Doomsday Wonderland

: 1142 You see, this is the benefit of leaving a real name.

[This is definitely 30 minutes! I don't want to eat! 】

In fact, the mall is not the most ideal place to stay: after all, it is too big, there are four or five entrances alone - if you sneak in from any entrance, I am afraid that one person will not notice it.

Only when the injury is weak, a few people can not care much.

After a short break, Lin Sanjiu left Louqin to stay on the floor where the bedding was sold. He took the three-storey mall in Louye and checked it from top to bottom. It will be hidden in the corner. After the fallen seeds in the bathroom were all made into flying smoke, they blocked the entrance with containers, shelves and the like, leaving only a side door that was usually used for their own access, where the ankle was high. Blocked a thin wire and held a bell at one end.

Although this method is primitive, the alarm devices of the two brothers and sisters of the Lou's brothers and sisters have long been lost in the battle of the residential building, and now only rely on this to catch the stupid bird.

The benefits of the mall, in addition to a few sheets in the bedding area can be used to roll freely, the most surprising thing is that the backup power pack here can still work normally - although the station world has water and electricity, However, this hydropower is not allowed to suddenly disappear, and it is very unstable. For example, this area affected by the copy is often powered off; with the backup power group, at least they don't have to be black.

It’s just this light, they don’t dare to open it now.

"When we have raised the wound, we will turn the lights on," Louye touched the light switch. The tone was a bit regrettable. "I would like to see what kind of people will be attracted! When you dare to find us trouble, Call them one can't go back!"

He was always in a coma in the case of Dan Li. Almost all the battles were given to Lin Sanjiu and his sister, so his sister was almost killed. Perhaps because of this, the grievances of the teenager’s heart gradually became more and more I did a sigh of relief, and I couldn’t wait to regain my ability one day earlier, and I would like to play with you.

After a few hours of rest, the consciousness of Lin Sanjiu slowly recovered. She recovered from the bones and now has the outline of the pelvis. After listening to the words of Lou Ye, she did not say anything, but sighed secretly.

...... One night of rest today, when the number on the waist of the Louqin becomes 2, they must look for the kind of mutated building that the cat doctor said; there is no chance to fall into the battle if they want to come to the building.

After checking the mall, the two returned to the upper floor. After the brothers and sisters hurriedly ate a little yellow, green, and green food, they quickly got into the bed. When they fell asleep, the faces of the two children were all weak and weak.

Lin Sanjiu didn't have to sleep, she concentrated on her own consciousness; every 30 minutes, she stopped her hand and scanned it carefully in the mall with her consciousness scans - just after checking eight or nine times, The night outside the mall gradually became light blue, and the horizon of the east finally showed a hint of white.

At this time, the skeleton of Lin Sanjiu's body has been shaped, and the face and neck are once again covered with bright red muscles.

After several “consumption-recovery” processes, Lin San’s conscious growth rate has far exceeded that of the past; it is expected that one day’s effort, the whole body’s muscles will almost come out – she will call out I took a t-shirt and shorts from the clothes I had taken from the clothing store. Because the lower body is still only bones, Lin Sanjiu has not fixed the shorts on the pelvis with a belt.

...the feeling of putting on clothes again, a little weird.

After letting the brothers and sisters of the Lou's brother sleep for a few more hours, the time was almost the same. Lin Sanjiu woke up two children; even after getting along for so long, the two suddenly saw a skinless face in their sleepy eyes. The reaction is exactly the same -

Lin Sanjiu had a bit of hard work and escaped two attacks. The facial muscles formed an unhappy expression.

"Oh, can't blame us all..." After a thorough rest for a night, Louqin was obviously much better. I was embarrassed to follow Lin Sanjiu: "...I think it is more than your face now. Say, Shantou looks much better."

One foot passed the white silk line with the bell, and Lou Ye also made two sounds. "Have you grow your skin faster, let us know what you are! Look at your eye hole is quite big, eyes Certainly not small..."

Lin Sanjiu was maddened by both of them.

When I was out of the mall, the two children were immediately taken care of – after all, no one knew if anyone was hiding in the dark to treat them as prey.

According to the cat doctor, these variant buildings are no different in appearance from the usual buildings; they must go in and look at them to find out what is wrong.

In this way, the time spent is very impressive; buildings in large and small buildings in the commercial street are simply not visible at first glance, and each building may be mutated, meaning that each building cannot be let out - when a line After the three people checked all the buildings, they had been used for nearly two hours.

It is now more than five in the afternoon, and there are five or six hours to 12 o'clock; once the time skips midnight, the number of the altar will become "1".

Lin Sanjiu looked at the brothers and sisters of Lou’s brothers and found that their looks were a lot heavier. She thought about it and took out the pen and paper. It was comforting and wrote: “Let’s walk out of the commercial street here, try That direction."

Since she has found paper and pen from a boutique, it is now much easier to write.

The Lou's brother and sister nodded a little like a sudden.

The "direction" pointed out by Lin Sanjiu was covered by a green tree, and he could only faintly see the shadow of a building from the gap - it seems that it is very large.

After waiting for a few people to walk out of the commercial street and cross several roads, I finally saw the true face of the building.

"Ah, it turned out to be a library!" Louqin raised his head in amazement and looked at the building in front of him: "There are no libraries in the 12th world. I wanted to see it. It turned out to be so big!"

Even in the ordinary world, this library is very magnificent: from the outside, it is divided into four pavilions, each with two floors; in the middle of the left and right sides of the pavilion, is a style There is a quaint and beautiful hall - after climbing up the stairs of nearly six or seven meters, several people pushed open the heavy glass door.

The heartbeat of Lou's brother and sister accelerated in a moment, but what was disappointing was that several people stood at the door for a long while, and there was still a little bit of strangeness in the dimly lit library.

"It seems that this is not..." Lou Ye murmured, and when he turned to pull the door, he suddenly realized that the door could not be opened.

"You are coming to borrow books?" A mechanical voice smashed the calm air.

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