Doomsday Virus

Chapter 172: Split

Everyone was cheering for General Bach's transformation success.

Xia Lian's fist had been tightened, and the eyes hidden under the mask locked the Bach in armor mode.

If the opponent enters the armor form again, Xia Leng is also very uncertain whether he can penetrate the layer of biological armor condensed by black light virus.

If the first raid is unsuccessful, it will definitely cause the highest alert of Bach and others, and will only bring a lot of trouble to his actions.

And most of the soldiers inside are ordinary humans. Xia Leng doesn't want to kill them all. Otherwise, wherever they go, some of the remaining humans will be destroyed by themselves ...

Before Bach's bio-armor covers the whole body, he must be killed and swallowed directly!

In addition, Bach seems to have obtained this armored ability only through the black light virus, and he has greater power, and does not have the blade-powered demon's ability to perceive the black light virus, as if he did not know the existence of Xia Leng.

So he is taking advantage of the defect of the other party, preparing to incarnate in a ghost hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to kill him instantly with his lightning speed!

机会 However, the opportunity is coming soon.

At this time, General Bach was wearing the uniform handed over by his men. After all, it was still uncomfortable to keep naked, and he did not have the ability to turn viruses into clothing.

Everyone is now filled with excitement, Bach is also infected by the surrounding environment, and he has been serious and stereotyped. He also started to laugh like a bell.

Know that when people are in a state of extreme excitement and happiness, they are the least vigilant of all emotions, and it is difficult to detect the danger of being around them, so that a reversal of joy and sadness occurs later.

Xia Leng may be because of this reason, all aspects of his emotions are stripping himself, and his mood and anger no longer affect his thinking and actions.

At this time, everyone didn't find out that when General Bach just came out of the container, he smashed into the tunnel with his two fists on the ground. The gravel powder inside did not start to gather and finally condensed into a hard and sharp cement cone!

Xia Leng stood on the third floor corridor, using his soil system control ability, to remotely control the cone in the dark!

He pointed the sharp end at General Bach's head, looking for the opportunity to run through his skull at the fastest speed before the armor was condensed again!

In fact, it is not that the brain of the black light host is so fragile. Otherwise, in the early summer cold, only one finger was left, and it was able to resurrect itself.

If the brain is severely damaged in a short period of time, it will cause a slight delay in controlling the virus, and various abilities will be affected more or less. Therefore, Xia Leng will focus on protecting his head during normal fighting.

夏 Just when Xia Leng was looking at the right moment, while Bach looked up at Collinco upstairs with a smile, and was preparing to manipulate the sharp cylinder directly through his brain, a breath that made Xia Leng very familiar came from behind him!

Da ~ Da ~ Da ~

A footstep came from the entrance. At this moment, all the staff in the hall were immersed in joy. They did not notice the presence of a person behind them. Even if they noticed it, they would not be suspicious, because the visitors were as special as they soldier.

But this soldier's walking posture is very weird, just like a zombie who has not adapted to his body, and walked staggered. If you look closely, you can still see a trace of blood left in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, another sentry outside the base that should have stood guard with him had lost more than half of his neck, like a trace of being bitten by a beast, and fell into a pool of blood ...

It was from this soldier that Xia Leng felt a breath very similar to himself, as if he was another one in the mirror!

He staggered into the cheering crowd, raised 狰狞 's face, and looked at General Bach, who had been transformed under the hall, with his dark pupils. The corner of his mouth was exaggerated, exposing a strange smile.

suddenly! He squeezed to the edge of the stairs on the third floor, ignoring the covered railings, and his upper body slumped outward.

Crackling! !!

He fell directly to the ground from a height of tens of meters, slammed a loud sound, and also splashed blood spots a few meters away!

Suddenly, the entire active hall calmed down within a second, and even General Bach looked at the big character lying on the ground in amazement.

"Everyone don't squeeze and push back, go back to their respective points, the medical staff went to see if the stupid was alive!"

The commander in charge of the security of the entire base immediately shouted loudly, thinking that the crowd squeezed caused this extremely sad event.

Afterwards, the two medics ran over with the medical kit, preparing to turn the soldier who had fallen off and turned to see if he was still alive.

Suddenly the moment he touched his body, the soldier's elbow crunched at a ninety-degree angle on his back, and his palms gripped the necks of two medics like iron tongs!

I didn't wait for everyone to react from this sudden situation. I only heard the crisp sound of two bones cracking again. The medic's neck was pinched into a thin paper and died instantly. !!

"Creak ~~"

After a while, this supposedly dead body lifted the horrified face that was crushed from the ground ~ ~ and sent out a creepy, sharp laugh ...

When Xia Leng heard this familiar laughter and the familiar feeling of breath, she immediately understood everything!

It's no wonder that just when Bach was fused with black light virus, his other personality unexpectedly didn't agitate any more. I didn't expect to know when he would split off from himself and attach to an ordinary soldier!

Could it be that small piece of viral tentacles left in the camouflage room to cover up the disguised corpse, and also split up another personality of oneself? !!

Although Xia Leng had long been anxious for this kind of dark personality that would cause himself troubles to stay away from himself, but at this time, this kind of thing is tantamount to making troubles for himself!

"Xia Leng, don't you want me to leave you, now your wish is fulfilled, creak ~"

Its neck turned directly like a hemp rope, and with the face to reveal the skull to look at Xia Leng, who was also disguised as a soldier upstairs, made a moan like a demon.

boom! !!

However, its voice had just fallen, and suddenly I heard only a thunderous gunshot reverberating in the hall. The soldier's body occupied by the dark personality, a fist-sized hole appeared in his broken face instantly, and it could even be seen through the hole. The floor below!

Collinco was standing on the top of the building at this moment. He was carrying a heavy anti-equipment in his hand, and his muzzle was still smoky. His cold eyes looked at the soldier on the ground who seemed to be possessed by a demon. A trace of disgust ...

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