Doomsday Wonderland

: 1235 Marathi

NPC swayed in front, almost all the way to the fart-strand jeans, with a bunch of squeaky keys. He has walked through a large number of channels, big and small, with a group of four people. He also seems to be picking up the corners. The more he walks, the darker and narrower the surroundings, as if he is about to get into a mouse hole.

When he finally stopped his foot, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Is it discovered?" He knocked on the wall and pointed his head up. The tall arched walls clung to a few people and stretched out infinitely. If you look up, you feel that you are about to get out of it. NPC waited specially, and laughed: "This wall is the only one that has a different shape and is close to the edge of the building."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the long wall that came out of the round wall. Its top is not in the dark, although the specific look is not clear, it can also pull out the line that is not horizontal and vertical, but gradually rises higher and narrower, narrower and narrower, until it is less than 100 meters above the arch Shaped in the wall.

"If you take a closer look," NPC seemed to be unaware of their eagerness as soon as possible, and introduced it to a tour guide: "You will find that along the wall, there is always a With such a wide gap, there is no ward."

The words "What about that?" hit the back and forth in Bohemian's mind, and even Lin Sanjiu heard it.

NPC tries to inspire children, and their hands are drawn: "The thickness of this wall, the width of the gap, the overall size... can't remind you of anything? Prompt, it's related to going out with you."

Just cooperate with him and get out as soon as possible. When Lin Sanjiu was trying to cope with something, he heard a sigh of sighs on the left side of Bohemia. He turned his head and saw that the former guard was looking like an enlightenment: "It is an elevator!"

"Where is the ghost elevator?" Bohemian yelled at him.

"I think the elevator should be inside the wall." I don't know if this is a puzzle game. His eyes are full of light, and the words are definitely clear: "There is no ceiling on this wall to support. Why is it only so thick? It is so vertically melted into the wall that the gap is just enough to hold an elevator. There is not even a visible exit, and the circular building is unobstructed. There is no corner where things can be hidden, but people always have to go out... That means that the exit is hidden in a place we can't see. Isn't there a wall left?"

After knowing him, Lin San’s first time listened to him like this.

Bohemia glanced at the doll and consciously became a spokesperson: "Who cares whether they rely on the elevator or the wings of imagination? Anyway, just send us out, don't wear it!"

NPC smiled and took the keychain from the waistband of the trousers, approached the wall, wiped it with a hand, and the dust rushed down to reveal a dirty keyhole. I don’t know how long it has been used. . He put the key in and turned around. After the slamming of the lock core, a door that looked indistinguishable from the wall was quietly opened.

"You guessed it, it's an elevator," he nodded to the former guard. "But there is something you said is not very accurate... the elevator is hidden in the wall. In this wall, it is a guide that leads you through. Going up the stairs to the elevator. Go in and follow it to the head and you will see the elevator."

Lin Sanjiu is a bit worried. This wall is extended for at least a few hundred meters. If there is a long staircase inside, how many steps does it take? However, fortunately, everyone is an evolutionary person. Except for being tired, it is not a challenge.

NPC let each of them look inside, but they didn't let them in; except for the place where the dolls never moved, everyone else saw: the stairs inside were narrow and black, except for the first four. The five steps were grayed out, and the stairs up were submerged in the darkness. There are handrails on the walls on both sides and they extend up the stairs. If you are a child or a particularly slim person, you can probably go up in parallel at the same time, and like the fat NPC before, you can't even fit one.

“Hey, the stairs can accommodate 1.7 adults of normal size.” NPC saw that Lin San was looking at the width and waved his hand and told her to step out of the door. This said: “... before you go in, I There are still a few last words to note."

If Bohemian is a monkey, he has already scratched his head and said: "I can't do it quickly, I am dying!"

NPC thought that he smiled very humorously: "There is no toilet in the room, and it is useless." It was not until Bohemia pulled his face down, he coughed and shook the keychain in his hand: "Considering the discharge of the staff Safety and convenience, after you go up, this door is not locked. In this way, for example, if you have something to forget, or change your mind, you can always go back. Nothing else, this stairs I don’t see the sky all the year round, I open the door and ventilate, and let you feel more comfortable when climbing stairs. We think very thoughtfully."

"Open the door...?" Lin Sanshui raised his eyebrows. "Not only does it not lock, the door is still open?"

"Leave a seam." NPC pulled out a gap with his thumb and forefinger. "When you enter the elevator and the elevator door closes and starts running, I will come over and re-lock the door. The door cannot be closed before the lock."

That is to say, when they climb back to the darkness one by one, the air behind them, whether they are wind or people, can come in...?

"There are a lot of patients," NPC guessed the idea of ​​the people, nodded, and said seriously: "Because there is no hope of leaving the hospital through normal channels, they will start to find ways to leave with various abnormal means. Hospital. I also said that this wall is different from anything else. As long as someone turns to this point, it is not difficult to guess that there is an exit here... even if you can’t guess it, at least you know that it is different. So, in As you climb the stairs and walk into the elevator, you must be careful, and some people may come in."

"Then you still don't lock the door!" Bohemia slammed his sleeves. "You don't care if there are any patients running?"

"Very concerned." Until now, the smile on NPC's face finally came out completely: "So, you can't let others enter the elevator with you. When the elevator starts running, if there are people who should not be present... even you The discharge qualification will also be cancelled."

When a few people were surprised and didn't know what to say, the dolls made a sound.

There was a half sneer on his lips, and his voice was both cloudy and soft: "...I want to see who is willing to be a guest."

Also, I almost forgot about him - the heart that Lin Sanjiu just hung up and fell back. If the danger is only from other evolutionists, then some people are on the side, she is really reassured; even if the power of the puppeteer has not fully recovered to the heyday, it turns out that other evolutionists have seen him only to be suppressed. .

"Ah, if it were me," NPC shook his head and let it go from the door, waving his hand and motioning them in. "I am not so emboldened. Those who are desperate... compared with the patients you have met before, They are not the same. As long as they can see the possibility of being discharged from hospital, they will fight for each other. Moreover, they may not be able to go out because the level is not as good as others. If you dare to go out with this means, you should say that it is more general. The patients are strong."

"How can you not go out of the hospital better than others?" Bohemia just took a step toward the door and asked back.

"It may be that luck is bad, it is easy to be fooled, and the final task is too difficult..." NPC thought for a moment, "even the skills are too strong, attacking the NPC, being revoked of the patient's identity, etc. - the reasons are varied. ,too much."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but have a dim sum.

"Don't say anything else," NPC smiled. "Let's take this pedestrian. For special reasons that you and I know, which one of you can be discharged? But your fighting power is poor. ?"

This "special reason you and I know" means that the flood has disrupted the order? Is the guardian a trade with her before NPC died? Or is it a cheating props that Gong Dao handed her? Lin Sanjiu did not intend to ask in the depths - she wished that the NPC should put down this topic as soon as possible.

"Okay, then, I wish you good luck."

Seeing the back of the NPC drifting away, several people stood at the door, and the former guard shook: "That... my ability is average. If I put it in the end, I am afraid, I am afraid I can't..."

Lin Sanjiu is still not attentive to tell him to go to the end. "You go the second one," she said, and asked: "I am with the puppet teacher, who is the last one?"

"That's of course an adult," Bohemia didn't give her a face. "You think, if someone sneaked in and followed, the adult would turn him back, oh, that's not scared-"

When she said this, she suddenly realized what she was saying in her mouth. When she rushed to bite her tongue, her face was white.

"I check if there are people around," Lin Sansui pretended to be her. There was no big deal. Before the **** reacted, they naturally took the call: "Give me a few minutes..."

"The big witch asked if you would pull the gum." The doll teacher came to a cold.

"...what?" This is the only answer she can think of.

When I spoke in Bohemia, the big witch should also speak out at the same time; what the doll teacher said to Bohemia did not seem to be heard, but reluctantly retelled Lin Sanjiu again. Witch's words, it seems that I can't wait to talk to her to lick my nose: "With a touch of consciousness, one side **** on the door, the other side is still under your own control, you can gradually grow as you go up, so that Just grabbed the door from the inside... How can you not even do this?"

"This I will!" Lin Sanjiu shot the thigh, it is rare to hear the consciousness of a big witch and use it again: "Exactly my consciousness has also recovered a lot, then it is so fixed, I will go to the end. One. Otherwise, it is inconvenient to be separated."

Just a few words of time, when she perceives the surrounding environment again, she faintly notices that there are many vague and human beings nearby. This is only what she noticed. She didn't know what was there. She cleared her throat and looked around and said, "Let's go in."

Since the danger will only come from the rear, it is only reasonable if the strong man is placed behind. Headed by Bohemia, the former guard walked behind her; after the doll division also entered the stairway, Lin Sanjiu only got into the last one. She “sticks” to the inside of the door with consciousness, and stepped on the first step in the dusty air.

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