Doomsday Wonderland

: 1140 Matching banknotes

At 2:26, ​​Lin Sanjiu just took the big booklet into his hand, and he was coughed a few times by the flying ash.

On the booklet, on the reception desk, there was a thick layer of dirty ash everywhere, and there were many fingerprints that did not know who they belonged to; no matter who registered, they were obviously too lazy to sweep them. In comparison, only the pen placed next to it is barely clean.

In the "next round lava!! will open at 2:30, please leave a name here", under the big word, just a name lying alone.

However, it may not be accurate to say that the "one" name is left behind.

The previous evolutionary, apparently with a cautious understanding that everyone can understand, is not willing to leave his real name. The man left several names such as "Chen Yong", "Chen Xiyong", "Xi Yong" and "Watermelon Taro". As a result, a small "invalid" word appeared next to each pseudonym; It was discovered that he really could not pass, and the talent reluctantly wrote the last real name, "Yuan Xiangxi."

Through the paper sheet, Lin San wine can feel the despair of this predecessor.

“It feels like a big copy.” Yi teacher snorted. “Does the people on the mushroom and the ants really come here to transform the world?”

"Yeah." Lin Sanjiu responded, and his heart was completely bet on the register. Having said that, since she was sent to the planet, she has not stepped into any natural copy.

However, if you participate in the 2:30 registration, how can you only have one person in the "Yuan Xiangxi"?

She looked at the wall clock and saw that time was enough. She turned and looked at it.

The same line is written above the previous page, except that the lava opening time has changed from "2:30" to "11:30"; on the previous page, the opening time has become 10:30 in the morning... Lin San The wine followed the time and turned all the way forward. It was found that the registration record was over until midnight. That is to say, only the name of the person within 24 hours was kept on the register.

The opening time of each round of lava is not fixed, and the length of each other is several tens of minutes, and several hours. Taking up a piece of paper in one round, more or less registered names on the first ten sheets of paper; some are repeated, such as a person named "Bonnie Rabbit", maybe a girl - Maybe "Yuan Xiangxi" is precisely because he saw the name, he would mistakenly think that it is also possible to leave a fake name. There are still some names that have only appeared once, and there are no traces anymore. I don’t know where the owners of those names are now.

"The woman said that starting from 11:30 this morning, all the rings will be filled with lava..." Lin Sanjiu said as she picked up the pen and said to herself: "Since she can master the time so clearly, she And one of her beard companions wants to be one of the registered people?"

However, on the 11:30 page, only one name was left, or it was written in Japanese; how do you think that sesame and bearded men are not like Japanese.

"That means that the registration point is more than this one." Teacher Yi said, "How many people are registered in such a large scope?"

Lin San wine naturally does not know the answer. She picked up the name of the pen and sanded the sand. Before the clock pointer pointed to 2:30, the ink of the three words "Lin San Jiu" was formed, and it quickly penetrated into the paper grain.

"Thank you for participation,"

As soon as the name was finished, there was a vocal voice in the corners of the wall and ceiling; she raised her head and found that the sound was coming from the hanging speaker. Before the end of the day, this restaurant should be full of music all day long.

“After the new round of lava!!, you will notice that all the registered players in the city will appear in your field of vision. Please pay attention to the details, because the devil is Hide in the details. This round of 'lava place' has been confirmed by the players, please don't care, be sure to watch out where it seems most unlikely to have lava."

Lin San wine looked up and listened attentively to the sound of the radio in the speaker, not afraid to miss a word.

"This round lava!! will open at 2:30 pm and end at 6:30 pm. After the end, there will be one hour of rest. For more details, please refer to "lava!! Players' Informed Book". Wish everyone can Finish the goal. Now enter the countdown to open, 5, 4..."

"Informed book!" Lin Sanjiu screamed and turned to the back of the reception desk, hurriedly rummaging around.

"3, 2..."

No wonder the ring didn't respond to her! In this way, each round of lava is hidden in a different place, the sesame cake is calculated for a good time, stepping on the point and putting himself into the lava; and when Lin Sanji is going to go in, the last round just ends. There are no more lava in the ring.

There was nothing behind the reception desk except for some sundries.

"...1, open."

Lin Sanjiu’s hand was just pressed on the register, and he stood in the same place, and the sound of blood rushing was clear in his ears. She waited for two seconds without moving, and saw nothing happened. Then she slowly lifted her hand and moved a few steps.

"Open, start?"

No matter where it is, it looks no different from a few minutes ago. The sun shone in from the glass of the front door, reflecting the sparkling dust on her feet; the napkins and broken plates were piled up in the corners, and the spider webs had been formed.

She took a closer look at the restaurant, even the kitchen and the men's toilet were not missed, and she never found "lava!" ! The player's informed book. She is different from others. Other players may not want to fall into the lava. She can't wait to be sent to the hospital earlier. Therefore, when I look for it, I don't care, there is almost no negligence left.

"Not in the restaurant," she said, a little discouraged, pulling the door open and walking into the warm sunshine outside: "The outside is big, now God knows where it is..."

The tail of the last "Li" word dragged long and weak, and finally disappeared after a second or two. Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth halfway, glaring at the ground in front and rubbing his eyes.

"lava! ! The Player's Informed Book is lying on the center of the lawn not far from the front. Anyone who just pushes the door out of the restaurant can see it in the foreboding. It is not a book. It is like a script commonly used by actors. It is bound together by A4 paper and the title is printed on the cover.

"Maybe the design is like this. If you want the player to go out, you can see it." When the teacher yelled, Lin Sanjiu had already strode forward, bent down and reached out and grabbed it.

At this time, from under her fingertips, the A4 paper book disappeared into the air.

"What happened?" Lin Sanjiu pinched his fingers, and he didn't understand it: "Would you like me?"

"Where!" Teacher Yi suddenly cried.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the paper again. It is now lying on the side of the bench, the one she had just sat on - but when Lin Sanji rushed to the bench in the blink of an eye, when it was handing it, it was gone. .

As the saying goes, there are two and three.

Lin San wine waited for a few seconds with his arm, looking around and found "lava! ! The player's informed book actually appeared in the front for the third time, just falling on a round manhole cover. This time, she did not worry about taking it.

"I **** it in the comics," she whispered, biting her teeth. "...this is a trick on a banknote with a fishing line."

She walked towards the paper, step by step, not rushing; she was not close, and the paper did not move. Lin Sanjiu stopped his foot when he was five or six steps away from the paper, and stood in the same place and looked at it - the invisible and colorless consciousness suddenly shot out, and was about to press "lava!" ! When the player knew the book, he went straight through the air that was rapidly diminishing in the paper, and the local hit it on the round manhole.

Even the consciousness could not catch it... She turned and her eyes swept around.

Even if the fallen seeds are filled with magma, they still follow the habits of the past and do everything on the street; in front of an old lady who is stalling, she clearly has no fruit, but she still needs to wipe the air from time to time. Lin San wine looked at a few eyes, no need to lead, had to put his eyes on the book again.

For the fourth time, the paper book seemed to see her mental activity. She was lying there for a while and she couldn't see her to take it. The windlessly opened the first page.

Her eyes were so good that, from a distance, she saw some words from the first page that was opened, and each sentence was what she was needing to know - "The evolutionist who entered the world, as an unregistered player, It belongs to the illegal population. If the illegal population is caught in the lava, it will be automatically registered and become a member of the next round of lava!!..."

Due to the angle problem, she couldn't figure out the next half of the page.

Anyway, this stuff is very important to her, so I have to get it. Do not say anything else, there are several essential issues, Lin Sanjiu does not know the answer - for example, how to judge where the lava is hiding? What is the player's goal? Where is the hospital?

“Is it necessary to meet certain conditions before I can get it?” said the teacher.

Lin San wine mouth is tightly squatting, no sound. As soon as she slammed her hand, the card in her palm landed into a person; the artist held the brush tube, carried the shelf, turned around in the same place, and saw the direction of her finger, suddenly bowed her head and sighed silently.

Even this special item seems to be pondered out. Every time Lin Sanji called him out, he always wanted him to draw some strange things. Don't look at the artist's style of painting is very realistic, but the speed is not too fast, but it is a few strokes, the canvas has a rough outline - when Lin Sanjiu urged him the second time, The paper on the ground leaped into the air.

On one side is the powerful suction on the vacancy on the canvas, on the other side is an invisible force that is destined to keep it in place; the two forces are in the same breath, and the A4 paper can’t stand the strength, “嗤La la" cracked -

At this time, "Pure Touch" full-open Lin San wine, I heard someone in the distance took a very slight breath.

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