Doomsday Wonderland

: 1167 The team is the most reliable

Lin Sanjiu didn’t notice it. There was a phone hanging on the inner wall of the toll booth. When she turned around and got into the tent, the female npc also took a quick agility with her body. It’s up.

"Security Department," as if changing a female npc, each word spit out is like a frozen iron block: "There is an outsider entering the toll booth, immediately drive -"

When the word "by" was about to be exported, Lin Sanjiu fell backwards. Finally, he passed through the tent and pulled his head into the [temporary right of abode]. The female npc was smashed in the middle of the road. She held the phone and looked around between the tent and the microphone for two laps. It was probably the first time I saw this situation. The voice was weak and the mouth was not open. Moved.

The guards seized the opportunity and hurriedly climbed into the ground with their hands and feet; when she first entered the tent, she was slammed by Lin Sanjiu: "Say something!"

At this time, the guard was floating in the air, and the skin was also red, so it was so embarrassing; she turned around in the tent like a dog with a tail-catching head, and quickly stretched her head out again: That, that...sister, actually, we applied for permission from the management office, and went in and visited what..."

The female npc snorted, like a computer that had just been awakened. “Is there still such a thing?” she said with suspicion, slowly reaching out and hanging up the phone. "I heard it for the first time."

"Giggle me, didn't say it early."

The voice of the guardian was soft and soft - but after listening to the phone hangs back, the attention of Lin Sanjiu is not on the npc.

"Oh... then I sent him first, let's say it again." The fat female npc's face finally recovered from the usual lazy smile, turned around and asked the red-faced man standing outside the counter: "What do you want?" ?"

He painted the entire face with red paint, and his eyes became more yellow like liver disease, and his lips were lined with no blood. Perhaps it is not too young, the deep lines on his skin are soaked with red lacquer, which becomes a red and black thin line, as if he is covered with nematodes.

The red-faced man stared silently at the tent in the toll booth, and only half of his eyes were exposed under the bright red eyelids.

The guard smashed his face. "Put your eyes," she said painfully. "These people are too eye-catching."

"What do you want?" The female npc asked again.

The red-faced man seemed to notice her like this. Slowly, like a big snake, following the smell of prey, she turned her head over her.

The two sat on the ground in the tent, and the line of sight was just blocked by the counter. Except for a red-faced person standing at the height of the condescending, the outside could not be seen at all; when the ear was carefully listened, only the distant vague battles could be heard. I don’t know. How is black zebra? The red-faced man suddenly bent down, and when he got up straight, the fifty-fifth in his arms was stunned and thrown on the counter, with a thin silver-white cane - when both were a spirit He opened his mouth.

That is not a smile. It should be said that it is more like a humanoid creature that is imitating human beings.

"We want to get him back," Lin San immediately whispered in the guard's ear. "I plan to earn points and I need the old man."

“It’s easy to say,” the guard whispered softly. “I don’t have a cane and it’s hard to stand up!”

In fact, there is, she can not stand up - now as soon as the two leave the tent, the female npc will immediately call the security.

Fifty people know that they are on the edge of the counter, and the back of the head is facing the inside of the toll booth. If the red-faced person pushes it, it will slide down. His other free hand, pulled out a steel reaper from his arms, still did not say a word; the guard suddenly took a breath, sighed at the back of the female npc and said: "Sister, that But my friend."

The female npc looked back at her, and the corner of her mouth had already evoked a laughing arc that could not be called goodwill. "What? I can't accept it?"

Different from what Lin Sanjiu thinks, the next few sentences of the guardian sentence are like this: "Accepting the organ is your job. How can I hinder your work? But he is indeed my friend and looks at him. The organ was sold by this person, and I couldn’t swallow it."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I have a suggestion... Is it better to halve the price?"

Lin Sanjiu just wanted to cast a questioning eye on her, but suddenly reacted to it - this kind of thing npc is embarrassed to say, but if someone proposes it, then she has no disagreement!

"Oh," NPC seems to start thinking about this proposal. "If you can make you feel better..."

The red-faced man suddenly bowed a little, just at the moment when he was divided by the npc, Lin Sanjiu seized the opportunity to hit a consciousness in the 50th Ming Dynasty. She is now exhausted, and her strength is still greater. When she rolls the collar of the old man, she violently pulls it back. The fifty Ming is like a shadow play doll. Counter countertops.

But the red-faced man stood next to the body of Fifty Ming, and waited for him to slide down the counter, and he grasped the arm of the old man. His combat power must have recovered almost, because in the confrontation with the consciousness, the power of the red-faced person quickly gained the upper hand, and the old man would once again slide back.

"Hey!" The guard was busy yelling at him, raising his hand and throwing it - the red-faced man turned his head slightly, his eyes on the hand in her air. At this moment, the ten fingers of the guardian suddenly jumped into a hook, like grabbing a piece of cloth, and "holding" his gaze.

The red-faced man stumbled forward and didn't know what he saw. The tribal mask-like face finally cracked a look; Lin San wine slammed his hand slightly loose, and suddenly increased consciousness. Force, the old man slammed down the counter, and slammed on the ground at the toll.

Immediately afterwards, the silvery white cane, which was originally placed on the table and swept in by the legs of the fifty Ming, also rolled down.

The guard slammed out of the tent and reached out to the silver-white cane; almost at the same time, the red-faced man stretched out his pale tongue and licked his lips, and suddenly there was a huge long net between his hands - exactly that In the past era, catching butterflies and catching flying insects, but its size is definitely for human beings. The red-faced person still occupies the toll booth, and the insect net quickly slams the counter, just in the head. The guardianship is caged tightly.

Just as she grabbed her cane, noticed the shadow and looked up, the net mouth quickly closed and wrapped her up.

This change happened too quickly, and no one expected it. It was like a red-faced person who had expected their next move, and took a net of insects and waited there. Until then, Lin San’s hand still held a skirt in the guard’s hand. This is because she was afraid that the guard will leave the tent and quickly hold it down. This piece of skirt was originally slack on the ground, and immediately came a spirit-like stretch, straightened in the air, struggling to get out of her fingers.

The insect net bulged a large human bag, and as the guardian struggled, the net continued to rise and fall, but no sound was heard at all; the red-faced person raised his arm, and the huge, rolling insect net Was lifted off the countertop.

Lin Sanji quickly swept through her own card library, but found that no one looked like it was useful. At this moment, the skirt was earned from her dead palm, and she heard a crack in the line. sound. She quickly loosened her hand before the fabric broke, hurriedly took a card, voluntarily turned it into the air in the skirt, and shouted in the mouth: "Don't go, I use this old man to change with you." !"

It seems that after entering the insect net, how much energy and ability can't be made. The red-faced man set it up, and the net pocket was hanging above the ground, which was too exaggerated. It was unexpected that there was only one woman inside. Although it was rolled over because of the guardianship, the insect net was always firm and there was no sign of opening. .

"They are two people," said the red-faced man, Lin Lin, who showed a row of teeth that looked yellow with red paint: "Is there a difference to me?"

This is the first sentence he said, and the last sentence he said; before she yelled again, "Hey!", the red-faced person turned around and quickly disappeared outside the store.

"Hey," said the female npc. "Have she left? Really."

"What did you talk about?" Lin Sanshui asked busy. "She seems to say something about going to look for you... What happened in the past? Why?"

The female npc looked at her, and the two gangsters that had risen on the face were lifted. "I want to know what we said." When Lin San’s heart sank, she heard her say, “Go ask her.”

Sometimes, things in the world are so smart.

Lin Sanjiu later doubted whether it was at that time that Rujiang used the [common bridge of the comedy]; but the latter promised her that his ability range would never touch the toll, and her own [Nothing is not a book] It is indeed closed state - this is only the explanation of "simple coincidence".

All in all, the guardianship is not the first person to be packaged and wrapped up today. The second one is the black zebra that emerges from the doorway at the moment and looks irritated and unhappy.

It’s a bit of a mistake to say “emergence”.

He looked better than the guardian. He floated in the air and sat cross-legged. His face looked like a heavy sky before the storm. He could feel the anger of beating him in his blood vessels after ten meters. Also, people like him who are proud of their own combat power, at this moment, have been surrounded by a group of brown and yellow halo, looking like a bug wrapped in amber.

Most of Lin San’s body was drilled out of the tent. At this time, the old man was squatting into the tent, and he looked up at the cold, just opposite to the black hair in the air.

"How, how is it going?" She stared at the first strong force of the last day, "How come you..." How did you do it?"

Fortunately, the voice of Kurosawa can still be heard.

"I was deceived," he said dumbly, his voice as if he had been angered and stunned. "They can't fight, they have a lot of sorrow!"

"Who? How to lie to you?" Lin Sanjiu still stared at him, and began to understand why the chance of survival of Akazawa was "very low."

Behind this big "amber", two other players quickly took the lead, just the old goddess and the girl with a parasol. An old and a young seem to care about the amber bogey in the air, and he stayed at the distance of five or six steps, and stopped his foot.

After the disappearance of the guardianship, the attitude of the female npc dropped by eight steps, as if there was no desire to talk with Lin Sanjiu. She turned and looked at the person. She said coldly and coldly: "I have to take out the goods myself. I will not harvest the organs for you."

Lin Sanjiu heard a glimpse.

Indeed, Heizhao is different from the guardian. He does not know how to be summoned into the hospital. He is still physically fit and full of strength. Even if he is wrapped in amber, it is also a hot potato. Who dares to reach in to collect his organs. ?

"I gave you a whole life, isn't it fresher?" The girl spoke far away. Because she was sitting behind the counter, Lin San couldn't see what she was like - but this sentence, but the side Confirmed her guess.

"Don't live," the female npc turned away from the amber bogey without interest. "We are a legitimate hospital, not a human being."

"What should I do?" the old goddess’ voice whispered, "I can’t keep him that way..."

"and many more!"

Lin Sanshui came up with an idea and hurriedly shouted: "You didn't use him, right? I will buy it with you."

Kurosawa looked at her look and reminded her of the ghost painting she had just received. She tried to pretend that she didn't see it. She hit the iron hotly: "Or else you can't use him, it's a trouble!"

"Buy?" The girl did not come up, but the voice contained no belief: "How many points do you have?"

"I have 11 points," Lin Sanshui came to the mouth. "You took the whole person and sold it for 10 points? I will give you 10 points."

No one answered her; the two men pressed their voices down and squinted for a while, ambiguously unclear.

"Do she really have 10 o'clock?" The old goddess said this to the female npc.

Lin Sanshui looked up and saw the female npc turn her head towards her. It seemed to check the number of points she could not see; she hurriedly raised a hand and sighed with a sigh: "I don't have it now. But I will be there soon!"

Female npc gimmick: "Hey?"

"Have you seen him?" Lin Sanshui gestured to the unconscious Wuming on the ground, swallowed a slobber, and took out a card. "I will cut a hole in the muscle skin on his back..."

"and then?"

She hardened her scalp and lifted the cardification of [Bone Bone Soup].

"And... I will let him grow his spine and harvest his bones. Now, can you tell them, do I really have 11 points?"

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