Doomsday Wonderland

: 1220 NPC abacus

This is really the greatest ability in the doomsday world.

When Lin Sanjiu rushed to grab the arm of the former guard and took him out of the table, the latter made a sound of a duck in the panic; she did not explain much, just pushed him to Bohemian Ya, shouted: "You bring him, I am going to find a doll!"

As soon as the word "Puppet Master" came out, Bohemia immediately followed the balloon that had been smashed, and all the gas ran away: "Is the big man and the adult here?"

"Don't you throw the skirt on his head?"

Bohemian looks even worse than her. In a moving mountain shake, she also took time to think for a few seconds: "No, no... I dare..."

Now is not the time to allow them to sit down and talk slowly. The look of Lin Sanjiu has been searched for a few laps. In the environment of countless shaking, cracking and closing, the glimpse of the doll is fascinated by the big witch. After the body of the control, obviously can not adapt to the surrounding catastrophe, the pace is awkward, still holding the book in his arms; if it is not black, avoid standing firmly in the same place, push him away and draw closer with one vortex To help him avoid the danger, I am afraid that he has been swallowed up by a copy of the change.

"Wait for me," Lin Sanjiu said, jumping on the table that the former guard had hidden under him, using it as a springboard, and slamming his head toward the teacher, shouting: "Catch my hand! ”

At least this, the big witch can still do it.

The thin hand just clenched the Lin San wine, she pulled it back, and took the arm around the chest of the doll, and rushed back in the direction of Bohemia. A white face is particularly conspicuous, subconsciously blocking the former guard in front of him, stuttering a word can not say smooth; Lin Sanjiu shot her with the arm that did not grow his left hand, "Don't worry, Go!"

It was not until her own robes slipped from the head of the big witch, Bohemia realized that the doll was wrong. As soon as she woke up, she quickly followed Lin Sanshui and ran and shouted: "I understand what is going on!"

"what happened?"

"After we were separated, I hadn't walked to the tool room. The red-faced flies had sneaked on me. - Can I let him catch it?" Bohemia is also a personal thing in the past, and his skills are good: " After I ran away, the paint bucket lid had been chasing me behind... I ran and saw a weird man with sheets, walked with the same feet, looked stupid, I, I... ..."

When she said this, the tone weakened. Lin Sanjiu worried that she was caught in a crack and hurriedly looked back and found that Bohemia’s mouth was flat, as if she could cry at any time: “I’m... I stumbled him and gave him another set. One of my robes."

...... OK, this is another thing that the doll does not need to know.

When she sighed in her heart, she only listened to the white trees not far away. NPC raised the door and said, "I am here!"

The two of them held their human luggage and hurriedly jumped into the white bushes. This is much more stable than the copy of the invasion. At the very least, you don’t have to pay attention to the deep cracks under your feet. The npcs that have lost their legs are sitting. Next to a white tree, he was so anxious that his face was sweaty, and the guardian sentence was gone early. "I didn't expect the reaction to be so, he lived? It's so good, it's not too late to continue planning!"

The former guard was still squatting, and he was thrown into the fat man by Bohemia. It took him a few seconds to react to what he was doing, and he did not forget to go back and make a guarantee: "You, you... will take me out, right?"

"Definitely." Lin Sanshang always has a bit of sympathy for him, saying with his greatest sincerity.

I was assured that the former guard was still not at ease. He whispered: "That... I think the hidden route may be a pass. This is the only prop in the hospital to buy and sell at the same price, unlike the organ, bought it. The price is double that of selling..."

His voice was low, and it was very intermittent in the room where the rumbling trembles. It was difficult to make people completely clear; but npc only listened to the beginning, and seemed to know what he was going to say, and waved his hand and said: Yes, yes! I am going to take the points, you continue to say!"

Npc stretched out from the branches of the white tree and looked back at Lin Sanjiu: "Who is the number?"

She is a wanted criminal, and it doesn't help to take points. The identity of Bohemia is now precarious. Naturally, I can only give one person - Lin Sanjiu will push the dolls forward, "Give him!"

Npc doesn't care who points, he seems to only want to complete this "handover" program earlier, so that he can be associated with the hospital room. "Puppet teacher?" He identified the other side - it is strange to say, whether it is with or without heads, or how strict the appearance is, these npcs can still recognize who is who. "Give you!"

I just won't have enough points for a dead person. Lin Sanjiu stepped forward and was urging npc to give more. His eyes swept from his feet, but he found that the big witch had just held the book in his arms. I don’t know when it fell to the ground. She picked it up and looked at it subconsciously. If she had to go to npc, she wouldn’t be able to come out.

Like a child's beginner writing, the handwriting is twisted and twisted, and the handwriting of the bones is swaying, occupying a large piece of white paper. The big witch had just spent a lot of effort, but there was not much written down. There were only seven words: "Someone ran... don't believe him."

The first three words should have been written shortly after she sat down, in order to tell Lin San Liquor what happened - that is, the passage of Bohemian from the puppet sergeant - and behind The four words...the warning that the big witch wrote down after that.

She warned Lin Sanjiu not to believe in the object, think about it, it will only be a person.

Lin San wine throws the book, and his right hand is like a lightning bolt. At this time, npc is saying "I will give you a few people's points"; it happens that when her right hand is about to reach the doll's collar, npc also jerked his hand and grabbed the doll. The teacher's robes waved him to the branches of the white tree. Countless branches are like hard, sharp antlers, standing straight in the air, waiting for the moment to penetrate the human body - the big witch is not responding at all, and the body of the doll is tilted down into the branches.

The fingertips of Lin Sanjiu rubbed the clothes of the doll's division. Bohemia is farther away from him, and it is even more impossible to catch him in time; seeing that he is about to fall into the branches, she happens to be a flash of light, and suddenly a long shadow of a whip is spit in the palm of her hand. The effect of [Tornado Whip] has been taken over by the hospital as a mortgage, but the whip itself is still there; it is like a rope, and there is a spit between the whiskers, which surrounds the waist of the doll, and will be born. He picked it up.

Not waiting for her to reach out and catch him, Bohemia has jumped out, and when she raises her hand, she smashes a string of beads and slaps her face over the npc. At the moment, Lin Sanjiu looked at it and found that after the successor, the former guard was also caught by the npc and caught the neck collar and pushed a few sharp white branches. The fat man lifted his hand and released the former guard; the latter took the opportunity to fall to the ground and half-rolled and climbed back to Lin Sanjiu.

After the two people were pulled back in danger, when they looked up again, the npc had already retreated to the back of the white bush. He didn't have his legs, but he didn't affect his actions at all; with his hands on the ground and his upper body lifted up, he could use his hands and feet to flexibly and quickly quit ten meters in a few seconds.

"What are you doing?" Lin Sanji yelled: "You have been lying to us? You want to kill us?"

"I didn't lie to you," NPC gasped and smiled, clinging to a white tree, and the pointed branches even got stuck in his flesh. "I told you everything is true. I just missed a part and didn't say..."

The big witch struggled to stand on her feet and pointed to where he was, and did not know what it meant.

"This hospital can't resist the two invading copies now," NPC gestured a few people with a thick layer of chin. "When I consume some of its power and control it, it is inevitable." More weak... How can I resist those two copies? Don't you want your friends to get out?"

Lin San wine stared at him.

"If you want your friends to get out, you have to let me -- the hospital, have enough power to swallow the two copies." Npc licked his lips and shook his tiny teeth when he opened his mouth: "If you want strength, you have to have nutrients first. If you don't want to sacrifice headless people, it doesn't matter. You and the gamer are not the first time to meet? Give him to me, you and your friends can leave here."

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