Doomsday Wonderland

: 1002 abandoned

Holding a few steps in the arm of Bohemia, Lin San wine feels more and more wrong. She looked at the other side several times, and a doubt floated in her heart and gradually became a shape. Thinking about it, she slammed her feet and stared at Bohemia. Her heart was bright: "He - is he taking your strength?"

Bohemia had a white face, and his eyes turned a few turns in the direction of the doll, and he did not dare to scream. Instead, it was the black figure in front of him. He heard the words and did not return to the cold and snorted: "What is it?"

Sure enough, he did it!

No wonder Bohemia is not injured, but now it seems that the qi is too weak to stand still and stand still. Before Lin Sanjiu came to this level of the patio, the puppeteer had been fighting with the female travellers for a while with a serious injury; now think about it, he is afraid that half of his physical strength will last for so long. Is it from everyone's meat battery?

"Do you want to be tight?" she asked in a low voice toward Bohemia.

This sentence seems to have suddenly turned Bohemia's grievances out. She flattened her mouth, a pair of crying and crying, to be angry and not angry, even the nails were deeply plunged into the skin of Lin Sanjiu, and shook his head quickly.

It seems that the doll teacher seems to have not let her go.

Now that petite woman has been controlled, it is equal to a white meat battery that is not used by others; but it is difficult to make it difficult for people to change their goals according to their suggestions. Lin San is very certain that if she speaks directly, Bohemia’s battery may have to be faint.

"Hey, that," she yelled at the back of the doll. "I want to discuss something with you."

Although he did not look back, the feeling of irritability and anger of the puppeteer suddenly became like a fire of oil, and it was a lot stronger - he was rarely greeted by a dog.

"I don't trust this woman, called Ai... Is Elian?" Lin Sanshui raised his voice and said: "Even if she really took us out, she would definitely find a chance to run away -"


She snorted and smacked her head and said, "If you don't turn her into a doll, can we control her by other means? For example, let her have the spare capacity for action..."

The doll's teacher is slightly on the side, and the glitter under the black hair flashes: "We?"

"Okay, okay," Lin Sanshui sighed and said, " Do you have a way?"

When the name was named, the petite woman had already shown a vigilance; but she was firmly surrounded by several people in the center, and if she didn’t do it, she couldn’t even take a few steps to exit – until the doll’s arm seemed to be The snake suddenly caught in the grass suddenly caught her, she seems to have just realized what happened.

When Elian’s rebellion had not yet taken shape in a flash, she suddenly succumbed to the deflated ball. She was softly squatting, and her feet were awkward. She couldn’t help but breathe a few breaths and looked a lot.

It turned out to be so smooth!

Lin Sanjiu just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the doll teacher tied her with an ice-like gaze.

"Export and export are here,"

After a while, Elian stopped her foot and pointed to the vent of a half-meter square on her finger. "This is the exit left in the blockade, pretending to be a vent, in order to...come to meet us afterwards."

When she said this, she couldn’t help but look down. She seemed to think that her companion was dead. She was the last person left.

The puppet teacher seemed to be delighted by this stunnedness, and a half-shadow laughed: "Open it."

Ariane is short and jumps up and can't reach the vents on the ceiling. When she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly looked awkwardly - I saw a doll who looked down at her with her head down and squatted at her. This doll Lin San wine is also a bit familiar; when he was fighting, he always seemed to be following Arian, as if she was a deputy.

"Take it up, don't hesitate." The doll teacher lifted his chin.

Elian squinted her mouth, still stepping on the knees of the doll and climbing on his shoulder. The puppet teacher did not seem to worry at all that she would take the opportunity to escape and stand still. After her former deputy slowly stood up, she stretched her arm and pushed the vent.

The steady steady airflow rushed out of the vents, and a few seconds passed, nothing happened.

Arian snorted and quickly glanced at a few people. This time she took out a plastic magic wand that looked like a primary school toy, and poked a few vents - but the metal frame was just knocked "bump" and the echo echoed far away from the air duct. Go out.

... no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a disguised vent.

"I swear, it's really a vent," Arian was afraid that the puppet teacher would be angry and rushed to argue: "Maybe another, let me find out..."

She rode on the neck of the doll and knocked the four vents in the hallway, but none of them suddenly opened and became an exit from the place. Under the eyes of the puppeteer, her face became worse and worse, and she suddenly looked at the plastic rod in front of her eyes.

"This is what they gave me," Elian's lips trembled a little. "I didn't look at it carefully. They said it was a prop that sent the message remotely. It is reasonable to say that as long as it is knocked, we know that we are ready to go out..."

"Get it, let me see." Lin Sanjiu extended her hand to her.

[Goods in Honglin Stationery]

Located across the road from Honglin Primary School, selling cheap stationery, toys and snacks. This is one of their goods, the price is three and five, the only role is to be waved by the pupils in their hands.

"啪" threw the plastic magic wand on the ground, and Elian climbed down from the doll almost with a roll. She sat on the ground slyly, looking at the blood and body in the distance, and for a while there was no sound. Until the cool, almost gloating sound of the doll teacher scared her into a spirit -

"It turns out that you are all abandoned." His half face was like ice, and the other half of his face was mocking, but it seemed to be mixed with disgust and anger: "...a bunch of bugs without new ideas."

"Impossible," Elian looked down at the floor, her voice trembled: "I am the fastest-rising cadre in the night traveler in recent years, I... they all said that my future is boundless! How come it is my turn to do Abandon the child?"

"They have been prepared for a long time, so many people are not going to?"

Lin San wine frowned, whispering to the puppet teacher and Bohemia: "No, ah... these people have high combat power, ability and practicality, are elites. Besides, if they win, is it true?" Will the night tour women let them sleep in here?"

"If you win, you will definitely withdraw the blockade!" Bohemia resumed a little strength, and began to rush to answer quickly.

"That plastic rod can not pass the news," Lin Sanjiu reminded her, "How do people outside the blockade know that they are not winning?"

"Will it be perspective?"

Bohemian did not finish this sentence, but Ariane raised her head slyly.

"No, perspective is rare," she said, and her pupils were narrowed down. "But... I think they are likely to put surveillance items on someone. It's not hard to do..."

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her and looked at the puppet teacher. Suddenly she felt that Arian’s attitude was not quite right.

Arian is obviously in fear, but if she is afraid that she is useless and will be killed by the teacher, then she obviously should not say the same sentence - say, it is equal to admit that she has Not useful.

"That is, someone outside has been watching the war?" Bohemia murmured. "If you win, you will open the exit. If you lose, you will treat them as abandoned."

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the puppet master. The latter's face was gloomy, but she couldn't see much emotion; she coughed and approached Elian and squatted.

“What are you afraid of?” she whispered. “Are you afraid of being made into a doll?”

Elian swallowed a sip and raised her head.

"I heard people talk about this possibility, but I never thought about it... It could be a fact." She said dryly, "When the puppeteer can’t be suppressed, or the risk is too great, then the abandonment ... there is one more."


"Not who - is the Yuehai!"

Wow, it fits perfectly with the title. I think I need to fork my waist... and I have to stand on the Everest.

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