Doomsday Virus

Chapter 176: Mecha

For almost half a minute, before he was full of confidence in the dark personality, he was completely beaten by Xia Leng's rapid offensive.

Whenever it wanted to fight back in anger, Xia Leng could rely on the blessing of the elves to perform a strange dodge position, leaving the opponent with no hair at all.

Finally, when the invincible creature armor began to peel off under the stormy summer offensive, the dark personality completely felt a strong sense of fear climbing up the backbone!

If you continue this way, then you will be like a turtle. The shell is completely disassembled, exposing the soft flesh. At that time, you can only let the other party slaughter at will!

After the dark personality begged for no fruit, he saw that the important armor on his head was about to be removed. He suddenly found that the ground was not covered by the fungus blanket, so he hurriedly hammered his fist and hit the ground with a hammer!


With the first loud sound, the reinforced concrete floor was instantly smashed into a huge crack by a powerful force, and with its second punch, the entire cement floor shattered and collapsed. !!

The gravel with the dark personality fell to the next level, just avoiding the deadly claw blows swept by Xia Leng!

"Damn bastard, why does he look crazy now than me ?!"

The dark personality shouted in horror and unwillingness. How could he never imagine that Xia Leng, who looked like a weak scholar, was even more irritable than his own dark side.

In the second floor corridor where they were fighting, the soldiers were just about to set up a bomb, blasted the second floor, that is, the third floor, and entered the black wall to launch a raid.

However, it was not expected that the floor above would break by itself, and the heavy concrete block and the Titanized dark personality fell down and hit them.

It saw that there were some scared soldiers around, and it killed a few with hammer fists, and swallowed them to supplement its lost blood and vacant energy.

After eating a few soldiers, the biological armor began to weave again.

At this time, Xia Leng also jumped down through the big hole from the top, and saw that the other side was killing and swallowing up in the crowd, and rushed past without saying a word!

The dark personality felt the threat approaching from behind, and immediately smashed his hammer and smashed behind him!

However, Xia Leng, who was still extremely agile, avoided the past, and waved his claw blade again to cut three deep scratches on his incompletely healed arm!


The dark personality snarled in pain and anger, but could not resist the enemy's fierce offensive. It had long been known that it was time to slip away by itself, and it should not be in conflict with its own body, so as to fall into the risk of being eliminated now.

With a strong resentment watching Colinco, after seeing the two of them finally reappeared, he again issued an offensive order. He did not want to let go of either of these two enemies!

At the entrance to the base, there are a steady stream of reinforcements with various types of heavy weapons to support them, and one of them is a particularly attractive special unit that is about to join this chaotic battle!

"I want you to taste, the baptism of anger from the Alpha team!"

As soon as Collinco's voice fell, a heavy metal collision sound came from the entrance.

I saw a team of exoskeleton mechanical warriors up to two meters in height and weighing about 1.5 tons, walked into the hall from the aisle!

Each of them wore heavy, fully enclosed mechanical armor, which could withstand the bombardment of rockets, and the internal control personnel were not harmed.

At the position of the robot arm, there are also suspended Vulcan Gatling machine guns, miniature tracking missiles, flamethrowers, and a zigzag whip with high voltage current!

These special arms combining humans with heavy machinery are the Afar Mech Team, which was developed by the military with a lot of manpower and material resources. The firepower carried by each person can make them stand alone. Be your own army!

Just as Xia Leng was fighting fiercely with the dark personality, a sudden and dangerous danger spread all over his body!

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! !!

At the moment when danger was sensed and evasive, the concrete floor where Xia Leng had stood on appeared a dense honeycomb-like bullet hole in an instant, and the size of each bullet hole showed that the caliber of the fired bullet was actually different from that of the machine. Carrier artillery armor-piercing shells are almost the same!

Xia Leng looked at the fierce firing sound that was constantly escaping, and saw the vulcan Gatlin hanging in the hands of the mechanical warriors spinning at a high speed, spraying the tongue of fire crazy at himself with a rate of fire of more than 6000 rounds per minute !!

The dark personality also heard the sound of bursting bullets, but it did not have the speed of Xia Leng to avoid the bullets in advance, so it was hit by the storm of bullets pouring out!

I thought that I had just recovered the armor form and could arbitrarily resist those human-made firearms ~ ~ However, as soon as it was touched by the Gatling bullet, its entire body was like a disconnected kite. The powerful impact force flew backwards and hit the wall fiercely!

Although the Gatling bullet did not penetrate the viral armor, the impact of the strong kinetic energy made the dark personality miserable. The bullet hit the hard shell, and the tremor it caused was unbearable torture.

If the Gatling bullet is hit like this all the time, even if the armor is not penetrated, it will be shaken into a meat sauce.


Xia Leng looked at these Alpha Mech units that had threatened himself. He wanted to give these ordinary humans a chance to survive, but because it poses a threat to himself, he will no longer be soft to them!

The two heavy soldiers used the holographic helmet on the face to lock Xia Leng's ghostly figure tightly, then pressed a button on his body.

Then, behind their mech, a row of dense miniature tracking missiles suddenly stretched out. After activation, they were launched out and flew to Xia Leng with the hot tail flame!

Each of these thumb-less miniature tracking missiles is equivalent to a high-explosive grenade. Although the power of only one grenade is not much, it is stuck to the body by hundreds of such missiles and explodes at the same time. It is estimated that any living thing can be evaporated and vaporized in an instant ...

When Xia Leng saw these miniature missiles with tracking function, he snorted, and directly used the control ability of the soil system to generate a concrete wall in front of them, which caused these missiles to hit the wall and detonate them!

As for the other half of the miniature missiles that continued to track around the wall, all the volleys were detonated by the black light spikes thrown by Xia Leng! !!

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