Doomsday Wonderland

: 1110 A dual-use Lin San wine

When Bohemian was restless and hesitant to re-enter the galactic starry sky, she thought she might see it - it would be - no, think about it, she didn't know what she might see. Anyway, I don’t think so, I don’t feel so good.

Therefore, when she found Lin Sanjiu, she did not understand what was going on in front of her for a while.

What kind of ghosts did she see?

"You... are you all right?" Stopped in the flight, she was suspiciously floating in the air. For a moment, somehow, she suddenly remembered the blue wave that was handed back to her by the cat doctor and later returned to her. Tap the water towel.

Lin Sanjiu glanced back at her in her busy schedule. It seemed a bit strange that she went back so quickly. She hurried her head and whispered as she patted the man’s back in her arms. "Nothing, he is a little tired."

Pure consciousness will still be tired? It is as if someone told her that it is ridiculous to eat electricity.

I noticed that someone came, and Ji Shanqing was a little embarrassed to take his arm back. He had been holding the neck of Lin Sanjiu like a big koala. Because of his shortness, the whole person was half. Hanging in her arms, Bohemian could not help but think that they might be brothers and sisters.

He didn't completely peel himself off Lin Sanjiu, still leaning against her arm, like a child who had lost a half-day and finally found a parent. Even the voice sounded the same as before, a little bit Nasal and milk: "...Hello."

Bohemian also responded with a "hello" in confusion.

Ji Shanqing's bright black eyes, she looked at her for a while, and she sneaked a little, and her mouth was still smiling. Faced with such a pure and clear face, she just felt a little hairy, and she listened to Lin Sanjiu’s speech at this time. As she turned her eyes on Jishan Qing, Bohemia unconsciously vomited. Tone.

"Since the war is over, can you leave now?" Looking at her, it seems that there is no plan to explain Bohemia to the ins and outs.

Bohemian is not very happy, but she is not rare to know anyway.

"I can only walk for a while." Ji Shanqing sighed. "I occupied a piece of their site, where I stored a lot of data and couldn't take it with me. If I have been away for a long time, then It will be discovered by the data body... The things that I have carefully stored at the time, and the sites that I can hardly occupy may not be there."

Lin San wine frowned slightly, did not quite understand what his "data" was used for, and why it was necessary; but did not wait for her to ask, the gift bag first raised her head and smiled at her: "Moreover, how to anchor Can you just walk around? Even if you don't want to go now, I have to keep a place where you can go back at any time for your sister and your friends."

She couldn’t say anything at all, and a thousand words hovered around her chest for a long time. In the end, she only made a bit of dry and boring words: "... then can you come out to see me often?"

The eyes of the gift bag sparkled, as if the starlight was hidden in the lake surrounded by the green hills, and nodded hard.

In this way, you can ask him to go back and take a message to Yu Yuan, who has become a data body. For the data body that has abandoned all emotions, Lin Sanjiu is really not sure, and what he said can make him even a slight wave of shaking--thinking and thinking, she can only think of a few words of dryness. It is nothing more than reminding Yu Yuan of the time they spent together in Montenegro. Ask him to consider his decision and what he has lost, and show that he really hopes to talk to him.

That is to say, she has already done a good job of all this is useless. After all, she was already a step late when she heard the news - or the human body may be persuaded, but the remaining body of the data body may not be the Yu Yuan she knows.

In her narrative process, the gift bag was calmly listening, and the long eyelashes glimpsed, each of which reminded me of the touch of the tiny feather tip on the velvet.

Should he take the message?

When Lin Sanjiu just floated up the idea, he could not help but press it down a bit. They have already talked about it. All the suspicions and speculations have disappeared. The two of them should be as clear and transparent as the sky after a heavy rain.

"Don't you remember it?" Bohemia overcame his head. I don't know when it was restored to human form. A pair of golden brown eyes turned around. "She last asked me to send a message to the big witch, I will... I will forget."

Lin Sanjiu looked back at her.

"What do you think of me doing this? You don't want to think about how long it has been, don't you remember -" Bohemia's original arrogance, when he hit the eyes of Ji Shanqing, suddenly he was imposing, his voice was inexplicable. It went down and looked very uncomfortable. The latter seems to be ignorant, laughing and saying: "I don't have to write it down. I won't forget it."

"The white star said just now, you seem to know the news of some big witches?" Lin Sanjiu asked in a positive color - she has not forgotten the right thing.

The gift package probably knows that as long as you find out the whereabouts of the big witch, you can always wait until the Lin San wine; therefore, he spends more time looking for someone and gets more detailed information.

"She disappeared with the figurative world branch. Although it disappeared abruptly, I knew that the person who occupied the branch only changed her position with the branch." The bag smiled and the white teeth were on the tip. In the eyes that were picked up, it was rare to flash a little fox-like light: "...I just know the new place."

Bohemian Tengdi jumped from the ground.

"I don't know what the owner of the branch wants to do to her, but his ability is not so strong that in a short period of time, the big witch's consciousness is squandered. He is probably trapping the big witch. In the pavilion, there is no way to take her for a while, and I want to avoid people’s eyes and ears. This is-"

"Come with me!" Lin San wine eyes lit up. "How many people are guarded outside the branch?"

This point, even the seasons are not very clear. Because the place where the branch was moved, there are hundreds of thousands of miles away from the original place; even for the ideology known for speed, it is not a short distance.

If she keeps her way in the sky of consciousness, her body left in the doomsday world will have to remain asleep. This is not a problem in normal times, but there are still individual teachers who are constantly urging deaths. According to Bohemia, the dolls seem to have never stopped at this time. I don’t know where his end is, just When she went out, he sent a paper crane and told them not to delay the time to catch up.

No wonder he didn't find the same thing - it is reasonable to say that if he waits in the same place to wait for him to wait for the doll, then he will find that his doll is lying on the ground and squatting, then Lin Three wines can be a big problem. However, since he himself is also on the way, it is normal for the dolls to catch up.

When I heard that the puppeteer was outside, Jishan Qing’s eyes blinked, and there was no trace of sorrow on his face, but he leaned back on Lin San’s wine. Lin Sanjiu remembered that he was afraid of the puppet master. Looked, very unbearable to touch his head.

Bohemian grinned, completely subconscious.

"When is the outside?" Lin Sanjiu did not notice that her look was wrong. Considering: "Is it going to be bright?"

"It’s already dawning." Bohemia squinted and looked like an old lady: "It’s really annoying. When you come in, you meet that kind of person. It’s hard to think about it... you don’t have to be with that person anymore. It’s good to deal with things.”

It seems that she still did not give up the idea of ​​"conversion."

Lin Sanjiu’s thoughts drifted to Yu Yuan’s body. Then, he couldn’t help but think of the mermaid cultivation liquid – because there is a part in its name, it is called “anotherway”.

One after another, her friends, who are weighing, thinking and struggling, have turned to options outside of their existing lives, even if that means they have to abandon many things; they are looking for and accepting another way. Answer... Is she stubbornly wrong?

"Sister?" The gift bag whispered her and called her back to God. Bohemia is also looking at her, waiting for her to continue to say.

"Like this," Lin Sanjiu thought. "I can't drag and drop to find the big witch, and I can't drag and keep looking for the doll. Fortunately, these two things can be done together, not conflicting... will continue on your way after you go out, let the two people take my body away; as for my consciousness, stay here and go to the big witch with the gift bag."

She is worried about the informality of Bohemia. Cat doctors often lack the normal human point of view in strange places. They have added a sentence: "I can go out with you first, and take the couch of the doll to remove the card." When you put me on the couch, don't tie a rope and tie me. If the blood doesn't circulate for a long time, your limbs will be affected. When you think the journey is almost over, you will come in and pick me up. ""

As soon as she heard that she was going to sleep on the couch of the doll, Bohemia looked at her eyes and added a new level of admiration. With the atmosphere of "I don't know that the people who are high in the sky are owed to the fight", she and Ji Shanqing sighed and said nothing, and they went out with Lin Sanjiu. When she once again sent Lin Sanjiu back to the starry sky, Ji Shanqing was still in the same place, and the clouds were lightly waiting.

"Are you the only way for your sister to get in and out of the stars?"

I have already asked once, and he confirmed it again.

Bohemia, ah, ah, it should be.

"Okay," Ji Shanqing took the arm of Lin Sanjiu and waved her hand: "Then we are gone, you are careful on the road."

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