Doomsday Wonderland

: 1036 Sambo platter

In the moment when I realized that the bed was blinking, Lin Sanjiu suddenly hurried back a few steps - thanks to her body reaction faster than consciousness, violently quit after a distance, the doll and his chin The saliva towel below is hidden in the darkness of the shadows, and it is not clear.

The eyes of the two met in the dim light, and the air silenced for a few seconds.

"...have you got something wrong?"

When the puppet teacher opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and weak, and compared with the gloomy coldness of the past, he was almost not like the same person.

"Here... what's going on?" It seems as if every word can make him faint.

She didn't expect him to wake up so fast.

The situation at the moment is really a bit unpleasant to explain - in Lin Sanjiu scratching his face, seeing the figure on the bed seems to have been impatient to struggle to sit up, busy crying "Don't move!"; Without much thought, a series of keywords slipped out of her mouth: "Great Flood, Delivery, Your Visa, Edible Truth, Hospital!"

... OK, it's quite a good explanation.

At the very least, the doll teacher immediately understood the ins and outs - he really gave up the struggle and returned to the pillow. It’s just such an action, it’s already asking him to breathe, and the gasps are stirring and stirring the night.

Perhaps because of the injury, he did not seem to find that he had a piece of something under his chin... Lin Sanjiu avoided the power of the saliva towel and dared not go too far, standing far away, exploring the neck and asking: "I Didn't find a doctor, would you sleep for a while?"

Even in the dark, the light that rises when the other person's eyes turn over can make people feel cold.

Fortunately, she has long been used to it.

She guessed that the puppeteer must have a lot of words to ask at the moment, but he only needs a mouthful, and he will breathe low; he should be the reason why he is not willing to show weakness in front of her, the puppet teacher is licking his mouth, a superfluous The word is not willing to say.

Then she had to start her words.

"Do you have any special treatments for your treatment or life-saving?" Lin Sanjiu circumvented his bed and asked the medicine cabinet again.


She sighed secretly: she did not imagine a puppeteer who was desperate. Anyway, "When is it dead, when will it be pulled down?" - She is actually very difficult to understand, how can people live with such thoughts.

"There are some things here, I see if I can use them... You can sleep peacefully, I am here, I will not be in trouble."

"...there is no peace of mind when you are there."

I really want to hurt his mouth.

"……Do not touch me."

Lin Sanjiu just found a roll of bandages, and he was stopped by these words. He had to put down the bandages and wait for him to fall asleep again. "How do you feel now? Where is it uncomfortable?" ”

"...had you graduated from the medical school?"

Even if I can't breathe, I don't forget to sneer... In addition to sighing, she was blocked for a while. After listening to the night, the puppets took a heavy breath and finally turned into a few words: "Why? ......?"

She felt that she understood it in a flash.

They have never been a true companion. In fact, Lin San’s relationship with them is nothing to say – this subtle relationship has long since deviated from companions, friends, enemies or couples, etc. Any standard definition; they confront each other, understand each other, don't like each other, but the road is deeply entangled.

If you let a person live, you have to make him angry, even if it means... more people may die in the future. But afterwards, let's go and let it go.

"I don't want to save you. After all, we are acquaintances," she pulled another drawer and bent down and said, "I can't really watch you die. You have no other, but you It’s a must. If you didn’t kill me at the beginning, I can’t leave you alone now.”

She picked up a tube of ointment with a flashlight. Although she didn't know a word, she looked at it for a while, and said to her back, "You can rest assured, nothing, the evil will live for thousands of years!"

The puppet master probably has the will to live because of anger, and he is not the best proof that he has not killed her. Looking at her, she turned out a whole bottle of cans and jars. He gasped for a while, apparently holding back his anger and slowly said: "I asked... why, I have a leek on my shoulder. ”

... the part that is not well explained comes.

"Well? Amaranth? This is strange," Lin Sanjiu didn't go to the performance class for a long time, so don't open his face, lest the party should see the clue: "You don't need me to give you off--oh, well, I know I am not going to."

In Yu Guangli, he took off the awkward look of the leek, which made people feel a little uncomfortable. However, she did not reveal a look that she should not reveal, and her eyes and eyes were pretending to be invisible; after the puppet teacher finally recovered the stable atmosphere, he finally asked: "Eatable...?"

"Truth, edible truth," she hurriedly said, "is the name of the world. Do you know anything?"

This visa was obtained by him. He should know more than himself. Sure enough, the puppet teacher sighed a little and seemed to relax.

"It turned out to be this..." He closed his eyes gently, and the voice was vague. It was like a whisper that couldn't be heard: "I will be relieved."

The puppet teacher is relieved, Bohemia is not at ease.

The metal also has a certain degree of flexibility; when she just slammed the wall of the box, the bulge from the back of the metal wall is getting higher and higher, getting closer and closer, and seeing it from the front of her. In the past - in the shock for half a second, she jerked back to God, immediately like a frightened squirrel, slammed into the front of the car, quickly lowered his body and stared at it.

The bulge that rises like a human face completely deforms the wall of the metal box; even in the sound of the engine of the loading car, she can clearly hear the heavy hum of the metal being pulled.

Soon, at the protrusion, a black seam was slightly cracked.

what exactly is it?

For angle reasons, no one except her found that there was a "that" that was drilled out from the front of the box; all the heads that came out of the window were facing the sky - from the high In the box filled with corpses, more and more thin columns of flesh-colored pillars gradually emerged, like a cluster of inexplicably disgusting pillars, slowly stretching toward the sky.

"Ordinary people just can't stand it,"

Bohemia whispered a whisper, quickly climbed to the top of the co-pilot in the face of the wind, and smashed the glass with a fist--the crisp sound just exploded, and there was a shock in the inside. But instead of waiting for this scream to fall, she had already hanged half of her body, and both hands plunged in, grabbing the collar of the man in the passenger seat, and slammed him out of the broken glass window.

The screams quickly turned into long call signs, and she was stunned to the rear, and could not hear clearly. The wind rolled up her wide, swaying dress, wrapped in a stream of air, and she had dexterously flipped into the window from the roof of the car - rubbing her flying corner, the roof slammed The sound of a bullet hitting the sound flashed.

In another car driving parallel to the loading car, the muzzle was moved, revealing the face of Lao Da.

"It’s the woman’s companion!” he yelled at the rear, still trying to aim at Bohemia: “She is coming up!”

The loader driver may be the one who was the most stressed on the scene - Bohemian sat firmly, and he made a cry from the throat. She reached for a shot on the driver's head and said, "Unload the box!"

Another whisper that I don't know if it is choked.

"Don't unload," Lao Da heard, yelling and yelling: "The box is still not broken, and then persist for a while, we will soon cross the border!"

In countries where the night is not closed, the border seems to be open to the world.

"Keep your mother," Bohemia slammed his hand, and the short knife that was recovered from Lin Sanjiu was placed on the driver's neck: "There is a ‘that’ that grows out from behind and will soon hit the front of the car!”

If she had to keep these people alive and ask questions, she wouldn’t bother to say that they would be hit by something.

"Good, good, I am unloading," the driver was cold and sweaty, and even looked at the rearview mirror. "I will unload this--"

In the last half of his sentence, he was overwhelmed by the loud sound of the sudden collapse of the box.

Just like pulling out a cage and regaining freedom, the box is cracked, and a long, slender black shadow suddenly plunges into the sweet air of the outside world; it grows much faster than several other companions. However, as soon as he reached into the night, he suddenly raged. In a blink of an eye, he crossed the small space where the box and the front of the car were connected. He banged it and straightened into the front of the car.

Bohemia couldn’t even say a word. When the shadows crashed into the front of the car and the driver’s seat was swallowed in the blink of an eye, she also slammed the door sideways and fell into the night wind. In the middle of the road, she squatted on the road. She slammed a few rounds and finally stopped. She had already bruised several places.

Looking up again, a slender, flesh-colored pillar, like a bamboo stick, passes through the barbecue and slowly stretches out from the front of the front of the car, getting longer and longer.

When the other cars were shocked and slammed in the direction and braked, the tires rubbed against the sharp sound of the ground, as if screaming and smashed the night sky - Bohemia jumped up and quickly swooped into the roadside shrubs. In the clumps; she just settled down, only to hear a few loud noises behind her, and the heavy trucks slammed into each other's bodies, broken glass, gasoline smell and **** suffocating, and exploded in the night. .

Bohemia gasped and stood up, sweeping four. The blood dripped from the car, the drivers' heads shattered the windshield, and it seemed unlikely that they would survive. She took a sip, but suddenly heard a bang, the box full of dead bodies. One side suddenly broke.

On the floor of the metal plate, several bodies rolled down; several tall, thin, thin pillars swayed in the night wind, as if enjoying this peaceful and beautiful world - it seemed to be aware of what it was, slowly They turned slightly in the direction of Bohemia.

"This place is very safe..."

Bohemian might not have imagined that before the distant puppet gradually fell asleep, this was the last word he spit out.

There are several characters, the chapter name is the dish/rice that is made up of several ingredients, what is the official CP!

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