Doomsday Wonderland

: 1108 Lin Sanshui’s apology

There is no longer anyone who will do business than Snow White Star.

At this point, Lin Sanjiu was reacted after the shock faded, and it took a long time to react - because when she just turned around and saw the person behind her, she had nearly a minute and half of it. I can't say a word like a stone that was frozen in winter.

It has been a year or two since the last time, but he is still the way she remembers.

The eyes seemed to freeze in the early spring, that is, the lakes and lakes that fluctuated; the long black eyelashes were half-slung and half-picked, reminiscent of the reflection of the clouds cast on the water. A few long hairs slipped down from the ear, and the skin on the ear became more and more transparent as a pale pink white jade.

Speaking of transparency, I am afraid I will never find someone more clear than his smile. Sometimes he would laugh after a smile, and then he couldn't help but bite his blushing lips with white teeth - as it is now - and then gently screamed: "Sister."

It must be someone who knows him like Lin Sanshui, and can feel a deeper layer of darkness from the "sister" who is light and trembled and close to the home.

She blinked and thought that she had become a human figure, no wonder he could recognize it. She knew that she would see him sooner or later, but she did not expect it to be here and now, so suddenly; even though she knew everything well, at the moment she saw him, she had long been wary, guessing, distressed and Struggling still retreats like a sudden tide of the sea, leaving only the full of trepidation and unbearable.

" are here," she said, looking at Jishan Qing, whispering that she didn't know that she was slowly smiling. "Gift, you found me."

She didn't ask about the war with the data body. He was in the end, whether he was in danger or not, and he didn't ask who was pretending to be the gift package to contact her. Many questions have already been answered in time.

On the contrary, Lin Sanjiu just asked: "Do you know that I will come to the starry sky?"

Jishan Qing nodded.

"I heard that the big witch is still here. I know that my sister will come sooner or later," his voice still blows through the leaves like a breeze. "So I am waiting for you."

Lin San wine nodded, looked at the snow white stars not far away, and began to understand a little slowly. The gift package is to reinvent the vastness, and it will not be realized when she enters the starry sky, "Is it necessary to pay him?"

This snow white star is really a natural businessman: only five minutes to meet, he has made three business. Pig eyes is his first client, Lin Sanjiu is the second one, Ji Shanqing is the last one - Xue Baixing noticed her gaze, suddenly smiled, and then justified as a child who refused to admit defeat. Road: "I have nothing to sell. Since your brother - is your brother? He always wanted to buy your whereabouts, I just know, how can there be no reason to sell? This is in business... ... By the way, is Mr. Mo now returning to me?"

Although only he has the advantage of both ends, this kind of coolness is unpleasant. Lin Sanji waved his hand and gestured that he could take the person away. He didn't expect Xue Baixing to rush. He first paid for the gift bag - it was a small light, although he didn't know what it was, he told him to be very excited; then, like the original j7, he left a mark of consciousness for Lin Sanjiu. Force, as his call contact: "There is something I need in the future, I will give you a VIP discount!"

Lin Sanjiu secretly hopes that he will not be able to use his services in the future.

After he disappeared with the pig's eyes, Bohemia whispered: "I don't know if you have such a younger brother."

"Is this a friend of my sister?" The gift bag heard a wave of eyes, and her eyes fell on her, calling Lin Sanjiu a tight heart.

"Yes," she thought, adding, "I don't have the conscious starry sky without Bohemia."

The eyes of the gift bag lit up, and suddenly smiled, like the spring lighted up: "Thank you!"

Bohemian hesitantly floated in the air, even the human form did not reply, still a golden brown star, half hidden behind the shoulders of Lin San wine. She looked at the people in front of her eyes and looked at it. She only said that she said: " are welcome."

She clearly has no self-sustaining ability for beauty and charm. Somehow, she suddenly became very cautious when facing the gift package. She would not even say anything more - perhaps this is called the beast's intuition.


Just as Lin Sanshui floated the idea, the voice of the gift bag pulled her attention back. "I have spent a lot of effort coming from the data flow library... because I have a very important urgent matter to tell you."

His white jade-like face, like a cloud drifting over, gradually enveloped a shadow.

"……what's up?"

"It's about Yu Yuan."

Yes, yes - it should be about Yu Yuan. She thought about all the things about the gift pack before and after, and I confessed my own negligence and ignorance again and again, but today it is finally here.

"What happened to him?" Lin Sanshui heard his voice a little unstable.

"He wants to 'immigrate'." Ji Shanqing slammed his head, and the black hair fell behind his ears and floated in the void. He observed her look, and every word was very careful: "He wants to be a part of the data body."

Lin San wine took a deep breath and did not speak.

"I... I thought it was not a good idea at the time. My sister probably wouldn't want to see each other again, let him go." Probably seeing her not responding, the package looked at her, and it seemed like a bit of time. Accident, he tried to test: "He is your friend, right? So I advised him to wait for the time being, wait for you to talk, then decide whether you want to immigrate - so... sister, do you want to go back with me? See him?"

He used "go back", as if it was the place where Lin Sanjiu belonged.

No matter how many people have become more powerful, when he faces Lin Sanjiu, he always has a little care and temptation, like a stray dog ​​around his feet, for fear that he will be driven out of the house if he is not careful. He knows that Lin Sanjiu has always cared about his friends most, so he didn't dare to say a sentence when he was reunited for a long time. When he came up, he moved out of Yu Yuan's business. She thought that she couldn't help but feel a little bit sour, but she didn't know it. Who.

"You go out first," she turned to Bohemia and said, "Go outside and wait for me for a while. I have something to say to him."

Bohemian is the only way she can withdraw from the conscious starry sky; if there is any problem, she hopes that Bohemia can pull her out in time.

Sometimes, Bohemian feelings are so keen that people are puzzled. Before leaving, she just whispered to Lin Sanjiu, "You are careful" - you must know that in the eyes of others, this is obviously a reunion of a younger brother.

When there were only two people left, Lin Sanji couldn't help but sit down and sit down. In fact, she is now floating in the void, no matter whether it is sitting or standing, there is no difference, but she is mentally exhausted at the moment, and she always feels that sitting down will be a little better.

Seeing her "sit" down without a sound, the look on Ji Shanqing's face seemed even more uneasy.

"How did you get into the starry sky?" After pondering for a few seconds, Lin Sanshui raised his head and asked him as usual. He did not mention Yu Yuan. "Do you obviously have no consciousness?"

"No." Suddenly, he whispered, "However, as long as you master how the ideology is formed and what is formed, it is not difficult to write an ideology."

"That is... isn't this your real body?"

The gift pack heard the words, just like I heard a funny thing, and smiled lightly, revealing a row of white teeth. "Sister," he sounds normal and happy. "When did I have a real body?"

Also... Lin San wine slowly took a breath.

She has not talked about Yu Yuan, which seems to give the gift a signal; he looked at Lin San wine, and did not speak again about Yu Yuan.

"I want to apologize to you." After a long time, she suddenly broke the silence between the two.


"I... I don't care about you. In fact, I am very worried about you." Lin Sanshui bowed his head and looked at the fingertips that they overlapped on their legs. They were as real as their own flesh. "At that time, you must be very sad?"

Ji Shanqing’s smile slowly disappeared, and he could not see what his mood was. "What is your sister talking about? When?"

"You call my contact, talk to me with your original voice, but deliberately leave a flaw, let me think that someone is disguised as you. It was that time." Lin Sanjiu still did not look up - she was a bit afraid Look at the package. "After that, I have not rushed to the data flow library as you expected... Even later, the contact card was carded, and you can't contact me. You... are you sad?"

Ji Shanqing looked at her and slammed her eyes. He also learned the appearance of Lin Sanjiu, sat down in the void and sat on his own heel.

"...Do you know?"


"You don't blame me?"

Lin Sanji shook his head and still didn't look at him. "I promised you when I was leaving, saying that I will see you later... you just want me to realize this promise earlier."

Ji Shanqing did not speak.

"The data body... should it be okay?" The gift pack can appear, indicating that his war with the data body has probably come to an end.

"Maybe you can say that." He seemed to smile softly. "After all, most of the things I know are learned from them. The result of attacking one's own shield with a spear is that I have to split up." On both sides, no one can help. Who recently, it seems that I have not existed, anyway, the universe is very big."

"So Yu Yuan..." Lin Sanjiu finally raised his head and asked: "Is it the side of the data body?"

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