Doomsday Wonderland

: 1126 torrent of time

The sky in the east gradually became white, and Lin San was sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring straight into the distance.

She was still sitting next to the fire last night; there were messy piles of backpacks belonging to the green melons. She just opened it and saw what she had given them last night. She still stayed in the bag. in.

It seems that it was taken away between ignorance and ignorance.

Ming knows that sitting here is dangerous, but Lin Sanjiu does not want to move at all.

In fact, no matter who or what took the rabbit, she couldn't wait to look at the thing and hurry to start her - so she could know where the rabbits went and what happened.

But what is disappointing is that Lin Sanjiu has been waiting until the sky is shining, and the sun has gradually moved to the top of the head. Even a little stranger is not there - the sun shines through the clouds and shines on the earth, adding a little bit to the cool weather. Warm, the only thing I heard in my ears was the rustling of a blade of grass, and the world was very quiet.

Lin San’s wine was waiting for a while, and finally couldn’t help but jump up, pack up and take the initiative to go deep.

... Since I don't come to her, can she always go to the other party?

Lin San wine cellar sighed in his heart, and jumped agilely to the first mountain edge - here is where the spring cherry snow disappeared - and then moved toward the second mountain edge.

This peculiar landform stretches endlessly, but there seems to be no special place other than inconvenience to pedestrians. After climbing up and down the countless mountain ridges, she finally felt a little tired - Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground.

"... Everyone has been taken away, why don't you come to me? The bastard!" She poured out a bottle of water and poured a few mouthfuls, and she felt nowhere to vent her emotions. Suddenly, I slammed a piece of something to the wreckage.

That thing seems to be just a metal board, but under the sneak peek, Lin did not shake it -

"I don't believe it, can't I even do this!"

I don't know where the fire came from. Lin Sanjiu really got stronger with this board at this time. Now I got up and got enough strength. Another kick is a kick.

Not that she is grumpy. But since she entered the Garden of Eden, she has experienced too much—not to mention the tyrannical darkness of the Eden people’s nightmares, or the son-in-law’s dedication to destroying humanity. The grandeur of rebuilding a new creature; even if it is a day of wandering and struggling outside, every day bears the fate of the companion, worrying that tomorrow can still be alive, enough to make people collapse.

Especially when there is no support from friends, and suddenly there is only one person left. The things that have been forcibly suppressed have been mixed with anxiety and anxiety, and they broke out in one breath—after all, anyway. Lin Sanjiu is still just an ordinary person.

Her emotions may be ordinary, but the power is extraordinary - this foot goes down, even a heavy truck can be kicked by her - but the strange thing is that the board is actually only slightly swaying Shake. It’s like being in the ground.


Seeing such a situation, Lin Miao’s feelings of turbulent waves in the heart finally calmed down, and only the doubts remained.

"What is this?" She knows her strength very clearly. This thing at the moment is only one meter long, not too thick. Such a light and small gadget, there is really no reason to kick.

"Isn't this a wreck like a motor vehicle? It won't be too long, it won't be pulled up?"

With a bit of doubt, Lin Sanjiu grabbed the edge of the board and began to try to pull it out. The thick stucco piled up on the surface fell down, forming a small gray rain, pouring her gray face - but the board still did not move at all.

Lin Sanjiu stopped his hand and thought about it. He called out [a sudden change in the style of painting].

Under her forced blasting, the connection between the board and the land was hardened; the stone was splashing around, and the eyes were invisible for a while - Lin Sanjiu coughed a few times and smashed his face. On the soil of the body, this is the low-end view of the half of the board under the land.

It turned out that there was only one piece of metal plate - the metal plate seemed to be a sliding door of something, and it was dug down along the sliding door. Soon Lin Sanjiu discovered that it was still connected to the body of most of the chariot.

Although this is a kind of machine car that she had never seen on Earth before, it can only accommodate two people, but its highly deterrent appearance and the dense gun cannon under the cockpit indicate its combat use.

But even if it is, shouldn't it be kicked?

... Even if I didn't dig the wreckage here, Lin Sanjiu didn't know what she should do at the moment. She simply dug a few more soils and finally saw the cockpit in a vague way - a humanoid shadow stuck in the mud. In the deeper places, the safety helmet on the head is still blurred. Below this shadow, there is still a small half of the chariot body that has not been dug up.

"It turned out to be a dead man."

Even after so much experience, Lin Sanjiu still does not like to see the dead. She glanced at her, suddenly lost interest, just got up and went, suddenly stunned, immediately turned back, quickly smashed the soil in the cockpit, close the face - trying to see the dead inside.

The body that has been buried in the mud for decades... will it be so tender?

Although it is unclear to be covered by the soil, the shadows can also see the white color below the helmet. If you really want to say it, this can't be human skin. The whiteness is not like human beings, but it is more like... white radish.

Just such a big white radish wearing clothes and wearing a helmet is actually beyond the imagination of Lin Sanjiu.

No matter what, open it and you will know it - Lin San wine is placed on the cockpit with one hand, and the hand is placed on the edge of the chariot. The ability is launched, and the high volume is rolled up in front of the time. Sandstorms, wrapped in pieces of car body, splattered like explosions.

After waiting for the dust to settle, Lin Sanjiu squirmed a few mouthfuls of soil and squinted at the "white radish".

Two or three seconds after the white radish entered her eyes, she did not figure out what she was seeing.

"what is this?"

She admits that she has seen a lot of things in the world, but what is in front of her. I really don’t see a clue as to how it looks.

Lin Sanjiu took a few steps and carefully extended **** to smash the safety helmet.

As soon as her gaze fell on the following things, her hand trembled, and the helmet suddenly slammed into the car body and rolled out.

The original "white radish" is not all white -

At least in the part that should be the hair, you can still see a black silk thread -

Lin Sanjiu took a hard look at the stomach and watched it carefully. I understand it.

This is indeed an individual.

Probably the driver in the battle. He died in the car, and was later buried by the changes in the landscape brought about by the changes in the years - but the strange thing is that his body was not covered by a layer of white hard skin.

Under the hair. Through this layer of white skin, you can also see the facial features of a dry corpse, two empty eye sockets, and a little shadow on the white skin. Go down again. His neck, torso, and limbs are all wrapped up in this layer of white leather...

Lin San wine endured discomfort. It was only after the eyes had been walking down the white skin.

At the foot of the corpse, the white skin continued to spread; it formed a stout, rhizome-like thing that looked like a white radish. And the lower half of this half chariot. It is falling on a much larger "white radish" - it is as wide as a road, enough to let ten people walk side by side - compared with it, wrapped in the "white radish" of the corpse. It is like a little whisker.

After decades of time, this giant "white radish" has been with the chariots; the ground that was blasted by Lin Sanjiu. Only a part of it was exposed. In the place where there was no blast, the "white radish" was still growing forward, and I don't know how long it was.

Lin Sanjiu looked at him for a long while, and suddenly he suddenly rushed to the ground without saying a word.

She moved very fast, grabbed a body board as a tool, and soon dug a long ditch along the road's "white radish", exposing the bottom of the things to the sun. But she still didn't stop. It seemed that she didn't want to do anything else except this thing. She had been digging for three or four hours, and then she dropped the board pale and ran away quickly.

There are several mountain ridges behind her, which are higher than others. Lin San wine does not dare to breathe in one breath, and climbs to the heights with his hands and feet. This will cast his eyes on it.

... The result of three or four hours is that she unveiled the skin of a large piece of land.

Under this epidermis, it is covered with layers of stacked, densely packed, giant white rhizomes intertwined; the thick rhizome that is clumped into a piece can not see the head, the tail is not visible, the shallowest position, the soil layer from the surface only Separated by a thin knuckle distance.

These large rhizomes are covered with countless smaller roots - some are long, some have only one arm, some have a dry body inside, and some have some bread already seen. No animal appearance.

These roots are undoubtedly alive, because when Lin San wine accidentally touches them, they will tremble slightly twice – but nothing more.

"Mom, this is not a copy at all -" Lin Sansui suddenly burst into a goose bump, then turned and ran, straight to the place where the spring cherry blossoms disappeared.

She already understood - all the missing people are still in place. (To be continued)

Ps: Thank you for the pink ticket support of the big bad guy~! You have a lot of pink recently, is it the season of the pink ticket harvest?

Speaking of radish, I bought a bag of peaches today (does it?), 10 yuan, 8 small peaches, go home and wash, eat it, oh yeah, how hard it is to eat, how much is it? The red soft and tender look, there is no such thing as the integrity of the peach!

I asked @赫萝, I said it was too bad to send it to you, she said not.

What is this doing? I really didn't give it to you because it was not good. It was really to express your gratitude for supporting me.

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