Doomsday Wonderland

: 1208 顺风顺水林三酒


To say that Lin Sanjiu summed up his life experience in the doomsday world, it must have been smooth no matter what she wanted to do - but she did not expect that in the next few hours, this iron law Actually it was broken.

At first, she and Bohemia tried to start with the oldest method and asked themselves "If I am an evolutionary who wants to avoid the guards, I should hide where the guards will not come." The two men thought for a long time, and Bohemia suddenly slaps on her back: "Isn't that the tool room? We are not going to avoid the evolutionary of the guards?"

"Think about other places," Lin Sanji coughed a few times and glanced at NPC: "Small and inconspicuous..."

NPC shook his head: "Don't count on me, I don't know. You see my body, and I should understand that I have no fate with the small space."

Do you have to go out and search for a place?

She only thought of this, the black hair in the corner suddenly opened her eyes again - he is obviously a very restful person, when he closes his eyes, he will die, so every time an opening can scare one Jump: "You don't talk first."

"What?" When you said it, it was not Bohemia.

"Tell you to shut up and close."

Although I don't understand why, Lin Sanjiu took Bohemian's hand and signaled that she was quiet with herself. The tool room quickly fell into the dead, and even the breathing of several people was suppressed and became light and shallow; she was homologous to the "pure touch" of Kurosawa, and the movement was faint. Feeling it - it was a very difficult to describe touch, as if in a darkness, suddenly a pair of owls with green eyes lit up.

She also opened the "pure touch", the presence of several people in the tool room is clear and clear, as strongly as printed on the neural network. But beyond that, nothing is there: there is no fifth person's breathing, heartbeat, or subtle sound when the skin rubs against the fabric.

"I haven't heard anything?" Kurosawa asked softly.

Lin Sanji shook his head.

"Did you see that ventilation fan?" He cast his gaze into the corner of the ceiling.

The ventilation fan is only as big as the human head. The white sheet should be covered with a layer of thick gray. The color is so dirty that it is no different from the ceiling itself. A piece of cloth attached to the sheet hangs in the air and solidifies.

"What happened to the ventilation fan?" Bohemia asked. She hasn't received any warm gratitude until now, so she always has a grievance when she speaks.

"...where is the tool, why is there a ventilation fan?" In a dimly dark, the black-bossy eyes lit up as if they had seen the eagle of the prey.

It's not so much a tool room, it's better to say that it's a cabinet. It's not for people. After sitting in a crowded 3.5 people, even the bucket mop and other things are squeezed into the arms of NPC. Lin San jumped up and stared at the ventilation fan and said: "Impossible... There is no fifth person except us."

"I didn't hear it either." Kurosawa said unexpectedly, "but you can't listen with your ears."

What is it used for?

"Close your eyes," he whispered. "Imagine yourself in a strange dark room, you can't hear or see, and then open the pure touch to the inside. If we are the furniture in this can now Do you feel where the furniture is?"

Lin Sanjiu covered his ears, and after a long while, he finally hesitated and nodded. The feeling is both slight and sometimes absent, just like she imagined herself—it is a feeling of vaguely feeling that the space around her is occupied by things. If the universe is a film, then this tool is like a small universe at this moment; on this film, the existence and weight of several people, like the stars, are pressed into the film, occupying and distorting the space.

"I...had felt it." She still closed her eyes and pressed her ear and muttered, "Bohemia... is it you? You moved the place, right?"

Bohemian groaned and said: "He let me move."

"And..." Lin Sanji opened his eyes and slowly lowered his hand and stared at the ventilation fan. "There is also a 'furniture' above."

Kurosawa bogey did not speak, gently smacked one side of the lips.

At this moment, the ventilation fan suddenly appeared to be pressed into the water, and the color and shape quickly expanded and melted into the ceiling, disappearing in an instant without a trace; from the original is a ventilation fan On the ceiling, a shadow quickly fell, and then it was like swinging an arc in the air, rushing toward the door in midair—the speed of the figure was amazing, no accident, It should be able to escape from the door. But he probably didn't expect it. Just now Bohemia was blocked at the door early by Black Zebo. At this time, a black shadow of the boss in the air rushed over and screamed. Raised a hand and threw a wooden bird.

Lin Sanjiu’s reaction was indeed very fast, and he simply went to the ground and sneaked into the airborne bird that was rising in the air – even if she was hiding in time, she was still on the back. A bit of wood wings.

She rolled over and jumped up, almost stepping on the NPC's thigh. The body of the big wooden bird continued to swell behind her, until there was no room to expand, and it stopped. Its feet fell on the place where Lin San’s wine was squatting, and the two wings were tight. Holding a man, the body is packed with the entire tool room. Everyone was pushed, pressed, and pressed against the wall. Plastic cleaning tools such as buckets have long been fragmented.

"In such a narrow place, what do you do with such a large special item?" She whispered in a sigh of relief.

The wooden bird blocked her sight, and she couldn’t see Bohemia at all. What she could see was only the head of the wooden bird that fell down like a small refrigerator, and the elaborately carved glimpse of the head. Feather pattern. It leaned his head on the shoulder of the man in his arms, and his wings were pressed into his chest, and a bird's face was full of love.

"Don't you want to catch him?" Bohemia was squeezed out of breath, but it didn't mean she had nothing to say: "You said, I caught him?"

"...What is this ghost thing?"

"This is maternal love," Bohemia retorted. "You know a fart."

When they finally liberated the red-faced person from the maternal love, the latter seemed to be no longer human. It is also unfortunate to say that he is one of his abilities, which allows him to melt into the solid interior of walls, ceilings, mattresses, etc., not only to completely obscure his biological representation, but even the physical traces left on the surface. It also creates a reasonable illusion: a ventilating fan on the ceiling, or a stain on a mattress. He found a small tool room that was inconspicuous and suitable for hiding. He didn't dare to rest assured. He tried to climb the ceiling and buried himself in the ceiling. He only changed the traces on his head into a ventilation fan. Who can expect that just after a good possession, Lin Sanjiu squatted half a fat man, led two people, and came in with familiarity.

"I have met again," Lin Sanshui looked at him and found that the red-faced person recovered well. He could not see the sequela of the guardian. "Do you remember me?"

"You took my things," the red-faced people smashed their belongings after they came in. It’s different now; especially after looking at the black zebra, it’s more polite: “... Do you still want me to be a game guide for Gamer?"

Several people couldn’t help.

The matter was too smooth, and Lin Sanjiu was full of doubts. "Have you heard?"

"Yes, this guy is NPC right?" The red-faced man lifted his chin towards the fat man. "I don't know why he will help you, but he is right. As a Gamer, I do know how to earn hidden." Points."

As soon as his voice fell, his face floated a smile. The paint of Hongtongtong was shattered on the skin folds, and the powder fell in clusters; no matter who saw his expression, he knew that even if he asked, he would not say it.

Bohemia suddenly looked up, like a rabbit who was about to smell if it was going to rain, and pumped his nose.

“There is a perfume smell,” she murmured, smelling a little bit next to the red-faced person. “You look ugly and tasteless. Why do you know how to spray perfume?”

Lin Sanjiu was reminded of this, and he took two noses and suddenly understood: "Have you seen the guard?"

Not only have you seen it, the two must have been in close contact with each other, and the red-faced person will be stained with perfume.

The red-faced man’s lips were stretched together, and he was still reluctant to say: “This is a private enmity between me and her... It doesn’t matter what I’m doing right now.”

"What about her?"

Not waiting for the red-faced person to speak, Bohemia first spoke. Her appearance at this time is reminiscent of the drug dog: "The smell of perfume is really the same as that sprayed on him... Are you sure that the woman is using it? Maybe this guy is actually very motivated."

"Where is the guardian on your body?" Lin Sanshui blurted out and immediately felt wrong. She took all the special items of the red-faced person, and he couldn't have a place to hide a big living person... But what about the net bag used to catch people?

"When you entered the lab, you took a long pole in your hand. It was falling with you at the time." She stared at the red-faced person and speeded up the speech: "When I sucked you out, there was no Look at it a bit. How, after you came out, you can find a way to get it? What is the use of that thing?"

"I said that she has nothing to do with the moment." The red-faced man hesitated for two seconds. "You and her are not friends, I know..."

"Less nonsense, is the guardian in your hands?"

After a pause, the red-faced man slowly extended his hand to his own arms. He had just moved, and he was left out of his eyes, and he closed his eyes and blackened his eyes. He turned his eyes and turned his head; The thing that just came out of my arms slammed into the ground, and the section opened and became a long pole with a few bones rolling.

"This is my Swiss military," he said reluctantly. "A pole, multiple uses..."

One of them is to open a large net bag from the pole and make it become a huge insect net. As soon as the tying insect net was opened, the guard was rolled over; when she had not stood up and looked at the environment, she had raised a hand and whispered: "Don't believe him, I It’s Gamer!”

How come one more?

They have just heard the conversations of several people on the ceiling, which is already obvious; but why bother to do Gamer?

“The population density of this tool room is too great,” Bohemia complained. He carefully looked at the guards and turned around and whispered, “You are not right about the beauty standards?”


"I said, why have you never boasted that I look good. You think that this kind of ordinary appearance is good."


Lin Sanji couldn't help it - she knew that this was an insignificant detail, or that the right hand wrapped in a metal glove set off the guard; when they looked at each other, she also stunned.

The five senses, hair color, body shape, face shape... even the decoration on the skin, there is no change. No matter who sees it, they will feel that "this is the guard" - but the kind of eye-catching breath of the guard "Beauty" disappeared like a dim light.

"I am really Gamer," she seemed to be unaware of the changes in her body, and eagerly and embarrassedly said: "Otherwise, how do I know that I can join hands with NPC? Of course, I was sorry for you that time... but You didn't become a guard, but I am also happy..."

Lin Sanjiu also did not want to hear her. Seeing that even the red-faced person seemed to be opening her mouth, she waved her hand, and both of them had a very interesting mouth--when she was meditating, the tool room was temporarily silent.

Just as she was distracted, someone approached the other side of the door almost silently; then, one hand tapped on the door of the tool room.

Lin Sanjiu was fascinated from the meditation, and he slammed it, but he first looked at the black zebra. The latter’s face suddenly stinked: "What do you think of me? I am like your watchdog?"

"That..." the person outside the door whispered, "Can you let me in? I just hid nearby... I heard you say that you want to find Gamer. It doesn't matter, I am a Gamer..."

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