Doomsday Wonderland

: 1049 The servant of truth

In the moment when flesh and blood and leather have turned into pieces of smashed powder, the moment they blasted, they were so short that they couldn’t think about anything – they were too late to retreat, and they were innocent; Bohemia’s mind just flashed a past Ah, it is the ability to paint the blast. The fine rain and fog formed by the corpses and the skin of the skin have already covered them tightly.

“哗”, I don’t know how much blood, broken bones and fleshy foam dripped down, like a torrential rain hitting the road.

Bohemia and the cat doctor stood in the blood of a place and were stupid.

Just now... what happened?

The puppeteer died, and then Lin Sanjiu - but that has been trying to grasp every friend's Lin San wine - to personally blow up his body?

Could it be that she is really crazy, has not been saved?

Bohemian cockroach looked up and couldn't help but want to see the face of the other person. To her surprise, as soon as she looked up, she slammed into Lin San’s gaze—the latter still sitting next to the broken, unformed body, even though it was splashed, it was still moving. move. In the dim light, after she was soaked in blood, she looked like a black lacquered shadow; the only light amber pupil, the eyes that stared at her and the cat doctor, were burning in the night. The people are bright.

Bohemian suddenly stood a cold hair on his neck.

"Why are you bombing him?"

As a very clean animal, the cat doctor was shocked and irritated at the moment, and almost all of them said that it was unfavorable - its hair was blown into a circle, and the four feet were stiffly nailed to the ground, as if they were afraid of moving themselves. The broken ends will flow into the eyes and mouth like: "I--God, Bohemia, wipe me off!"

"Ah? Hey," Bohemia was immediately divided into gods. He was going to habitually reach out for Lin Sanshui to have a towel. He hadn’t opened his mouth yet, and his eyes just fell on his wrist, and he couldn’t help.

. . . Those flesh and blood like flesh and blood, it is indeed dripping down without a fake; but she clearly and the cat doctor are standing in the middle of the blood, I do not know how the body is dry and clean, not even a little bit.

As soon as the horror subsided, the cat doctor quickly reacted.

“Hey?” It spit out a word, “What is going on here—”

"Oh." As the sound of the distant night winds seems to be close to their ears.

One person and one cat suddenly calmed down.

Lin Sanjiu had just had a mouth and no Zhang, and it was still the eyes that stared at them.

For a moment, Bohemia thought that the world was finally haunted - until she was a singer, she suddenly realized who the vocalist was: "Cartesian!"

“Hmmm?” Lin San’s eyebrows frowned, and a gimmick seemed to be a bit confusing. "What do you call it?"

"Isn't I just snoring at you?"

The chaotic voice slammed into the human nerve, making people feel that it seemed to raise their anger: "Don't talk, don't get her attention!"

Bohemia heard the words and rubbed his eyes. At this moment, the dim road under her feet, the ruined body not far away, the faint moonlight, and the grass that swayed slightly around me... at first glance it looked like it was just the same; but her eyes only stayed on something for a long time, You will find that on the surface, there are tiny ripples that flash from time to time.

She was too familiar with this kind of volatility, and not long ago, it was almost made into a cognitive split.

However, there is a small space for the formation of a "film" at the moment, but it just wraps one person and one cat, separating the outside body, flesh and forest and three wines. The fluctuations in the scene are not frequent and intense; it is as if this Descartes is not flustered, or occasionally can not help but tremble.

... It is clear that the chaos in the environment around them is covered with a "film." I have to say that this reaction of Descartes is really fast; it was the moment when the explosion was taking place, it turned and swung back to one person and one cat, and grabbed them from head to toe before the flesh and rain. Living.

What is it doing?

It doesn't look like an attacker—in fact, it doesn't have the ability to attack people.

Bohemia had just wrapped the chaos with consciousness. Only at the moment when the body suddenly exploded, she subconsciously relaxed her **** for a moment—but her consciousness was always “attached” to On it, if necessary, only Bohemia has a thought, she can regain the upper hand.

"Do you separate those flesh and blood for us?" Bohemian sneaked at the fingertips of the cat from his wide, long sleeves. I don’t know if the kitten understood what she meant, and then used the consciousness pack. His voice was passed on to the front: "... Why do you want to do this?"

But this time, not waiting for Descartes to answer, Lin Sanjiu slowly stood up from the darkness.

"Why have you been standing still?" She looked around in a circle and lifted her foot and passed the corpse on the ground. It seemed that she forgot the person on the ground and forgot how much she had suffered: " What do you call that copy?"

Bohemia quickly looked at the cat doctor.

"Hey, this time I saved you, you should always thank me, thank you."

When I saw Lin Sanjiu stand up, Descartes seemed to be slightly nervous, and quickly slammed the minds of Bohemia and the cat doctor with his voice: "...after we got out of here, you will let me go. Go, well water does not make river water, how?"

"You... what do you mean? Describe the words!" Bohemian stunned a heart and looked straight ahead and asked - because the chaos had become a scene, she now looks, It’s like staring at Lin Sanjiu in a hurry.

The cat doctor could not hear the voice of Bohemia, but apparently floated the same question and swayed two laps uncomfortably.

"Bohemia? What are you doing?" Lin Sanjiu was more confused, and took a step forward - her boots stepped on the mud in the ground and gave a soft "beep". It is hard to imagine that this piece of flesh and blood that was stepped on her feet at this time came from the person she had gently tested for her temperature.

"I... I'm fine..."

"Listen, I will help you block a spore attack, you will not be infected at least now," Descartes said quickly and eagerly - if it is an individual, I am afraid that even the tongue will be swallowed. "I still have something to do with this servant. Let's run. If she brings a second spore-filled body and blow it up again, I may not be able to stop it. I have never done this. Low grades."


When Bohemian was shocked, he felt that his mind would not turn. Her eyes crossed the body of Descartes and fell straight on Lin San. The latter is getting closer and closer to her at this time: the messy hair is floating in the faint moonlight, the bandage on the neck is old and yellow, and the field pants are rustling in the walking... Yes, this is indeed She spent the same half of the world with Lin San. but--

"Servant, servant?"

"What do you doubt?" Descartes sounded more puzzled than her.

"Etc., etc--"

Bohemia is now in a state of confusion, and she needs to be quiet for a while, so that she can take care of the situation at the moment; but Lin Sanjiu did not give her such a breathing space - another step, she came to Bohemia In front of him, due to the backlight, it turned into a high shadow.

The shadow slowly lowered his head toward Bohemia.

Descartes gave a trembling syllable low; because the shadow of the shadow of the shadow, almost touched the "film" it formed.

As if in a nightmare that could not be woken up, Bohemia was stiff and looked at the people who were distressed in front of him, standing in the same place and unable to move.

"It's too uncomfortable!" The cat doctor screamed coldly and woke her up at once: "I got a dirty thing, Bohemia, you and I went to the hotel to take a towel and wiped the back for me."

As the dream woke up, Bohemia hurried back a few steps; she moved, and even the "film" formed by Descartes together with her away from Lin San wine, called the group chaos could not help but long pine Breathed -

Her eyes still can't be pulled back from the eyes of Lin Sanjiu.

In the light amber pupils, it seems to be burning a very strong, extremely strong, and extremely joyful power; as long as you glance at it, there will be an unstoppable tremor from the depths of the soul.

This... What does it feel like? It’s terrible, and it’s so exciting to yearn for...

"I... we are dirty, I am going to clean up the cat doctor," Bohemia almost suspected that he was also insane, the atmosphere was as messy as the words, and he said lowly: "You wait, we will immediately Just come back."

Lin Sanjiu looked at her without saying a word, until she turned and hurried away, still standing in place.

Bohemian only felt that the eyes were still burning his back; when she hurriedly picked up the cat doctor, the kitten’s voice was a little bit uncontrollably pointed: "How is the wine? What happened?"

"Ladda said that people infected by invaders will become servants of those meat pillars-"

I don’t know if it’s because of the deep feelings of the eyes, or the situation at the moment is so scary that the bohemian gas is not even, and the cat doctor is hugged on the chest, low-lying Its pointed ears said: "Lin San wine has long been infected? The so-called invaders, what is this spore?"


Another layer of illusion created by Descartes can follow their pace. When it changes rapidly, it looks like the road surface that is constantly retreating—“It seems that she has just been infected by spores, and the brain's mode of operation begins to change. You just saw a servant in a transitional period! The corpse is full of spores. I guess it was just to make you infected, but she brought the body." It sounded like a little gloating.

Bohemian hurriedly stepped on his footsteps and stopped his desire to look back.

Lin Sanjiu has already been infected and turned into a "servant" of the bean sprouts; in order to make them infected, she also specially carried a body full of invaders - also spores - to find them. The corpse was blown up at a close distance... This technique is exactly the same as the old lady who exploded after the violent temper.

So, is that corpse really a doll? Will the puppet teacher fill up a spore in such a short time after death?

No, the more important question at the moment is... Lin Sanjiu is so close to her, she should have discovered that she is dry. She and the cat doctor did not get spores - that now -

"Right, why do you say that she is the servant of the meat pillar?" Descartes said slowly, "In this world, we have a copy of the person who cares for her as the servant of truth. To know, the truth is colorful." , a variety of things."

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