The ghost king's wife was born in a strange way.

"Wait a minute... It seems that the ability of the ghost king's wife is that if she feeds a ghost crystal of a certain attribute, she will have a high probability of giving birth to a ghost child of a certain attribute."

"If the ghost crystal of the ice ghost is fed to the ghost king's wife, it is very likely to hatch a ghost of ice attribute."

Lin Haoran suddenly remembered the ability of his ghost king's wife, and she should give birth to a second ghost child soon.

I don't know if feeding ghost crystals is still useful now.

The last item is the task item this time,

Ghost Ice Stone!!

Forging ghost tools is a rare material. Lin Haoran smiled and put the ghost ice stone into the system backpack.

Lin Haoran moved his mind and summoned the ghost king's wife who was nurturing the fetus.

"Husband... are you looking for me!?"

"Husband, do you miss me!?"

A black light flashed, and the beautiful figure of the Ghost Emperor Yanhou appeared beside Lin Haoran,

Holding Lin Haoran's neck with her delicate hands, she spoke to Lin Haoran in a tender voice.

Lin Haoran glanced at the Ghost Sword Immortal calmly, then smiled and said to the Ghost Emperor Yanhou:

"Madam... this ghost crystal is for you to eat. It is a ghost crystal of ice-attributed ghosts. I wonder if you can give birth to an ice-attributed offspring after eating it!"

The Ghost Emperor Yanhou's eyes lit up, and a pair of autumn-like eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and said to Lin Haoran:

"Leave it to me... husband."

"With this ghost crystal with such a high concentration, our second child can be born tomorrow."

The Ghost Emperor Yanhou looked at Lin Haoran sweetly, wishing he could merge into Lin Haoran's body.


Lin Haoran was delighted when he heard this. He didn't expect that the BOSS ghost crystal could shorten the gestation time.

This was also a pleasant surprise.

"Madam... Then you should eat this ghost crystal quickly."

Lin Haoran put the ghost crystal into the mouth of the Ghost Emperor Yanhou and said.

The Ghost Emperor Yanhou opened his cherry mouth directly, with red and sexy red lips, and swallowed the ghost crystal in one gulp.

He also deliberately held Lin Haoran's finger in his mouth, and his snake-like tongue kept wrapping around Lin Haoran's finger.

Little Haoran stood up and saluted on the spot. Suddenly, a sword energy rose from his back.

The sharp sword energy was like a castration knife.

Lin Haoran's little brother lowered his head directly.


Lin Haoran coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

At this time, the Ghost Emperor Yanhou also swallowed the ghost crystal,

and a black light appeared on his body.

"Ding Dong... Congratulations on the upgrade of your ghost, the Ghost Emperor Yanhou. Current level: Level 11."

The system's voice slowly sounded in Lin Haoran's ears,

The Ghost Emperor Yanhou finally upgraded.


The Ghost Emperor Yanhou made an alluring sound and slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the Ghost Sword Fairy on the side.

She knew that her husband's brother was scared,

It was because of her.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the Ghost Emperor Yanhou, and he smiled at Lin Haoran and said:

"Husband... Is this my sister?!"

"My sister is so beautiful..."

"No wonder she can charm my husband..."

The words of the Ghost Emperor Yanhou made Lin Haoran blush, and he smiled awkwardly.

Ghost Sword Immortal's cheeks couldn't help but turn red, as if she was the mistress of a married woman.


When the Ghost Emperor saw Ghost Sword Immortal's shy look,

he couldn't help but laugh, and walked towards Ghost Sword Immortal,

and came to Ghost Sword Immortal's side, and whispered in Ghost Sword Immortal's ear,

Ghost Sword Immortal's cheeks became even redder, like a peach.

"Husband, two should have a good chat, I have to go back to take care of my baby."

" have to be gentle to your sister."

After the Ghost Emperor whispered in Ghost Sword Immortal's ear, he came to Lin Haoran,

kissed Lin Haoran, and touched Xiao Haoran, and then said to the two of them with a smile,

with a hint of charm on his face, he turned into a stream of light and drilled into Lin Haoran's body.


Haoran's mouth twitched slightly. After becoming a wife, the Ghost Queen of Yanhou became more and more bold.

He missed the shy and pure queen at the beginning. She blushed even when kissed.

Now the Ghost Queen of Yanhou,

she screamed loudly in the grove.

Lin Haoran was terrified.

Always pay attention to whether Lao Liu is recording.'s really exciting! !


Lin Haoran's face returned to normal. He came to the Ghost Sword Immortal, whose face was still rosy, with a reggae gun in his hand and said:

"What did she say to you just now........."

"Why are your cheeks so red!?"

Lin Haoran couldn't help but ask curiously.


"Don't worry about it............."

The Ghost Sword Immortal touched his hot cheeks and said hesitantly.

Lin Haoran looked at Ghost Sword Immortal suspiciously, then took Ghost Sword Immortal's smooth and delicate hand and said:

"Let's go......... Let's go out."

"I'll hold your hand, it's too slippery here, I'm afraid you'll fall."

Ghost Sword Immortal couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Lin Haoran's lame excuse for taking advantage of him,

but he didn't break free from Lin Haoran's hand, but held Lin Haoran's warm palm tightly,

"So warm........."

Ghost Sword Immortal looked at Lin Haoran's back, and a happy smile appeared on his beautiful face.

Then one person and one ghost walked out of the cold cave,

and continued to set off to the next place.


PS: Thank you for the gifts, my dears!

Thank you all for your support for me.


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