Doomsday Wonderland

: 1029 Sikang in the rainy days

The overwhelming dark clouds oppressed on a tall building, getting lower and lower, more and more heavy, and even the white scorpion was soaked by the dampness and coldness of the mountains and rains, sinking heavily under the low sky. Lin Sanjiu and the two walked for ten minutes. The air finally couldn’t bear the weight of the thick thick clouds, and the raindrops fell down.

Once the head was opened, the rain suddenly became fierce in a blink of an eye. The dense rain column roared down and the sky quickly rose up. Water vapor, dim skylight, and endless, no intermittent rainstorm, make all the scenery retreat from the field of vision and disappear into the white mist, even things a few meters away, it is difficult to see through the wet eyelashes.

The soaked clothes are soaked on the body, as if they are falling from the air, they can't breathe; every step taken, they will "squeak" and "squat" and step on a soak of water from the insole. Compared with ordinary people, as a keenly evolved person, it feels more uncomfortable when it rains. The two insisted on walking in the empty street for a while, finally gave up and hurriedly walked up the roadside steps to hide. Under the roof of a second-floor residence.

In such a weather, probably no one will come out to catch a mental illness.

Unexpectedly, Bohemia did not complain.

"Erasing the face," Lin Sanjiu handed her a towel. "How are you so quiet?"

Bohemian ambiguous voice rang from the towel: "It’s raining, it’s not controlled by people. Is there anything to say? If you want to say it, that is the light that I have met in my life. I can make me exhausted."

It is common to see that she has lost her temper. Lin Sanjiu almost forgot that she was also a resident of the 12th world who survived today.

Taking back the towel, she looked back at herself - the red door just filled the last corner, a parallel square that tilted to the right; but compared to other buildings, it was quite regular.

"I don't worry about the rain," Bohemia's hair was soaked, the golden brown was dark brown, and it was smacked on the skin and clothes. She simply grabbed them all. Tied to a low pony tail. "What I am worried about is that you can't find a way to go to the garbage dump. You look at this city plan, and you can't catch up with the amateur designers who are half-way in the 12th world. So for a while, I even look for where I am from where I went. Nothing!"

Waiting for a professional architect or a landscape architect to transmit is really a small chance; therefore, the part of the twelve worlds built by the evolutionists is basically relying on special items, a shallow primer, and a sky-high space. The imagination and the expansion of blind self-confidence.

However, compared with this world, the twelve circles look really professional.

Lin Sanshui sighed - even if she knew the direction, she was not sure she could get back to the dump. Since they left the entrance and exit, the chasing soldiers did not meet a few, but they were forced to turn around several times because of the sudden cut off the road.

"Look at this door," Bohemia pointed behind him, "歪成-"

As if she had sensed her fingers, the red door suddenly opened and opened, revealing a fluffy silver hair. Under the silver hair, it is a face with deep lines and a calm look; this old woman of about sixty or seventy years old looks good in spirit and has pink on her cheeks. As soon as the door opened, a muffin-like aroma was saved from behind her. She looked at the two people up and down, as if they felt that they didn't look dangerous, and asked: "...Do you need to come in and hide from the rain?"

Lin San wine's gaze crossed her shoulder and saw a small round in the hallway with an old telephone.

"Thank you so much," she pulled Bohemia and smiled at the old lady: "The rain stops, we will leave immediately."

Bohemia immediately glanced at her and seemed to be taken aback.

The old lady opened the door - due to the shape limitation, the door panel had to be divided into three separate openings to allow people to enter and exit. I really don't understand why I designed it like this. She turned and led the two into the hallway and said, "I am ready to drink tea... You can wipe the body in the bathroom and have a cup of hot tea together."

"What a hello."

While passing through the old telephone, Lin Sanjiu smiled and said, and reached for the rear of the circle and touched the telephone line. I grabbed it with my index finger and thumb, and with a little force, the old telephone line couldn’t stand it, and it was crushed into pieces by her fingers.

When the three people sat together in the gloomy reception room, the rain outside the window was even more amazing. Immersed in the rumble of the heavens and the earth, it is almost difficult to hear what the face-to-face people said; the sky has disappeared by the majority, and it has been stunned and dark by the four walls, leaving only the residual shimmer in the hall.

Occasionally, when a white lightning strikes through the rainstorm outside the window, it illuminates the face of the old lady who is leaning against the tea.

The shape of the reception room is also not regular, and most of the corners are in the shadows; it is normal to put on furniture such as TVs and sofas, but all the furniture is like the owner. The meaning of the year.

"Take me the grilled Sike," she said in the dimly lit room, she gestured a little golden face in her hand. "My wife likes to eat it most... After he left, I continued this habit. Come down, I will bake a few teas every afternoon at this time. I just happened to do a few more today... After all, at my age, I can’t say which day is the last day.”

Lin Sanji couldn't help but look at Bohemia, and then he was relieved—even the person who loves her so much, just now put the cup close to the lips; Sike was pinched down a small piece. Later, it was still placed on the cup and saucer.

... Even if it is a world of ordinary people, they still have to be more careful. Especially after experiencing the world of eating, Lin Sanjiu is naturally wary of all the things that are imported.

The old lady is eating very fragrant.

"Are you not a local?" She ate a few after a while, and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. "I saw it at a glance."

“We have a relative who works at the garbage collection company here,” Lin San asked tentatively. “But we accidentally lost the address and lost. Do you know which direction the garbage disposal site is?”

Where do ordinary people pay attention to the garbage dump? The old lady was also asked, and for a long time, she raised a finger: "You wait, I am going to get the city's facility information book... that should be there."

The two looked at her small step and walked out of the reception room. They looked at each other and stood up from the sofa. They glanced around for a few laps.

"This wall is also designed to be disgusting," Bohemia walked to the other side of the reception room. He looked at a wall and frowned. He couldn’t help but poke: "Why are you covered with one small one?" The hole... is dense, like a pore."

Lin Sanjiu has long been accustomed to the world's unreasonable aesthetics, and stepped closer to the TV - in fact, to play a little imagination, in order to recognize this thing is TV, because it and the fat man in the garbage dump TV, grows almost without the same thing. She opened a thick, meat-like thing, and saw the entire screen; on the screen, her fingertips immediately caught some slight heat.

... It seems that not long ago, this TV was still on.

Greeting Bohemia, she found the button to turn the TV on - the light was shining, the two could not help but be surprised. Two of their familiar faces are now on the screen, responding directly to their gaze, the background is the small hall full of counters; at the same time, a female voice narration continues to emphasize: "... ... urgent news, today's entry and exit has entered these two mental patients, currently in flight, ask the public to take appropriate measures in time to find out... repeat again, urgent news..."

"啪", Lin San wine immediately pressed the TV. Turning her head, her gaze hit Bohemia - the latter also reacted and was licking her lips.

Judging from the clues, the emergency news has been circulating on TV for a long time; and before they walked into the house, the old lady apparently saw them on TV.

... So what is she going to do next?

Do you have a good time and a thousand rewards? Surprised... Even if I immediately ate 200 pounds, it was not enough for meat! Really, it will spoil me... There are also ink-colored sorrows, rabbits with thick hair and fearlessness, 9 9.5, 薇, 凛然小草菇, 筱妮儿, Yingyou, 绾慬, Nanqiao forget Sichuan 179688148277 Your husband and wife, so, I will tell you a paragraph of comic dialogue... It’s a tail. Thank you, 1179, free elements, Wenchang painting, book friends 20110611221340318, slow wolf, Dai Zikai, Pacific squid, Shengtianjun, for Spartan, DorisQ, gift for me, Galileo's apple, Zhu Xi's Paperweight, purple secluded sunny, you are always owing to the sun, 179688148277, not gentle ladies, symphonic poems, singer cats, overbearing Ayun fall in love with me, goods are not with the price, Xiaojing 愁云改, Zhang Jing 19, Erpiang, Mo MMM, Zhang Mingming, slumberyt, Lin Biao, barley oh, tail note, firewood flower, A Bao of the package, and Fu Jin of Mumbai are all rewarded! Thank you, Liuli Yueyao Chixi, Spartan is my husband, juvc, Feiyu long sparse, do not like to go downstairs, raw as early summer, Huaxin years no longer, book friends 7**58, wheat 1140, dawn sky, onion garlic Tail, August fire, leisure ya, repair 榆 佬 actually 14 months vote ... lemon-flavored candy, take righteousness, I am a small pot sama, cinney, Braze Liu, XXICAC and other monthly votes!

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