Doomsday Wonderland

: 1158 passersby

Lin San wine is a self-confident person, at least compared with other evolutionary people, she is already full of goodness.

However, there is always a "but" waiting here - this child is too **** annoying.

If I said that Lin Sanjiu had just seen a child being betrayed by his companions and raised a little bit of sympathy, it has long since disappeared in the cries of the child’s sharp crying and the constant kicking of the wall.

How does this temper live to ten years old?

Because of the lack of waist and abdomen, the Raven River is not easy to get up once it falls. Unfortunately, it is within the range of the child’s limbs. If she has not had time to finish, she will be given two strokes and Her arm gave a slap in the face. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly smashed his upper half and hid the sweeping legs of the ground and pulled his thighs closer. He couldn’t help but scream at the screaming little child: “Closed mouth!"

The effect came out immediately: the little girl's snoring went up a step, and the piercing cry struck the wall, feeling that people around tens of meters could hear it clearly. She seemed to use her whole body to smother herself, and her face was red and bloody, and her body pumped out - until Lin Sanji quickly grabbed her face with her hands, and the cold metal gloves were blurred. Cries.

She could feel the child slamming her mouth under the glove and gave up her idea of ​​biting her; just the fist hit her shoulder hard, the two legs played even more, and she changed her direction and rubbed her. The waist lingered in the past, it seems that I have to play Lin Sanjiu.

"If you want to bring others over, then I will throw it here!" The strength of her right arm was pressed against the little girl's face, threatening it with a low voice.

The cry of the little girl quickly turned into a convulsion, saying something, Lin Sanjiu did not hear clearly.

"What?" She carefully released a little.

"You, do you think I want to go with you?" Every little girl of the little girl broke off several times because she couldn't control her breath. "Let me go!"

After a pause, she cried again, this time it was quiet and only tears: "I... I am only ten years old, there is no kidney... no one cares about me..."

"No wonder the man took you a kidney," Raven said coldly. "If I worked with you, I would like to take some compensation from you, how much trauma."

Lin Sanjiu thought that the little girl had heard this and was crying again - but she was obviously different from the children who had no ability and could only cry and cry; she rolled over and sat up, gloomy. A glance at the person.

"Give me back my harvester," she ordered, recovering from the pitiful and annoying appearance, but the eyelids were swollen with tears and her hair stuck to her face: "Don't you two adults, still Do you want to do it with me?"

It seems that the children who hate it anymore still have the sensitivity of nature: they seem to be like the little animals, who can feel the goodwill and are unlikely to hurt themselves - for example, Lin Sanjiu can hardly imagine her. Will be the same as others, crying and crying.

"Take us to the toll booth," she thought of this, she was willing to colden her face, said: "Don't forget, there are still a lot of things you can collect now."

The little girl was lucky. Just half of her body was sinking in the wall. Her companion couldn't get the really deadly vital organs, so she only ran into her kidney. At this time, Lin Sanjiu took the harvester and shook it beside her face. She looked at her face slowly and white, but it became more and more hard: "You take it! Take the heart first! I have no mother." If you die, no one will blink. Do you think I am afraid of death?"

Lin Sanjiu got a headache. She still has a lot of questions to ask, including the basic rules in the hospital, how they entered the ward's holiday list, and whether there is anything wrong with looking for a fee... I have to rely on this child to open. Obviously, the way to deal with adults seems to be less effective for this mentally disordered 10-year-old child. They are still too young to understand the preciousness of life.

The Raven River watched for a moment and finally asked: "Do you want to find someone to take revenge?"

When the child is excited, his eyes turn over. The words of the Raven River seem to be in the middle of the heart.

After some bargaining between you and me, the child named Fifty Sail finally agreed to lead the way for Lin Sanjiu, provided that the two were waiting at the toll booth: her former companion took her kidney, sooner or later. To be replaced by points; once you see him, the two must help the fifty sails together, and the organs in the companions are fifty sails. In return, she will tell the two of everything she knows.

It is said that the two of them started to work together. In fact, the two crow rivers that can only carry the thighs forward have basically no fighting power value; the words of the fifty sails are mainly said by the three wines.

Lin Sanjiu only hopes that the coffee effect will last until that time.

"How do you know the location of the toll booth?" Her right hand firmly held the shoulders of the fifty sails, keeping her a distance from the wall, lest the child ran away without paying attention.

"You look at the newcomer who was admitted to the hospital for the first time." Fifty sails glanced at them and smiled. "Every time a toll booth appears in a new location, it will float a big 'business' on the high wall. The words, which lasted about 5 seconds, disappeared. If you didn't see it for five seconds, you could only look for it with luck, or wait for the next charge to change the location... but the time of the exchange is also random. We will always pay attention to our heads, so as not to miss the business notice."

It turned out to be the case!

The business notice is only five seconds. How can a patient who has just entered the hospital just happened to catch up?

She originally wanted to ask a few more questions. Unexpectedly, the 50 sails led the two people to turn, but stopped their feet: "It is here."


"I saw it at the end of this road?"

Lin Sanshui looked up and saw that there was a small shop at the intersection. The white counter was softly lit under the light. He could hear the electric fan screaming away from the distance. The Raven River snorted and rushed to see it and whispered, "It’s the same as the one you described..."

"How do I know if this toll is true?" She looked at the fifty sails.

Fifty sails looked impatient and waved her hand: "It's fake, then let's go!"

Lin San wine, a glimpse, not too late to consider whether she is bluffing, a soft female voice suddenly came over the high wall, with a smile: "The toll is true, the child in your hand is fake ""

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