Doomsday Wonderland

: 1106 Good traveler

Grabbing the pig's eyes, it does not mean that Lin Sanjiu can be assured.

She did not create attachment conditions herself, and the attachment conditions of Bohemia had already become a waste land. When I thought about it, in addition to constantly consuming valuable consciousness to suppress him, they did not have a way to firmly bind each other. —— After all, the pig’s eyes are experienced and people are embarrassed. When you say that it’s not possible to ask him to find the gap, will you find someone to inquire about the world’s branch?

Bohemian seems to have thought of a piece together, hesitantly back and forth between Lin Sanjiu and the pig's eyes several times, and wants to hide and want to guard the pig's eyes, for a moment, he can't decide who is going to be good. .

Then, quick battle!

Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and made a decision - anyway, her consciousness was almost from the pig's eyes, not white.

When the situation turned sharply and the dangers were saved, she could still give birth to a little cat-like interest; now that her time is not much, her interest naturally disappears, sinking her voice and opening the door and asking: "Tell me, the figurative world." When did the branch disappear?"

The gray star of the mouse flashed slightly, I don’t know if I was looking for a chance to escape. When he discovered that Lin San’s consciousness wrapped his space around him, he simply turned it into a human figure.

The large-faced plate inlaid with two small eyes, after restoring normal proportions, seems to be pleasing to the eye when it stands tall. This man is really not good-looking; the neck stretches forward, the lower lip is everted, the side does not look like a pig, it looks like an old turtle. Because of the lack of exercise in the arms and stomach, the skin hangs loosely and loosely – it happens to an evolutionary person, which is really unbelievable.

"You use my consciousness, it is quite natural to use it."

The pig's eyes looked at the two stars that surrounded him for a while, and his eyes stayed on the golden brown light of Bohemia for a few more seconds. Just returning from the brain to the conscious starry sky, he is like returning to the home court. His confidence and attitude have recovered a lot: "I can't blame you, after all, the weak meat is strong. This is the logic I believe in." ”

"Sub-branches." Lin Sanjiu only reminded him of the two words coldly.

"Oh." This word, he slowly spit out, it took more than a second. "Why do you want to inquire about it? Its function is interesting, I don't think it is a necessity. If you want to communicate with other worlds, there are still many ways. I teach you a few ways, you take the things you take away. Give it to me, even if we don’t owe it -"

Obviously, the pig's eyes dragged on in the east.

"What to take?" Bohemian suddenly inserted a mouth. On this kind of cleverness, she is much more sensitive than Lin Sanjiu: "The word you use is 'something', not consciousness. Could it be... she takes away not only your consciousness, but also other things. ?"

Even if it is a fool, watching the contrast between the two people's consciousness, I probably know the situation - but I can grasp the clue from an unintentional word, I really have to admit that Bohemia has not had a chicken burglar in the past. White too.

The pig's eyes suddenly snorted. After two seconds, he said dryly: "...there is a little potential value, I will not go to my heart."

"I can't see it, your mother made you really generous!" Bohemia said sweetly. "So many potential values, what time is it for you?"

Lin Sanjiu just wants to laugh - this time, the part of the potential value lost by Bohemia, can finally make up! Just think of a way to deliver them to her like electricity.

The pig's eyes seemed to bite for a while, and for a long time, he finally gave in to one step: "I don't know much about the branch. If I told you, would you like to return it to me?"

This question is almost naive and almost cute. However, the person who asks is not a lovely person.

Lin San wine glanced at Bohemia subconsciously. The latter was still a star. She couldn’t see for the time that she was just like herself. It was full of doubts. Thinking about it, she screamed, "You said first."

Unexpectedly, this pig's eyes are actually willing to go straight to the subject.

According to him, the figurative world branch was probably not long after Bohemia’s departure, and suddenly disappeared from the place--"I only heard this news in a few days. At first, everyone did not believe, there were I ran over and emptied; until now, there are still unwitting evolutionists coming to find the World Pavilion." Pig eyes sorted out their thoughts and said: "As for specific reasons, I have heard several. One of the most common sayings is that before the disappearance of the figurative world branch, control fell into the hands of someone who wanted to monopolize it, so he did not know what method was used to remove it."

This statement coincides with the clues that Bohemia has received.

"Who controlled it? Where did it go?"

The pig's eyes glanced at Lin Sanjiu and tried to ask: "Do you want to connect with people in a certain world? I don't lie to you, there are really other ways. There is often no 'good traveler service' in the stars. I know a few, maybe I can help..."

Lin Sanjiu had to interrupt him. When he heard the "good traveler service," he couldn’t help but blurt out: "What is that?"

Also, it is more difficult for pig eyes to discover her real purpose.

"The big world, not everyone's luck is so good, they all have the superior attachment conditions like me." The pig's eyes said in a tone that does not require modesty and seeking truth from facts. "What is the specific attachment condition, just like evolution? The ability is the same, no one can predict in advance. Then the resulting attachment conditions do not have any fighting power to do? Then it is necessary to adapt to local conditions, try to give full play to the advantages. For example, some people's attachment conditions can provide a false image that no one can see. Some people's attachment conditions are divination and prediction...whatever they are. There are naturally many people who can connect with other worlds. The charges are reasonable, and the two sides can talk."

Just as Lin Sanjiu wanted to prove to Bohemia, the latter took the initiative to quietly approached a little and whispered: "There is such a thing, although I have never used it."


“He said, ‘Good Traveler Service’.” She replied with dissatisfaction. “In the past, my reputation was too great, and the evolutionists who provided these services dared not look for me.”

It’s not a big name, it’s a bad reputation – even the “good traveler” in the eyes of some people is not mixed.

Lin Sanjiu retracted his mind and continued to ask: "You tell me, who is controlling the figurative world branch?"

"Where can I know this?" The pig's eyes suddenly screamed. "If every big man has to report it to me before I do something, can I not be the king of the stars!"

This is the case - when Lin Sanjiu didn't know how to continue to ask him, Bohemia said coldly: "But you know more than you said."

The pig-like eyes were round and not enlarged, and they were still black lacquered.

"Your star color is inconspicuous, and the attachment conditions are so suitable for sneak attack," Bohemia didn't know when it was so well organized. "I don't believe you were hiding next to the branch. It was just a coincidence. Go to the old address." People are some of the evolutionary people who haven’t known the disappearance of the branch for so long; it shows that these people don’t often enter the conscious starry sky, and accordingly, the consciousness is generally not too strong. You’re afraid it’s fancy One point, just waiting for the net near that?"

When she said this, she snorted: "This kind of trick is all that I have played before. Do you think I can't see it? Since you are there every day, unless you are jealous and jealous, it is impossible. I only know this point."

If I had to maintain my consciousness to trap the pig's eyes, Lin San was so happy that she really wanted to slap on her shoulder.

"Okay, well, you have to take some rumors from me that I can't tell you." I can't stop you." There are so many pig eyes, and I can't say the key point for a long time. Lin Sanjiu is impatient. Hearing him said: "...It seems to be a very mysterious person. There are many people who have seen him, but no one knows whether the man is a man or a woman. Sometimes it is a strong man, sometimes an old lady, if not talking. I can't recognize the continuity of things. I have heard of him before! I don't know which world to come from. I have controlled a lot of people in a short time... It seems that his evolutionary ability is very powerful. Once you get caught, you can't get rid of it when you switch to the world. Of course, this is if you haven't been killed yet..."

The words "old lady" touched the nerves of Lin Sanjiu.

The body of the Great Witch has been slumbering until now, and the consciousness is always trapped in the starry sky. It is already very abnormal in itself. The master of the concept collision in the world, until now, the true identity is still a mystery.

The two are very similar... The goal has always been a big witch.

"Be careful!" Bohemia suddenly screamed and stunned her and jumped - but when she heard the shout, it was too late. A long stream of light that came out when a star came from a distance, smashing the void near them into a white snow, making it difficult to see things; the snow-like star in the view of Lin Sanjiu, Just staying for a thousandth of an instant, her consciousness of "grabbing" the pig's eyes was suddenly dispelled, as if it had become scattered in pieces of snow.

"Why come so late!" The pig's eyes were free and immediately rushed toward the sky. This sentence was left behind by him.

Snow White Star was in the same place, and then rushed out in the same direction, it was a dazzling streamer.

"In the face of the door-to-door service of old customers, we must also add 50% of the service fee, Mr. Mo!"

Bohemian forgot that he couldn't match the fish now. He shook his head and followed it with a sigh of relief. He shouted at the camera and said, "The guy didn't know when to call a good traveler service! Mom. I still don't know that there is such a bone-headed service provider, and I will take the initiative to come over and swear!"

On the one hand, Xue Xingchen had to keep up with the pig's eyes, and he had to get rid of Bohemia. He still did not forget to return to the remote side: "Do you understand the business words? Cave people!"

Seeing that the three stars went far away at high speed, Lin Sanjiu remained in place and did not move. The pig's eyes have always been under the control of her consciousness. The only chance that can be called "good traveler service" is that he just came out of her brain for a few seconds... no wonder his words are so much. Rescue in delay time.

Xue Baixing, who provides good traveler service, can easily turn her consciousness into pieces without any difficulty. I am afraid that his attachment condition is to do this exclusively... When she turned to this, she had already shattered consciousness. Force to re-close.

After the swallowing of the pig's eyes, her potential value seems to be stimulated, and the growth rate is unconsciously accelerated. In addition, the potential value and consciousness of the pig's eye itself have been received by her. When the energy in her body rolls over, she doesn't even know what strength her current consciousness is.

Lin Sanjiu recovered his human form and closed his eyes gently.

When she opened her eyes again, she had pulled out an arc like a meteor, and quickly passed through the dark night sky, throwing countless high-speed flying stars behind her; this speed even made her herself faint It seems as if you will rub a dark spark from the dark void at any time.

Another low eye, the mouse gray star is already at her feet.

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