Doomsday Wonderland

: 1206 people can't escape the claws of economic law


Kurosawa has just died and died, not to mention the fighting power, and even the physical strength seems to have gone to seven or eight, one and a half will still recover; Bohemia picks three, four is afraid of heavy, born without Half the spirit of dedication for the team - the end result, people who have to pick up the bloody, fat npc, naturally non-Lin San wine.

"You have to cooperate with him, you don't carry him back." Bohemia stood at the door and muttered, "Looking at the disgusting..."

Npc licked his mouth and said: "I am so embarrassed."

Bohemia turned his head and left Lin Jin’s golden brown, furry head. When she dismissed the npc, she seemed to be a little jealous of him, and she was not willing to talk to him.

He insisted that he should not be helped by the black zebra, and he walked up one step at a time, his lips slammed tightly, and he refused to give a little gasp. Lin Sanjiu was not at ease. He just glanced at him. The latter immediately frowned. "What do you think of me?"

... can still be impatient, okay.

She circled the obese arm of the npc and lifted her chin towards the door. Bohemia carefully put her ear up. After listening for a while, she turned back and said to a few people: "I didn't hear anything."

The door of the tool room was carefully opened by a slit, and from the gradually growing gap, the two people were sneaked out. Lin Sanjiu was the last one. When she stood in the corridor, NPC turned her head and looked at it. She said weakly: "...turn left and go straight."

Although the disabled are weak and weak, but after all, they are all evolutionary people who are level, even if they make a 50% discount, they are still agile and light and amazing - even the air is stirred by the black whirls. If you close your eyes, unless you are punched by Bohemian on the face, I am afraid that no one can see that someone has passed by.

When he was about to move to the next corridor, Kurosawa put a hand on the shoulder of Lin Sanjiu. He did not say a word, but several people stopped at the same time.

In the faint corridor, everything is silent. Bohemian slightly confused with a slap in the face, then immediately understood the hints of Lin Sanjiu; she glanced at the latter, hesitated for two seconds, still did not rush to go out to see, but squatted down, do not know where to go from I took out a small mirror. She took the small mirror in her hand and swayed out from the angle of the ground.

She stared at the mirror in her hand, and paused for a few seconds without a word. When she turned her head, her face turned white.

"Guard," she opened her mouth and said silently in her mouth: "There are many, standing there..." Then he reached out and pointed at the wall.

Standing there?

"Do you want to move?" Lin Sanjiu also asked with a mouth shape.

Bohemia shook his head.

When Lin Sanjiu also licked a pair of glasses, the hair on her neck was set up. The dense, black-faced face, facing in her direction, stood motionless in the hallway. Some people's eyes have turned into black holes, some people have not yet; among the eyes with intact shapes, there are several, just like just hitting her gaze, staring straight Where they are.

No wonder... No wonder this time the alarm stopped early and the guards had no shadow. They probably know that fugitives will appear in the corridor sooner or later? But why is this corridor?

If you are not worried about making a sound, Lin Sanjiu can't wait to put the npc on the ground and use his boots to break his trachea. This fat man may have known for a long time that the alert will be strict, and he will specifically lead them to this path -

"I don't know, really,"

When a group of people returned to the tool room, waiting for someone to open the European, the fat man was the first to speak. Lin San wine threw his hand on the ground and slammed a muffled sound; npc looked painful, but still biting his teeth, not letting himself scream.

" listen to me," he said after he finally eased his breath. "I didn't deliberately lead you. I will lead you there, and they will guard them on that road. The same reason... Only when you get there, can you be discharged."

Looking up at three faces, I don’t know who’s look told him to call a spirit; npc said hurriedly: “Did I explain it? First, let the hospital confuse your identity, then it’s possible to be mixed and discharged. You have been to the Information Department once," he turned to Lin Sanshui. "You got the materials of most patients, which saved a lot of things... You agree, we have to put the materials we have done. Go back. But not to go back to the Ministry of Information, because it has been ruined, and new information is suspicious - I have said it again, why don't you believe it?"

“How do they know that we are going to put the materials back?” Lin Sanjiu asked with suspicion: “Is there so many guards waiting in advance?”

When explaining the plan, this fat person can only be regarded as a language. He seems to have made the copy as his own. In addition to the necessary information, he is reluctant to let the players know more information.

"They don't know." NPC sighed. "But that place is important... for all sorts of reasons, you are very likely to go there."

"How do you say that?"

Npc hesitated for a long time, it seems that I finally came up with a suitable saying: ", have you heard of it?"

"engine room?"

"Or... the engine?" He looked back and forth at a few faces - Black Zedong had to sit down and rest; he never let go of any chance to recover, just like any alert wild animal.

"What the **** are you going to say?" Bohemia stood behind Lin San’s wine and screamed coldly.

"Like the car has an engine, the computer has a main board, and the plane has an engine. There is also a 'source power' here." NPC slowly explained, " the computer room, everything about the hospital is stored, and it is running. Everything in the hospital. Don't be excited, that's what you said, but it's not easy to figure out what it can do... The computer room is very large, and one room is connected to a room; the outermost room, The number of points full of dead people."

In addition to the fact that Kurosawa did not understand the weight of this sentence, the other two people were stunned.

"All the players who died in this hospital will be in the room if they are a little bit dead. Otherwise, have you ever thought about it? The points are exchanged for real organs, if you follow people If you die and die..." NPC thought about it and made an analogy: "Isn't the hospital always in a state of deflation?"

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