Doomsday Wonderland

: 1038 Sixi Meatballs

Before the end? Six months? Very - and - flat?

Lin Sanjiu fools a fool?

Bohemia pressed the heart of the fire, endured nausea, and pinched up a soft, drooping face with his fingertips -

Take a closer look, it is five or six centimeters thick, and it has a layer of "blood flesh" and a layer of "bone". When it is squeezed, it will smash out fresh red blood and fat. If it is hurt, as long as it is not like now This is peeled off like a scorpion, and the "blood" wrapped in the skin will seep out. If the wound is deep, you can still see some shadows like muscles and bones. I am afraid that it is not much different from normal human roots.

Originally the back of the head, now is a wide open skin crack, deep black and faintly exuding suffocating, in the night can not see what is inside. But even her, she can't afford the courage, the thick outer skin torn down - the evolutionist can't do it, and only 12 people can continue to change face.

Then again - why even the scalp has been torn open, this self-proclaimed thing is still not dead? How can I kill him?

Bohemia looked down and just under the skin of the turned down, a pair of half-covered white eyes and her gaze.

... she only wants to vomit now.

Really **** hoping to see some cute things slowly.

"Since I saw you for the first time," she squinted and her stomach was sinking: "Every time I see you, the situation is getting more and more disgusting. If you are really personal, you should reflect on yourself." But when my companion sees you, we will know what you are."

The face turned down and half-hanging face, and the words were slightly lifted, seemingly expressing doubts.

Anyway, after killing him, let Lin Sanjiu cardize it, and all the information about him will be there! Her embarrassment is to inquire about intelligence, this time can be regarded as a complete merit--that is, taking the road that Lao Da went back, it is a bit uncomfortable.

... is it safe now?

She looked up and glanced at the thin, thin pillars not far away. Unknowingly, the thin pillars of the new students have densely covered a small square of sky; between the slender shadows of the swings, even the boxes that they protrude from them are not clear, far away. Going, it’s like an overturned truck full of meat sprouts.

...this way, I don’t know why it makes her feel a little familiar.

Strange, obviously she has never seen such a nausea thing... Where did she make her familiar?

Anyway, these things that scared her, it seems that there is no danger. She has been on the alert for a few minutes, and these flesh-colored pillars are still enjoying the sweet night wind, as if she is not at all concerned with her existence...

She just thought of it, and suddenly there was a rustling in the ear – it was like something was rubbing her feet.

how is this possible? There is only one dead body there!

When Bohemian was shocked, the movement quickly became almost half-mirror; she hurried to the rear, and when the man was still in the air, a crystal-clear, fine sand-like shadow was already whistling. Rolled up to the grass at the foot, and also the half of the body hidden in the grass -


A pair of ears suddenly emerged from the distant grass with two pointed points; Bohemia's feet did not wait to land, and the eyes met the big round green eyes. The sand-like shadow slammed into the air and slammed into the ground—only a small part of the right arm of the corpse was touched; the arm suddenly seemed to be eroded. There was a white smoke in the air.

The two big eyes looked at each other for half a second in the night, and they both slammed each other.

"I hate it!" A kitten jumped out of the grass and swung two circles around the body. "Look what you did!"

Bohemian is full of shame, can't wait to kneel down and swear, and his face is red and said: "Yes, sorry..."

"The right arm is broken,"

Although at first glance it looks a little dirty, as long as you pay attention to it, you will find that compared with the human beings in the doomsday world, the condition of this cat is so good that it is so slick - the skin is smooth and rich, and the eyes are clean and hydrated. It is the best balance between health and beauty. Even the slightly defiled little backpack, the original color is matched with its own coat color... If you really want to say it, it seems that its recent days are not so good.

"You don't know if this is a very important medical material?" The cat said very unhappy.

"It's my fault," Bohemia honestly lowered his head and pushed the old **** on the ground with half of his scalp forward: "If you like, please take this away and count it as my compensation for you." Let's go."

The hair on the back of the cat blew up.

"What is this stuff? This is!"

Under the forehead hanging from the half, Lao Da panted and said: "People... actually I am a human."

Bohemia was very diligent and pushed him a few more. "Come on, cat doctor, please accept this person."

"People?" The cat doctor stepped back two steps, and the white beard stood up. "If he is a human, I am a doctor - well, I am the king!"

"Your temperament is enough for the king." Bohemia patted the palm of his hand.

Perhaps it is the one who has no resistance, but has the ability to resist. The attitude is particularly good. The cat doctor has been squatting for a while, and finally he is not going backwards. But it is not too close, only stretched his neck and looked at the inside of the old leather bag: "Oh, it’s really strange... I was just going to take a body back and study it. I didn’t expect it. s things……"

"People." Lao Da corrected weakly.

"If you want a body, I can help." Bohemia said, he has already put on his sleeves. "You can do it on your own voice - where do you want to move? My companion can wait, don't worry." ""

The cat doctor looked at her and finally relaxed a little, and spit out a long breath - the white beard fell down.

"Great," its tone gradually became sour. "I finally met a normal person. The people in this world are too cold, and even one who is willing to lend a helping, if they are with this If things are the same, it’s no wonder."

"...I have said that it is a human being."

No one cares about his words - after listening to the cat doctor a few words, Bohemia is so upset and tears. The fluffy golden brown head slammed up and down. She said diligently: "Do you have a place to stay now?"

The cat doctor picked it up and scratched his head with his hind legs: " If you can find a hospital, it would be fine."

"This is not a coincidence, this is not!" Bohemia slaps and sighs: "My companion is going to the hospital! And she has a special ability, no matter if you need to bring a few bodies, she uses her hand. A touch can instantly become a card -"

The "slice" sound was gone, and the green eyes suddenly came in front of her nose.

"...Your friend, is it Lin Sanjiu?"

Bohemia’s mood at this time is like discovering that the neighbor’s eldest brother knows Michael Jackson – she is almost excited to jump: “The original, she has this honor to know you!”

"That's good." The cat doctor nodded in a nod, using a forefoot - the forehand, patted her knee. "I didn't expect to meet old friends here... I was relieved. But before we left, did you forget something?"


The kitten looked up, and a pair of dark green eyes looked into the night sky. The starlight seemed to be thrown into the green pool. It didn't look at the other side at first glance, just point it with the tip of the tail: "Well... what are the things that are particularly disgusting?"

Bohemia regretted that she had not read more books before.

"Well... what is it... Anyway, they don't seem to be offensive... I just followed the trucks all the way. They just seemed to be satisfied when they grew out of the dead body. Ah!" She suddenly remembered and hurriedly grabbed the old man. Shaking up and shaking - it is strange to say, although from the torn open place, his head is like a scalloped bag; but his body part, both in appearance and weight, feels Like a person, you can even touch the hard shoulder bones.

"This guy seems to know a lot!"

The cat doctor looked at Lao Da: "He passed out."

"Ah, I am sorry, let you laugh." Bohemia shook him a few times. Just when she was guilty of how to wake up this thing, the cat doctor ordered the one closest to her. The thin column of flesh-colored: "This is what grew out of the cranial cavity of the body."

"High!" She slammed her hand, and Lao Da fell to the ground, and the scalp opened violently - this made him slowly open his eyes.

The thin pillar that grew out of the body's neck seemed to be because the nutrients under the feet were not as good as their brothers and sisters, so it was a few short laps, only a taller than Bohemia - the head of the person who was topped up by it. Still swaying in midair, but I can't see it clearly.

"Like this," the cat doctor stretched out a sharply curved nail and scratched it like a demonstration: "You cut the top of it and cut it halfway, then help me take the body and the thing to the hospital."

"No, no!"

Not waiting for Bohemia to speak, Lao Da spoke hoarsely: "Never hurt them... As long as they cut a corner, you...including me, they will be remembered by them... their servants... It will come in endlessly..."


Bohemian bowed and suddenly stood up straight - as soon as she reached out, a paper crane that fell from the sky fell on her hand.

"Bohemian!" Lin San wine's voice sounded anxious and anxious, as if she was in a battle, but the background sound was silent: " must never come over, don't enter the city! We Surrounded!"

In fact, it is still a three-treasure platter. I feel that since I wrote the new world, I switched back and forth between easy pleasure and disgusting horror... I have to be fine.

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