Doomsday Wonderland

: 1203 The way of cooking in the 12th world (one)

This is anti-theft, because I have to get on the plane in a few hours, so I will post the text before I leave. The mobile phone side should not write the next chapter until my plane landed and settled down...

With the water coming from Fang Dan, the yellow sand washed from Lin Sanjiu was thick enough to cover the foot. When her skin was restored to cleanliness and moisturization, Fang Dan, who helped her to fetch water, said “When did you wear this thing? It’s beautiful!”

Washed away the yellow-covered Pygmalion collar and became even more dazzling.

No wonder that no one has mentioned this collar all the time. The daring is because she has sweated and touched the sand, not to mention the collar, even the hair can't see the color. After washing and changing clothes, Lin San wine dissipated his hair and awkwardly covered the collar as much as possible.

Fang Dan said that Hu Chang was going to the infirmary to treat the wound. Listening to the meaning of Chen Jinfeng, maybe Mather will be there...

Holding this thought, Lin San wine opened the door of the infirmary.

In the small bed in the room, there was a young man with a tight leg.

"Only you are here?"

"The disappointment in your tone is too obvious?" Hu Chang sat up and disappointed with wearing glasses. "You are looking for a nurse? She just went out."

"No, I am looking for Mather. It's weird, I didn't see her anywhere." Lin Sanjiu said, rummaging around. After a while, she took a roll of bandages from the cupboard. "How is the wound?"

"It’s not so painful. The oasis is so big, it’s normal to not find it for a while.” Hu Chang said casually, "Yes, I have to tell you something..." Halfway, he As soon as I looked up, I immediately stopped.

A long black hair slid down the shoulders of Lin Sanjiu like water, and a pair of amber cat eyes were filled with bright light. This model of the model should be feminine - but when the eyes fell on her neck When the snowy bandage was on the band, it made people feel that she had a very cool feeling of impact. Not a first-rate beauty, but it feels so... swearing.

"In this way, I can't see my collar?" Lin Sanshui took a bandage. "See what I am doing? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, ah, that!" Hu Chang was pressing his heartbeat, and he said a little red-eyed. "In fact, my ‘de-puppeting’ has just been upgraded...”

Lin San wine eyes brightened, just to say a congratulation, suddenly the door rang a "original small wine here!" - then the door was pushed open, revealing the face of Feng Qiqi. He was about to continue talking, and suddenly he found that Hu Chang was in the house, and immediately swallowed the latter half.

Lin Sanjiu smiled and said, "What are you looking for?"

Feng Qiqi’s face suddenly paused, and the pressure of telling the truth suddenly pressed against his shoulder like a stone.

He thought about it and smiled and said, "Heaven is bright, let's go have breakfast together."

Hu Chang picked up the cup as usual and ate a piece of medicine.

This kind of nonsense nonsense, of course, no problem.

"Oh. Yes, do you know where Mather is?"

Feng Qiqi’s heart sighed.

He certainly knows where Mather is. When I was running, I was too far away from her... If Mather and Luzer were too far apart to disappear, then Luzer must re-use a splitting ability, and Mather would appear again. This point, Feng Qiqi is very clear - but now, he really wants to forget it.

Because of this, "I don't know" becomes a lie. "Maybe people are called to go and do something." It is also a lie. Even "I will come out after waiting for a while" is a lie - that is, he wants Don't say anything, you have to tell the truth!

"咕咚", Hu Chang was drinking the water in the glass, and his eyes looked over.

Before figuring out the new abilities of Lin Sanjiu, she must not be allowed to be suspicious of herself. Feng Qiqi’s eyes turned around her, and she screamed in a hurry, “Have your neck hurt?”

"Ah, this, actually..." Lin Sanjiu was actually distracted, and her explanation opened her head. Feng Qiqi sighed and interrupted her. "How are you so careless? Got it, Let's rest here first, you don't care about other things. I will call you when I have breakfast."

He can now take care of this woman without having to leave it early.

"Other things" are heard in Lin Sanjiu, naturally referring to Mather - and Hu is always in the ear, but it can not be a lie. Feng Qiqi screamed a good risk, and while he was glad of his own urgency, he quickly left the infirmary.

However, the door of the infirmary was closed, and Hu Chang said a word to Lin Sanjiu.

"He lied to you."

"Ah?" Lin Sanjiu smashed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean just now." Hu Chang scratched his head and said, "After the anti-pseudo-realization upgrade, there are two more features. One of them is that I can now see who has lied to someone in the past 24 hours. .and so……"

Lin Sanjiu understood. However, she was somewhat unacceptable - holding her arm and thinking for a long time, she murmured that "just now, he did avoid the topic of Mather... It can be said that it is a bit unnatural. Is it in this matter? Did you lie to me? But it’s not right. Since we came back, I have barely said a few words with him..."

So before you leave? Or when is the task? At that time, Mather was still there, and they did not need to mention her.

What did he lie to himself...? Lin Sanjiu wants to be more and more puzzled, and his head is big.

Hu Chang was talking about the export, and regardless of her mystery at this time, she felt a lot of relaxation, and she fell down on the bed. "You think slowly, I have to sleep for a while."

He has been dragging his legs for so long, and he is also extremely tired.

Lin Sanji was absent-minded and said, "Well, you should sleep first. I went to Chen Jinfeng’s office to get something..." Feng Qiqi knew that she had left a diary card there, and she didn’t want to get it back. It’s difficult. Besides, it has been almost two hours.

"Leave a snack, I am not there, no one can tell the lie for you." Hu Chang sighed and closed his eyes comfortably.

I didn’t expect Lin San’s wine to suddenly glimpse.

She grabbed his arm and said, "Hey, I ask you, can I tell the truth without using your ability?"

The words were so messy and inexplicable. Hu often looked at the pair of light-colored eyes at a close distance and stuttered, "When, of course not.... The difference between true and false is the result of me, my ability... you are Say what……"

Suddenly, Lin Sanshui understood what the lie of Feng Qiqi was. She thought for a while, until Hu Chang’s skin was hot enough to squirt steam. “That... you are too close to me... girls, shouldn’t...”

She took a slap on the bed and shouted "Thank!" and rushed out the door.


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