Doomsday Wonderland

: 1249 Tamerian Bohemia

Ji Shanqing obviously understands his value very well.

After so long in the mirror room, the end point package is no longer just a tempting reward. More importantly, it is an exit from the copy – no evolutionist can reject the hope of “re-visiting the day again”. When he trapped all the people who were interested in himself in a room and told them that only the winner could see the package, everyone was forced to the tip of the needle.

... After the first hand was handed in at the beginning, everyone’s eyes are now blood red.

As the last sentence of Ji Shanqing, the first goal of the people, at this time, all of them fell on the "Lin San wine with a weak advantage."

Lin San wine took a deep breath and felt that his blood was flying in the blood vessels with high excitement. By relying on the strong control of the limbs, her fingertips were moving steadily and without moving. .

Jishan Qingyin has been down for a few seconds, and no one is rushing. The air in the mirror room is like a heavy cotton soaked in water, which oppresses the human airway and makes people breathless.

Every three seconds, Lin Sanjiu’s heart is even more anxious.

... Although the three people on the opposite side could not see, but she did not even forget the ten small **** floating around her body.

As long as she doesn't move, these black **** float quietly and look like the decorations around her; but even if they turn their heads a little, the black **** are like alive," Huh, the land rushed to the limbs she had just moved, and she was tempted. Although she did not know what the consequences would be in these balls, she always felt that she was faintly aware when she was in a "pure touch" state. I don’t know where the smell of gunpowder came from.

But how can she not move when she sees the battle?

A few drops of cold sweat slowly slipped from the back, hit the roots of the bones, and then fell into the clothes.

"Miss Lin," Ye Lan stood between the old man and the green jelly, and smiled blankly: "...something, really can't come."

Lin San wine did not blink.

"Your friend dolls? And the strange cat... Why didn't I see them?" Ye Lan sighed with both hands and sighed: "...I want to die in this end project." After all, it’s too easy to be dead here, right?”

"Squeaky", Lin Sanjiu's heart could not help but sink straight.

What she is afraid of is exactly this point. If the doll teacher uses his method of manipulating the doll to find the cat doctor, then as long as he inadvertently decides to turn back and return to the original path, all of them will explode. Into a group of Lin San wine has seen several flesh and blood rain.

"I said," the short old man stared at Lin Sanjiu. It seemed to suddenly think of something. He also raised the mouth of the blood with a **** mouth: "...I think everyone should agree? First, solve this problem." The guy with a slight advantage, after the death of the gift pack, it’s all about our ability."

Ye Lan whispered a "fairness" and the green jelly trembled a little.

"Great." The old man smiled hoarsely and said in an understatement: "So, let's do it!"

Lin Sanjiu was shocked, and she almost did not wait for her to look up to see what happened. She had already secretly called "not good" in her heart - [Tornado Whip] obviously could not deal with the opposite three, she hurriedly The card of the [High-frequency Particle Oscillation Cutter] was pinched in the hand, and immediately before the wind came in, the card of the [Cutter] had been spurred out.

Within a few meters of the hand, the card was airborne into a knife, passing through the body of the attacker almost without any hindrance, flying straight backwards, when it was about to fall to the ground. "啪" was caught by one hand - Ye Lan raised his face and smiled at Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu secretly sighed.

She never thought that the first one would come up, it would be green jelly.

Jelly's body is more than half full than the human body. [High-frequency particle oscillating cutter] is pierced from the part that he has no internal organs and looks like a "jelly" - green jelly is issuing "叽叽咕咕After a burst of water, the soft and trembling body once again merged, and as if nothing had happened, it quickly stepped back.

... The shape of this jelly does not look very good, but it has saved him twice.

Less than a pity, his own knife, Lin Sanjiu quickly glanced at the small black ball, and found that they only slightly moved, suddenly relieved; but this tone has not completely spit out, the sudden change.

- The old man hiding behind the green jelly, then leaped from the air.

There was no physical attack, and he did not use any special items. In the eyes of Lin San’s stunned eyes, the short, thin, monkey-like figure in the air had already widened his arms and hugged her. Come down.

Lin Sanjiu did not dare to use the bones behind him, and opened a [small version of the painting style], and then he was busy with the palm of his hand and greeted the figure; however, at about the same time, those small **** also moved, whistling Gathering toward her hands - not waiting for the old man, first hit these black balls!

She snorted in her heart, busy turning her body and regaining her hand; the next second, the black shadow suddenly covered the vision in front of her eyes.

Unexpectedly, she did not feel the slightest touch of anything.

What about people?

Looking up, there is no shadow of the old man in the mirror room with limited space; he is like seeing the foam of the sun, I don’t know when it has disappeared and disappeared--

I haven't waited for this thought to turn over, my eyes suddenly darkened, and a short figure suddenly appeared in the air as soon as it came. “Teng” fell back into the corner and stood up straight, it was the eyelids that were loose. The old man.

He has a pair of triangle eyes, revealing the faint excitement at this moment, staring at Lin Sanjiu: "...two, she can't move now."

A shock from the beginning to the feet, Lin San wine only felt a numb, and immediately felt the two eyes from the leaves blue and green jelly.

“There was an evolutionary person who used her ability to control her actions. Although the man died, the effect is still there.” Somehow, the old man’s tone was very smooth, and it sounded completely like speculation: “No matter her What to do, as soon as you move, you will be chased and hurt immediately."

"Great, amazing," Ye Lan regained his gaze and looked at the old man's eyes with a bright radiance: "...this was what you detected in less than a few seconds?"

The old man snorted and smiled. "This is not a big deal. She is still carrying a protective cover like this, and she has been burning with physical strength. Besides, she just planned to use a power. Countering me - it seems that as long as she is hit by her hands, the consequences will be serious."

Lin San Liquor is almost in the same place - it is not too strange to speculate on the ability of the other person according to one's actions. However, in just a short moment, the old man has even touched all his own state. Chu!

This ability to detect enemy messages is really terrible!

At this point the three people looked at her eyes, just like she was dead.

"Can't I move?" Stable and steady, Lin San wine forced himself to smile: "So why don't you come up and try it?"

The first one to act, it is neither Ye Lan nor the old man. The green jelly suddenly trembled, and there were more than a dozen tiny "lightning bolts" in the air. The mirror room was bright and white, and the light and darkness of the moment was so horrible. Even the eyes are very difficult to open; almost all rely on the hair of the body, Li San wines barely recognized the lightning that traveled in the air like a living snake.

More than a dozen "lightnings" suddenly fell into the darkness, and suddenly suddenly lit up. For a time, even the field of vision was flashed into a smashing white light. At this time, Lin Sanjiu also refused to take care of the little black ball around him, and suddenly lowered his body, feeling that a hot high temperature quickly smashed past her.

Not waiting for her to catch her breath, such as the shark's small black ball that swam towards her arms and waist and waist, suddenly gathered together into one piece - the next second, Lin Sanjiu even did not feel the pain, already saw A piece of flesh and blood splashed out of his body; the worst part was that the little black ball looked just a little smaller than it was just now.

This piece of blood seems to arouse the greater fierceness of the lightning around him, whistling, coming and going, and attacking the city one after another.

I couldn't take care of the wounds at all, and Lin San wine tried to hide as much as possible. It was barely hiding in the past - but inevitably, she was smashed by a small black ball.

"Oh shit!"

She finally screamed.

Even if the power is not as big as lightning, but this way, she will be killed by these two things sooner or later!

I have to think of a way to do it -


The whole attention of Lin Sanjiu was suddenly caught in the blink of an eye.

Every little black ball is like a miniature bomb. Even the tough and powerful limbs of the evolutionary will be smashed by them, leaving a flurry of flesh and blood; some places are deeply hurt, and even the bones can be seen. . However, when Lin San wine inadvertently looked down at the bottom of his eyes, he found that his wound was almost formed at the same time, and he stopped bleeding.

She licked for a few seconds and suddenly realized that the wound was wrapped in consciousness.

"Thank you," Lin Sanshui said in a low voice to the teacher, " inspired me."

In the next second, when a few dazzling white lightning flashed towards her, Lin San was turned over and slammed a few words.

"My gift pack!"

At this moment, the figure of the other shadow of the mirror house immediately stunned and could not sit still.

The mystery that has been lingering in the hearts of everyone is precisely the "weak advantage" that Ji Shanqing said - what if the so-called "weak advantage" in Lin Sanjiu is the gift package? You should know that Starry Amusement Park is a place where the killing game is called family fun.

When the other two people rushed to the same time, even if Ye Lan had doubts, he finally had to hesitate to keep up.

A few lightning bolts hit the mirror, and suddenly a light smoke was ignited; behind the smoke, it was a wounded and messy Lin San wine - an evolutionary person who was all red eyes. She finally showed a sincere smile.

"Come on," she screamed softly, and then she greeted her body like a cheetah.

It seems that there is no longer a fear of a small black ball. When Lin Sanjiu is about to be hard-hitting with a few people, he whispers through the air lightly and smoothly, and the bones suddenly spread like water. The ball has long followed the body of Lin Sanjiu, but was stopped by the bone wing and immediately gathered around the bone wing -

All of this, but it all happened in a blink of an eye; the next second, black pressure on a large ball of a bomb exploded a white bone debris.

This is really a painful bone marrow.

In a flash, Lin Sanjiu was soaked in cold sweat; his mind rang with a high-pitched teacher, “Now!”, she bit her teeth and instantly released her consciousness.

The amount of bone that can form more than two meters of high bones is almost incalculable when broken into pieces, just like a swan-wool snow – just like snow, these are as hard as steel and sharp like a blade. The sharp and sharp thorns, under the control of Lin Sanjiu's consciousness, violently rushed out like a storm.

For a second or two, everyone’s eyes are a day of death.

... The first thing that told Lin Sanjiu that she planned to succeed was the lightning that suddenly disappeared.

Even the jelly-like body, under such intense, intensive, fierce blows, has shattered into a wet, slippery, sticky and shredded thing; when the jelly shell has become a muddy soup, it is exposed. The internal organs are also all made into horse cells.

Green jelly, death.

The old man is no better than the dead jelly at this time. The loose skin on his face was already smashed into pieces, hanging on the face bone with the broken muscles, and the white bones in the eye sockets were inserted; if it wasn’t his mouth, there was a sound, I’m afraid No one can think of this as a living person.

Only Ye Lan, a person, relies on his suspicion and frustration. Although it is also a wound, it is all some flesh and blood.

Lin Sanji breathed a sigh of relief, did not take care of the pale blue leaf blue, and his eyes swept over the small black ball around him.

The area of ​​the bone wing is large and the hardness is high. It is not the same as the broken body. Therefore, the small black ball consumes a large part of it - just there are still five or six small black **** that are still around. She is floating and floating.

"It's really fucking." Lin Sanjiu sighed, and there was no movement in the body - just a moment in front of him, she immediately raised her eyes.

Although Ye Lan has been scared by the previous battle, even the blood is gone, but still barely supported himself to move to the half-dead old man, and then reached out and shot him.

In Lin Sanjiu's martial arts, Ye Lan took a deep breath and seemed to be very satisfied. He slowly smiled.

"There are only two of you and me, Miss Lin," he said softly, shaking a square box in his hand. "Sorry, it seems that the gift bag is going to be mine."

Seeing that she just stared at herself without snoring, Ye Lan laughed again.

"This is what I prepared at the bottom of the box," he said slowly. "I don't want to tell you anything, I will just say it."

"You also know that my fighting power is not good. The reason why I dare to come in alone depends on this piece of empty space. With it, no matter who it is, how high the strength is, as long as I use it." I took the body and I can take their fighting ability." Ye Lan slowly stood up, and at this moment, the expression on his face did not know how Lin Sanjiu became more and more familiar: " much better, It’s useless to think that the brain is too simple... You know immediately, how terrible the power of the person I am going to use, but I’ve been cheated away by the same force...”

"Black, black and bogey?" When seeing a familiar expression on Ye Lan's face, Lin Sanjiu finally couldn't help but scream.

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