Doomsday Wonderland

: 1156 Con Artist to be

Realizing what happened, Lin Sanjiu was half-squatting and standing in the same place, staring at the wall and groaning - until the teacher whispered her to "hidden, don't stand", she was excited to return to God. A few steps did not enter a trail next to it.

There is also an arched carved iron gate on this path. She can't tell if it is the one she has walked through. The bottom of the hospital is made up of a number of similar trails that form a labyrinth. As long as you walk a little further, it is difficult to identify the direction of the coming. The sound of the rubbing of the clothes in the ear seemed to be getting closer and closer. She stepped back a few steps. She jumped into the air with a short stature, and the tip of her toes slammed on the wall. When the body twisted, it slammed up and the right hand grabbed it. I took the iron door frame and pulled myself up.

Stepping on the arched iron door with half a slap on the tip of her foot, she squats like an owl, holding her breath and waiting for someone to come.

There is a T-shaped intersection in front, and the two sides are not illuminated by the wall light. At this time, it is quiet and quiet. She looked at the intersection without hesitation, and saw a shadow slowly emerge from the intersection on the right hand side. It grew longer on the ground and gradually tapped the head of the man; the hair that fell to the shoulder slipped down, long Swinging in the light and shadow.

"Well?" A look around the Yaw River, seeing no one above the trail, looking cautious and confused, and dare not go out for a long time: "I just seemed to be someone..."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly saw an acquaintance in this ghost place, and even warmed up in his chest, it was like a child who could not wait to find a friend to complain. She quickly slammed him down and screamed with a sigh: "Here!"

When the Raven River looked up, his eyes just fell on Lin Sanjiu.

"What are you doing there?" He said, turning from the corner of the wall, putting one hand on the corner of the wall and wiping his forehead with one hand: "I don't think I have supported so many rounds, and finally I went to the hospital..."

Lin Sanjiu could not help but see.

...Why is the arm of the Raven River still complete? Does he have to take things out of his hands to be engulfed in magma?

She was just cheated so embarrassed, and now she is a little scared. When she thinks that it might be that other players pretend to be like Ravenjiang to lie to her, she can’t help but scream on her back. At this time, Yahoo suddenly turned his head and dropped his hands.

Lin Sanshui cast his gaze along his movements.

At this time, only the upper body of the Raven River came out from behind the wall. I didn’t know what to do with it, and then took a leg from behind the wall. Lin San’s wine stared at him tightly until he was all over his body. They all came out from behind the wall and finally understood -

"You, your waist?" she whispered.

The Raven River has complete limbs and neatly dressed. If you cover his waist, you can't see what is wrong. However, from the part below the sternum and above the tibia, it is completely empty at this time: the fracture is as smooth and smooth as the broken arm of Lin Sanjiu, showing a pink-pink plane; the middle of the two bodies is empty, and even the spine of the broken silk is also No. At first glance, he was like a Lego toy man, but he was missing a piece in the middle, leaving the upper half floating in the air.

"Your arm is gone," said Raven River. "You need to ask me?"

He said here, lowering the last remaining upper body, holding his left leg in his hands and moving it forward; when it went out, he hugged his right leg and dragged it up again - by this The way the tracker tugs the boat, he is not easy to walk into the trail.

Lin San wine opened his mouth and looked for it for a while: "You... your third special item is..."

"I'm on my waist," he said with a look like "Things are like this, what are you going to do?" "When I was swallowed up by lava, Bonnie Rabbit looked at me and couldn't stop laughing."

Although this bridge is not common, the effect is really a comedy.

"Then you... then you can only drag your legs and move forward with your hands?" Lin Sanjiu looked at him and moved forward little by little. He understood why Bonnie Rabbit would laugh like that: "You Can't control the legs?"

"Changed to you, even the waist is gone, can you walk?" Rujiang seems to see her smile under the skin, and it is a bit angry and angry: "You don't know that lower limb movements also need waist and abdominal muscles to participate." I am also more flexible in the upper body... I can shake my knees, shake my ankles, and shake my toes, but what is the use?"

"So how did you get down?"

"I jumped straight down." Raven River stretched a face and said, "Fortunately, my ward is not high, the door is very close to the bottom walls - or what else can I do?"

"Can you still jump?" Lin Sanjiu blurted out.

"Don't just throw your legs down!" Ravenjiang waved his hand. "Don't say me, you talk about it! Fortunately, I met you, I don't have to move my legs a little bit." What the **** is going on here? How do we get the points?"

It seems that he also read the price list in the room.

Before Lin Sanjiu spoke, he sighed first: "I don't have more than one arm... I just cheated."

When she said, she told the story of the previous incident to the Raven River. The latter listened to it again and again. During the period, she kept saying "Which is this to prevent people from getting" and "Is there a map?" In the case of the class, the last time Lin Sanjiu finished, he was silent for a while.

"No wonder when I said that I think the goal of the game is to find an informed book, Bonnie Rabbit has no interest in listening to it... She knows that it is impossible to buy something that can be bought here." Looking up, "Don't tell me, although you lost a kidney and didn't get an informed book, you are not completely unproductive."

Lin Sanji nodded and said, "I think so too." I slipped down from the arched iron door and dropped it gently.

In order to be able to successfully disguise as a copy of the creature, the small shopkeeper has acted in a responsible manner and entered the role. In the process of bargaining with her, she also revealed a lot of information like NPC.

“First of all, I know how to earn points in the hospital.”

Lin Sanjiu took a few steps, stopped his feet, and waited for the Raven River to move his thighs up. "Human organs, blood, whether it is their own or others, can be used to change points, otherwise the owner will not deliberately deceive my kidney. Since it is an organ sale, of course, it must be fresh. I originally thought that if you want to hunt from other people to fresh organs, you have to rely on force to kidnap the living to the toll booth, or you have to freeze the newly harvested organs... but now I know what they are doing. ""

Where did the other players get the steel frame? Hospital charge office?

"Secondly - I don't have 100% confidence in this, but I guess the location of the hospital's toll booth should be fixed."

The Raven River thought for a few seconds, and when he picked up his right leg, he sighed with approval.

“How does the small shop owner know that I am a newcomer or an old player?” She said here, looking up at the top – a wide circular building wall, surrounded by the bottom of the hospital, as if infinitely extending upwards; close to the ground floor One of the iron gates looked at the poker cards, and the smaller the size, the smaller the mahjong size and the size of the fingernails. In the range that she can see, from time to time, there is an iron gate that is pushed away, or someone shadows on the wall; under the silent sea, the undercurrent never stops.

"This comprehensive hospital is so big, I am afraid that all the lava players who have been engulfed by magma are sent here. It is not three or five figures." Lin Sanjiu regained his gaze and found that the Yajiang River was again Physically, he has to move his legs and see a layer of sweat on his forehead: "The little shop owner doesn't know if the next person he is waiting for is a newcomer or an old player. He is not afraid of the old players seeing him, but instead Hunting him? But even so, he set up a fake I thought, would it be that the location of the toll booth is not fixed at all, it is completely random, so he can shoot a shot for a place , lie everywhere."

"But... is the NPC in the hospital's toll booth also randomly appearing?" asked Rujiang.

"I don't know if he used any appearance camouflage." Lin Sanshui frowned and thought, "I saw an evolutionary standing in the doorway before I approached the fake shop and said, "So something." It’s about 4 points, and then it’s gone... I didn’t think much about it at the time, but now I think of it, it’s just a means to lead me into the set. Maybe the evolutionist and the owner are the same person. As long as he moves fast enough."

"That's great," said Raven's face with a little too good meaning. "If your reasoning is correct, then even if we find a toll booth, we can't tell if it is a real thing or a liar."

Lin San’s wine was overdone, but when he spoke again, he talked about another thing.

"When I jumped down, someone kept chasing me behind me and told me that it was dangerous... It seems that I want him to trust him." But that person’s acting is not very good, just like a small shopkeeper, it’s just a fool. Can see that something is wrong. "I was thinking, isn't every player in the hospital in a state of weakness that is debilitating? Is it... in this hospital, can you deceive yourself to survive?"

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