leng felt the scattered spots in the surrounding 100 meters.

Judging from the danger sensations sweeping from time to time, it seems that there are more snipers around, and there are several baptist breaths in it. It should be that the eschatological hunters are also serving as secretly protecting the generals.

General Bach's treatment now is equivalent to the presidency of the old times, and security guards are responsible for his security anytime, anywhere.

And I heard that the security department also spent a lot of money and hired some high-level baptizers from outside to ensure the safety of the generals. Now it looks like this, which has given Xia Leng a sneaky way to complete the task quietly, bringing a little Hinder.

"General, have you heard? Recently, it has been rumored that there is a man who does not know what power he belongs to. He has almost the comprehensive ability of major baptists ~ ~ and can also change his appearance and sneak into the fort, Or the city was destroyed, and Komodo's affiliated fortress was destroyed by that guy. The city of Ionia was also said to have suffered a lot of damage, probably the ghost of that guy.

Uh ...

Su Xia Leng suddenly heard the words spoken by Collinco next to him, but she was a little bit agitated, but soon calmed down. I did not expect that my reputation would have passed here so soon ...

"Well, I know this, you want to say that according to the other party's destruction route, his next destruction target is likely to be our city, isn't it?"


General Bach looked at his calloused and old scarred palms and said, "If the other person really has such a great ability, even if he has already come in, we may not know that it may be with us, anyway, continue. Strengthen the management of the city. "

"I see, General."

He Xia Leng listened to the conversation between the two of them, silent all the way, in fact, he also knew that the place he was going through was basically in flames or completely destroyed, but it was also the case that those people took the initiative to hinder himself from performing the task.

If Parik didn't hinder himself at the time, Xia Leng took the map of the remaining base and left, and the fortress would not be turned upside down until it was destroyed.

Or, Pullman of Ionia did not lock him into the Colosseum, everyone was good to go, so that the whole city is still trying to arrest those prisoners who escaped from prison ...

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