Doomsday Wonderland

: The light shines on the earth.

... Lin San wine's temper is straight, but she is not stupid.

Even if it is more concerned about chaos, it has been more than a year since the fall of the blue spring to the edible truth. On the night of so many tossing and slumbering, she has long recalled and beaten the facts over and over again. Thousands of times.

The conclusion reached is only one.

It is because she is faintly aware of this, she has never come up with a contactor - as long as the card is not de-carded, it will not be able to communicate.

"Who is the person you said?" Bohemian gimmick asked, a long wave of waves slid down his shoulders. "When is he coming to see you?"

After bidding farewell to the receptionist, there was no place for the two to go, and they did not dare to go far. They just sat on the side of the street like a tramp, waiting for the doll to come back. Especially Bohemia - she was fighting and fleeing in the past few days. She was very busy. The wide sleeves of the swaying robes were already dirty. At this time, they became more and more like a sloppy Gypsy. Coupled with a bandage wound on the head and a cat that looks equally homeless, this combination has clearly aroused great compassion for the public.

"Do you have anything to help?"

Lin Sanjiu hasn't answered yet, and a person who is on a sports bike has stopped the car in front of them. They haven’t been in the middle of the road for five minutes. This is already the fourth. It’s conceivable how embarrassing they are – “Is it hungry and there is nothing to eat?”

Obviously, Bohemia’s “No” word just rushed into the throat, and when he heard the second sentence, he swallowed it back and changed his mind: “...Do you have anything to eat?”

"I am searching--"

Seeing that the good-hearted man had already turned up in his backpack, Lin Sanjiu quickly interrupted him, thanked him for his kindness, and found a bag of animal biscuits from the card library, finally putting the bohemian mouth Living.

"How do you eat anything?" She looked at Bohemian to pick up a small animal. She looked at the shape and sent it to her mouth. She couldn’t help but teach: "Have you been wary before? ?"

"I am going to stay anyway, and I have to eat what I am here, what I am afraid of." The latter said, spitting out a little giraffe's debris.

The cat doctor's face is very unsightly. Although it will not laugh, but the expression of unpleasantness can be clearly conveyed; from the third person, they asked if they need a house, so it began to suffocate like a life, as if they could not take it. It was so gleaming that it was completely separated from Lin San and Bohemia on the outside.

In the "sand" sound of the mane and the "squeaky" sound of chewing biscuits, Lin Sanjiu felt that it was difficult to be serious - this is obviously a serious topic. She sighed and looked around, and picked up the bohemian question again: "I don't know when he will come... I only know that he is coming."

"He knows you are here?"

"should know."

"What should I know?"

Lin Sanjiu has a shell: " anyway, know, eat your biscuits."

"What is this in your hand?" Eating never misses Bohemia.

Lin San wine looked at it. A square metal box rolled a few times in the palm of her hand, and the corners shone with reflections; she placed it in a leather bag and buckled the leather bag to the belt with a metal buckle. In this way, no matter what she does, she will not miss the sound of it.

"This is... the liaison. I guess, before he comes, maybe I will try to contact me first."

"How is he coming?"

"Then he might have a way to help you." - If he wants.

Seeing that Bohemia seems to have a stomach to ask, Lin San wine feels a bit unbearable, and quickly turned to the topic: "... Where did the dolls go, why not come back?"

"I hope he will not misunderstand when he returns," this sentence evoked Bohemian worries and also diverted her attention: "He is not alone, but you are alone."

The two dolls are still nearby, indicating that their owners should be back; but because they stood on the ground straight, the look of a couch on their shoulders was too stupid and too eye-catching, so Lin Sanjiu simply Carding the couch and hiding the dolls into the roadside bushes - at this point, you can see the two expressionless faces, which are coming out from the shadows of the branches and leaves, motionless Gazing at where they are, it seems like two changes.

The injury of the puppeteer seems to have stabilized, thanks to the skill of the cat doctor and the complete equipment. I heard that the small backpack, equipped with almost a full hospital equipment, are the evolutionists of the past. Actively collected for Hu Miaomiao. However, although I don't have to worry about whether he was unconscious on the road, but he didn't see him back for so long, it was a bit reassuring; it was not worried about the dolls, mainly worried about those who accidentally met the dolls. .

It’s just a coincidence to say that, just when he was seriously injured, several people met the cat doctor...

Lin Sanjiu thought of this, suddenly thought of something, suddenly stunned. Then she reached out and grabbed the cat's neck, hugged it in the slamming of the latter, and the other hand flew across its thick, smooth fur - sure enough, near the tail She touched the skin with a nail that was the size and texture of the nail. It is better to say that the touch is closer to the plastic than the skin.

"Are you still part of the state of humanity?" She was shocked and angry. "Is there a compulsive disorder for that guy! Is it safe to be a person who turns him into a doll?"

The cat doctor’s ball to the fate has no complaints: “Oh, it’s not inconvenient anyway... Whether it’s research treatment or eating and sleeping, there’s no difference in peace. Except when he calls me. ”

"He called you?"

"Yeah." The cat doctor put his tail on his tail and said, "I usually do the same as other cats. Only when he calls me, I feel a little bit crisp from the spine. I started. I am too lazy to move. After all, I am going to go to the dog. I don’t have any dignity... But he is generally very fun, delicious, and there are many people who respect me, so I have come over this time."

As a result, it eventually became a call.

Maybe I don't know what I am doing, so when Hu Miaomiao came, I couldn't find a doll, and I was not in a hurry. At that time, the puppet teacher just lost consciousness; fortunately, I met Posey when I was hanging out. Mia, otherwise I really don't know when I will meet.

In this way, the depth of the puppet teacher still has some survival desires...

This is very good, but - "This part of the humanity will not spread?" Lin Sanjiu was a little worried about turning up the hair of Hu Miaomiao and looked carefully. It is almost impossible to see the difference by eye.

The cat doctor opened his mouth and tried to stop. He turned his back and scratched his neck: "...I am still fine now."

Lin Sanjiu dubiously smoothed its hair.

"Hey," Bohemia suddenly called her - in such a few words, the animal biscuits were half empty: "Look there, there are paper cranes."

When Lin Sanshui turned around, the shadow of the paper crane had already rushed out of the sun, flew to the heads of several people; as soon as she reached out, the paper crane fell on her wings.

There will be paper cranes in the world, and the answer seems to be obvious. When the chilly sound of the haze sounded, no one was surprised - "Come with my doll, come here."

The red dot flashed, and the message ended. No explanation was given.

Keep up with the dolls? Where are you going?

Lin Sanshui looked back and wondered, just saw the two dolls "sand" separated the trees, step by step, and lived like a change. The state saw the same goal; they did not look at a few people at a glance. Squintly picked a direction, the foot turned, and strode forward without going back to the distance.

"Hey, wait," she climbed up immediately, and she couldn't help but stun in her mind. "Hurry, let's keep up!"

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