Doomsday Wonderland

: 1123 Can't lie, scam ants a good hand

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"I found that you only have a very fast brain when you are fighting!" When the teacher said this, she sounded a complete compliment: "You can actually use this trick to lie to it - ”

How can Lin Sanjiu answer her?

After she grabbed the smooth thin ring, she just hurried to her hand and the body fell to the ground. She squatted up from a muddy body, but she still couldn't stand up for a while, tried hard twice, and her right leg was a phantom.

The surrounding ants didn't seem to have expected this situation to have evolved into such a situation. They were both taken aback and stepped back a few steps before they stopped. At this time, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but thank the top layers of the branches: they blocked most of the ants' eyes and delayed their reaction time; even if it knew sooner or later that the ants wearing thin circles would die, at least Give her a breath of breath.

"come on,"

Lin San wine sneered around the ants and shook his wrist: "Do you have any special items on your body? Show it to me, it is best to take it again."

The wet circle was swaying in the sun, and it flashed a halo similar to the burgundy. The surrounding ants saw it and they all knew it very well. They once again retreated ten meters. Many thin tentacles were there. It can't be swayed in the air, as if it were a thick parasite from the host's head.

Speaking of it, they just stay here, it is enough to say that they are stubborn and stubborn. After all, who knows how many power effects and object attacks are hidden in this circle?

Seeing that I couldn’t climb, Lin Sanjiu gave up and sat on the ground with a sigh of relief around the ants. While observing the thin circle on her wrist, she wondered how to use it, and replied to the teacher with dissatisfaction: "I can still... I will find out that other ants have stopped attacking me and can immediately think of it. The thin circle of ants is next to it, this is not a very simple matter."

"No, I don't mean this... you can think of it all at once, the ants can't see if the thin circle has absorbed the power effect!"

Lin Sanji couldn't help but smile.

When she just rushed to one of the ants, she was already aware that wearing a thin circle of ants came nearby - she certainly wouldn't honestly hand over her ability to it - she didn't even call it out [ A sudden change in the style of the painting, only after the hands of the ants body, and then screamed "I am capable?"

The ant really got fooled.

"This is the case," she scratched her face a little embarrassedly. "Because they are ants... you know that ants have several ways to convey messages, the most important of which is through the smell."

In addition to tentacles, sounds, and very limited vision, ants rely on a pheromone molecule that is scented from the abdomen and undetectable by humans to communicate and deliver messages. When she was running, she was constantly thinking about a question: how did the queen relay the signal to the worker ants and accurately direct them to advance and retreat in the woods?

She didn't hear any sound from the queen, nor did she see any movements, so the problem was entangled with her for a while; until she didn't know where the biological knowledge seemed to come to her mind, she finally understood, then immediately Turn your mind to the "smell".

After all, in this piece of wood, isn't the hump that is wide and huge like a spaceship? What smell it emits, only the ants who are of the same kind know.

The thoughts of Lin Sanjiu jumped from here to the thin circle - this "Eureka moment", when she called her suddenly.

The thin circle is obviously a human object, and it is also used by humans; that is to say, if this special item and its owner need to generate any "signal transmission" behavior, it should be a kind of human perception. Incomprehensible ways - such as flash, voice prompts, and even mental fluctuations.

Now it falls to a hand that relies mainly on smelling ants. What does this mean?

This means that even if the thin circle sends out the signal "No success to receive the ability", the ants wearing it are completely unaware, can't understand!

Lin Sanjiu was a bit worried, and the thin circle would inform the owner of the worst way to use "voice prompts" - the ant's visual area is narrow and dark, but it is not enough. Unexpectedly, when she was insinuated this time, she was lucky, and the fine circle was quiet and silent. When the ant heard her say "My ability?", she already fully believed that her ability was also effective. It was absorbed by the thin circle.

Otherwise, it will not come to her in order to launch [a sudden change in the style of painting].

When communicating with thinking, the speed is extremely fast. When the thoughts of Lin Sanjiu’s thoughts are turned over, they only pass through the district for a few seconds. She looked up and looked at the ants still hiding in the shade of the trees and snorted: "I didn't expect this phantom to last longer than I thought..."

When she didn't finish her words, she suddenly had a meal. Then, the long ant tentacles in the shadows also shook and turned to the same direction.

During the breath, Lin San wine faintly heard the fast-paced fall of the distance, and the slight tremors of the land beneath it.

"Mom, those who have just looked at each other and looked up! I thought I had left them all." Lin Sanjiu’s teacher complained and quickly decided: "...first solve Let's talk about these ants, they come to me, better than looking for Bohemian."

[Tornado Whip] The effect is hidden in the thin circle at this time. She guessed that she had shaken her wrist, but nothing happened. The thin ring is still wet with the luster of the ant body fluid, no change.

“What happened?” Lin Sanjiu glanced back at the footsteps and the direction of the vocals, and slammed the circle: “Is the method I used wrong?”

Those people in the distance seem to have discovered her position, and they are rushing straight toward her, without any hesitation, and they are about to arrive soon; and Lin Sanjiu has only one air at the bottom of her right.

"Get started soon!" She was afraid that the thin circle was started by the sound, and she yelled at it two times with good enthusiasm - fortunately, Bohemia did not see this moment.

At this time, Yi teacher screamed loudly; the exclamation sounded cold from the depths of his mind, and almost called Lin San’s heart to stop.

"How come you suddenly -"

Her question didn't even have time to finish, and the teacher gave me a picture in front of her eyes. It was the scene when she first discovered the ant's tentacles while wearing a thin circle when she was in the melee. When it was lifted from the ground, the long mouth was pulled out. Silk, two tentacles on each set of dark circles -

"You have a good look, it is a pair of thin circles! This special item is a pair. If you don't have one, you can't use it!" If the teacher has a tongue, he must have been bitten at the moment: "Fast, fast. Another thin circle is definitely still in the mud of the beach, go find it!"

Where did Lin Sanjiu use her to say a few words, and when she rushed forward, she plunged into the broken limbs of the land left by the ant, and grabbed a lot of black mud. Insect tissue - this time, no matter how disgusting.

Fortunately fortunately, the ants are just standing in the shadows at the moment, and no one is coming up. They can't hear her conversations with the teacher, but they can't see if they have a thin circle on the other hand, and they find that when humans are coming, they are just like usual. I immediately followed the old habit: I didn’t do it, let humans.

"Come on, hurry up, over there, you haven't found that yet, oh, that's not-"

When the Italian teacher was anxious, he became a broken mouth. One sentence after another, like a reminder, Lin Lin was overwhelmed. She desperately plunged her hands into the insect slag, groping back and forth in a wet, sticky, sharp, shredded shell and groping for anything in a thin circle; the footsteps behind her became clearer and clearer when she heard a phrase "She was there." "When," Lin San wine fingered a meal.

A thin circle is under her finger, and the wet land is trapped in the dirt.

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