Doomsday Virus

Chapter 181: human nature

But now Xia Leng's attention is not on the two abilities he just acquired, but instead, he lowers his head and looks at the pile on the ground that is creeping frantically, trying to stay away from his black brain.

"Is this the culprit who killed General Bach and occupied him? Let me solve it and take revenge for the general !!!"

Collinco gritted his teeth and took a bazooka from his subordinates, intending to blast the disgusting thing directly into slag.

In fact, they don't know yet that this dark personality is separated from Xia Leng. In fact, he is the cause of all these disasters ...

Just when Collinco was about to pull the trigger, Xia Cooling suddenly stood next to the brain enclosing the dark personality, blocking the bazooka aiming point, which made Collinco bewildered. Is he going to hinder his revenge? !!

"Do you want its fragments to fly to each of your soldiers, spreading around every corner of the base?"

Xia Leng said lightly that he knew nothing about the characteristics of his own virus.

Xia Leng picked up the flamethrower that the mech warrior that had just been destroyed broke on the ground, and spit out the hot high-temperature flame directly at the black brain!

Instant! The black brain covered in the flames of thousands of degrees of high temperature began to frantically struggle and wriggle, like the deformed monster in the movie, constantly changing various weird shapes!

And under the continuous spray of flames, even a harsh screaming sounded, making everyone horrified and goosebumps!

Xia Leng treats himself with no mercy!

By the time the fuel of the flame spray gun was exhausted, the brain had turned into a piece of coke that was motionless and was smoky.

But after Xia Leng looked at it, he snorted, picked up another flame gun, and continued to bake ...

The dark personality pretends to be incapable of escape from Xia Leng's keen observation and understanding of himself. Under the continuous spraying, everyone really sees that coke is only a surface phenomenon, and the interior is still slightly moving!

finally! After exhausting the fuel of three flame guns in a row, the group of brains eroded by the dark personality completely turned into a puddle of toner that could not be broken anymore. When the breeze blew, it was scattered into tiny particles in one place. Resurrection is possible!

As for Xia Leng's dark personality, it also completely disappeared with the wind ...

After removing this major hidden danger, Xia Leng's heart suddenly seemed a little relaxed, and his future actions would no longer be hindered by another "self".

However, in the future, only Xia Leng walked down, because the second personality no longer exists ...

"Can you tell me, who the **** are you ..."

Collinco stared at Xia Leng dullly. The mystery of this man has been lingering in his mind, and which forces are qualified to take him down.

"Who am I ... I may not be human anymore."

Xia Leng looked at the soldiers with various expressions around him. I don't know when it started, and human emotions gradually began to strip themselves off. Mood and sorrow no longer exist, perhaps because these emotions will affect the battle and Progress of the task.

"Aren't you a baptist, why would you obey the orders of an ordinary human being, stay in this city dominated by ordinary people, or even serve them?"

Xia Leng interrupted many questions that Collinco prepared next and directly asked his own questions. He was also a little curious. If General Bach could not succeed, he could brainwash this mentally powerful wise man?

Collinco heard the other person's puzzlement and laughed bitterly, "Oh, do you think I want to be a baptist? I hate my identity even more than anyone else!"


Five years and five months ago, before the black rain erupted in the last days, Kolinko was a staff officer next to General Bach, doing his job due diligence.

Until one day, instead of the general, he was evaluating the training results of the soldiers in the military base, but the black rain suddenly came without warning.

Collinco, fortunately, became a baptist in the last days after being drenched by black rain.

At the beginning, he also obtained this special function for himself, showing great excitement, feeling the gift of God, everyone else has become a monster without thought, but he has become a new human being. Outstanding!

At that time, although he was still obedient to General Bach, who was an ordinary person, he showed an arrogant pride to other ordinary people's officers and colleagues. He is still remembering his enemies and finds faults about him becoming the acting city master.

After adapting to his own ability, Colinko remembered his parents and fiancee who lived in another city, so he asked a general and led a group of troops to pick up in another small town more than 100 kilometers away. Own family.

When I arrived in the town, I found that everything changed ...

The tourist demonstration town, which was originally pleasant and beautiful, has now become a deadly ghost town.

Countless rotting living bodies, roaring meaninglessly and roaming the messy streets.

On the pavement of the entire town, there were crashed vehicles and cleaned human bones, and no familiar language communication was heard. Only the creepy monster roar in the dark came from the wind.

However, he didn't worry too much, because under the floor of his living room, there was a 10-meter-deep air defense basement. The water and food stored in it could support a family of three to survive for several months, as long as they were not exposed to the black rain. , Hiding inside can safely wait for your rescue.

At that time, the country was in the period of emergency preparedness, and a full-scale war with the enemy might occur at any time, even rising to nuclear war. So Kolinko, who has a special status, sent his men to build an underground air-raid shelter in his own house. Come in handy.

When Collinco led the Armored Corps, crushed all the way to his door, rushed into the home with many soldiers, opened the air-raid shelter, and was excited to prepare to take his family away, he couldn't say a word shocked by the scene before him.

I saw that there were dozens of people in the space of less than ten square meters. Everyone was covered with feces and blood stains, and a heavy stench spewed out of it!

And these people are actually neighbors near their home!

It turned out that Collinco's parents were kind and could not see the neighbors being eaten by the monsters, so they were invited to their own air-raid shelters, waiting for his soldier's son to come to the rescue.

However, the food inside can support three people to eat for several months, but for thirty people, it will run out in less than a week.

Because the military base was still in the trouble of cleaning the city of Fairred Zhud at that time, there was not enough time to come here to rescue ~ ~ All communication signals also completely disappeared, so I delayed for a while and did n’t know it Condition.

And this time, the creepy horror happened in the underground air-raid shelter, that is, the food is not enough, and when everyone is facing starvation, the sensational event of people eating can happen ...

Among these neighbors, in fact, there are still a few lucky people who have been baptized by the black rain.

Naturally, these fortunate or extremely fast lucky people were respected as their leaders, and they also regarded themselves highly as ordinary people who lived together here as inappropriate people.

These small leaders composed of the baptist, see that the soldier son of the old couple hasn't come to rescue for so long, or they have become one of those humanoid corpses, to die in battle with monsters, anyway Should not come.

So they turned into white-eyed wolves, killing and sharing food for the oldest parents who were considered the most useless by Collinco, leaving only some bone residues ...

And Collin ’s beautiful fiancee, along with other women, has become their hair xie tool ...

Waiting for Collinco to arrive with her reinforcements, she had fallen into a corner uncovered, completely crazy, and while he wasn't paying attention, picked up a broken bone on the ground and cut her throat to kill herself ...

At that time, the leadership of several interim baptizers was also completely addicted because of the erosion of power. In the face of Collinco's anger, there was no trace of regret, and these ordinary people should be themselves. "Noble" food, or playthings.

From that moment, Collinco's pride as a baptist disappeared with the explosion of a dozen high-explosive grenades dropped in the air-raid shelter by his men ...

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