Doomsday Wonderland

: 1233 chopped green onion? sour cream? Want salt?

Lin San wine looked at it.

Next to the digital screen with the conch-like lines rotating, the former guard's thumb subconsciously rubbed a few buttons. The arrows on the buttons floating in different directions, as if each one was taking turns hooking his gaze; seeing Lin Sanjiu did not pick up, he raised his head: "Hey? Don't you?"

Gongdao gave her four or five special items one by one, and saved her out of the fire, which is not enough for the future to wait for her bad things, not enough to match. Lin Sanjiu stared at the strange props like a small conch. He could only hear his voice and asked the same question at a time—what will happen in her next life?

If you don't want this thing, will the degree of that negative event also decrease?

"What else did he say?" Lin Sanjiu did not intend to mention the name of the Yajiang River - the less the name, the better, but the dolls did not know that the chickens and dogs that were comatose were called the Raven River.

"I think about it." The former guard saw her not picking up, and the fingers were closed. It seemed that as soon as she opened her mouth, she could immediately take the props back into her pocket: "Hey... it’s strange, why didn’t he give it directly? You... ah, I really left something else, just like he was ready to go."

"What did you say?" Lin Sanjiu asked with eagerness. The puppet teacher on the bed not far away has already glanced at the whispering corner. She also knows that she is now looking suspiciously at 80%.

"'I have given it all. As for what she used, who she used it, and even who she finally fell into, it was all outside of my consideration." The former guard said vaguely "" It’s almost like this."

Regardless of whether she can't accept it, does the palace do not care? Where does she have room for choice?

He must be counted. Lin Sanjiu reached out and took the special item. When the former guard turned around, it made a card in her hand. Only after a glance, she couldn't help but be shocked and almost threw it into the card library - this is a special item, which is a long letter written to her.

[Special products for Lin Sanjiu]

I know that you are not willing to accept my help, so I have to give it to you. I have to ask for your understanding on this point.

My foster mother had planted a pot of oil painting bamboo rafts. When I got back, there were only a few small leaves. I forgot how old I was at that time, just remember that I would go see it every few days... Sometimes the hot and restless sun slanted sideways, sometimes the sky under the clouds was like a thick fog. There is no need for more care. In the change of the four seasons, the edge of the window sill, it gradually draws out new leaves, and the layers of color on each new leaf are like the tip of the Impressionist painter. It has been as beautiful as it has been, and I have never let me down. Probably because it is a good person, it is also very good.

When I grew up, I forgot it. In recent years, I have remembered it. I remembered that it was full of anger and vitality. When the leaves burned red, I always felt that I was shocked when I was young. She will buy flowers from the market in the morning, but I don't like them. They are just a dark thing in the future...and she won't buy it later. What reminds me of the basin is the bamboo raft, and I like this very much.

After the separate Eden, I listened to a lot of your news (after all, we have a common acquaintance). I don't know if my decision is too hasty, but I don't want to wait any longer. I have waited too long. I think that the person who can prove my expectations and pass the results I want to me should be you. If the future proves that I am wrong, then I have to say that I finally looked away.

This is not so much to say to her, it is better to say that the palace is just holding his eyes and muttering to himself. Even after reading all the content he wrote, she still doesn't understand what the most critical "expectations" and "results" mean. Only the last sentence, in her impression, deeply burned a shape.

Don't be nervous, if you have something I can't take it.

Next, it was finally a brief introduction to this item. Gong Daoyi said that it was specially tailored for her, and she did not lie to her; only after reading a few lines, Lin San’s heart could not help sinking it – not surprisingly, she hardened the chance of not using it. The estimate is very small and small. Of course, this battle, I am afraid she does not use and there is no difference, right?

"Hey," Bohemia screamed at her, and Lin Sanjiu rushed back to God, only to remember that the doll is still waiting. It is impossible for him to take the initiative to ask "What are you looking at"; so in just a minute or two, the atmosphere in the ward is already heavy as if it could squeeze out a storm - she thought about it. Just walked over and handed the card over.

"I won't stare at you," she said, seeing the puppet teacher refused to move, and the card went forward and explored: "This is something left by the palace."

If the doll teacher will reach out and pick it up, then there is a ghost. But the Bohemian person is really slippery than the water when he is clever. He does not give the doll a person who turns into a doll. Let the bad luck take the opportunity of the card, and quickly go up to pick it up, and handed his hands under his eyes: "Look at it."

"You may not understand why he said, we all need to use this item," Lin Sanjiu was a little restless by the shadow of the future, while turning around and saying: "This is a copy of the hospital in lava world. If you want to leave the hospital, we still Need to do the last thing."

She tried to say everything clearly and in detail. As for what she shouldn’t say, she either fainted or simply went around, and occasionally let the big witch who had stayed in the mind of the doll and had conspired with her. Testify a few words. When she thought about it, she felt that she had said "I will not stare at you" earlier.

From the beginning to the end, the reaction of the dolls was very dull.

Even if he heard that his head had disappeared, he just lifted his eyebrows; as if he had a goal that he longed for, everything else - a copy, a danger, a rescue, or no salvation... It was the vulgar everyday that he had to slowly smash.

"...Since you know the next step, what are you still sitting here?"

When the Lin San wine was finished, the doll teacher stood up from the hospital bed. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head. On the half of the numb surface, the glittering eyes of the eyes shone with the sharp color of the sword. "Since he is so enthusiastic about asking you to use that disgusting thing," he sneered, "Don't go back to his kindness."

Lin Sanjiu held the card and gave a sigh of relief. He nodded to Bohemia and went out of the ward. Even the former guards followed up; although he was afraid of the puppet teacher, he seemed to see it too. The other person’s mind was not in front of him, and his eyes were completely without his small role. In this case, how can he let go of this? The last chance to benefit?

With the puppeteer on the side, the hospital changed a place.

They haven't met a few evolutionists on this road. Others are like rabbits that smell the wolf smell. They have long since disappeared. There are actually a few who have not ran away in time. They are also more honest and courteous than a straight one. They ask where the charges are. I know that I can’t wait to kneel down and draw a map for them. I don’t know if I want to get out. A kidney to pay for a crime. It stands to reason that the strength of Black Zeji should also be at the same level, but the treatment is so far away; in contrast, Lin Sanjiu is not worthy of being cheated so many times.

When I came to the toll booth, the doll teacher snorted from the nose: "...What is the difficulty with this copy?"

Even Lin Lin Sanqu has heard a little bit of gas.

"The draw, three of us." She took a shot at the counter and woke up the sleepy NPC. Looking at the former guard, she added: "If the last point is left, add another one."

NPC slowly took out a large plastic disc; licking it, before the end of the day, this thing can not sell for fifteen dollars.

A total of four draws, the results mixed: Bohemian discharge task is not too difficult, as long as the completion of "four different types of transactions with any other player" on the line, and their own back and forth several transactions of course It was not a problem; the result of the former guard was better, and his last prize was surprised to get a "cleaning of a ward."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the results of himself and the puppet teacher, and his mouth was suffering. She didn't know if Gong Dao had already anticipated it, or what he had done; she only knew that she and the dolls would not be able to get out of this life without having to go to the special product - their mission They were "using lava to devour 2980 evolvers" and "accepting 37 large operations."

"Oh, I just saw the position of the pointer wrong,"

When she took out special items, the look of NPC suddenly changed. The power of the item does not seem to affect the copy itself, but it affects the product of the copy - that is, their lottery results. NPC looked down and checked it several times. The more you look at it, the more uncertain it is: "The position of the pointer is different from what I thought... I will come back again."

When you come back again, you will increase your luck by ten times. What Gong Gongyi gave her, although the item is only valid for three days, it is very effective in terms of effectiveness: the second time, Lin Sanjiu and the dolls are each I got a good goal. Her task is to "find a new player and remind him of the precautions in the hospital", and the doll teacher is even simpler, "eat a bit of baked potatoes."

"I have this!" She took out a round fat potato from the all-encompassing card library. For a moment, even the shadow of the palace road was forgotten. The smiling person smiled: "What taste do you like? Chopped green onion ?Sour cream? Do you want salt? Oh, I don’t actually have sour cream."

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