Doomsday Wonderland

: 1253 Fairy Monks

[The text is written quickly, it can be sent in about 30 minutes. If you are in trouble with the burglar, don’t buy the burglar.]

What is the difference between the temperature between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock in the night?

If it is normal, I am afraid that almost no one can feel it.

But it is obviously different tonight. The sun disappeared early, but the burning sensation in the air seems to be warming up with the passing of every minute; even worse, it has not been blown for a few days. The floating outside the window is not the air, but a hot, hot sand that is ready to pounce on your face and suffocate.

Just as some people conveyed the instructions, the last small part of the city did not open air-conditioned people for various reasons, and the outdoor unit also turned around one after another. People who don't have air conditioning can't hold it anymore. Bars, 24-hour convenience stores, company units... Where there is a hint of coolness, where to drill.

Thirty minutes later, with a bang, several night vision lights in the apartment on the 38th floor suddenly disappeared. The house was in an absolute darkness - a slight "squeaky" sound that had been lingering in the bedroom, and I stopped quietly.

The central air conditioner does not blow up.

After the air-conditioning stopped, not too much, Lin San wine turned over in a dream. Without the 26° air-conditioning, she soon had a sticky sweat. This sweat was like a hood that was not airy. She was awakened after a while.

Uh... the remote control seems to be on the bedside table...

Her thoughts flashed through her confused mind, just reaching out and touching, suddenly felt that something was wrong. Lin Sanjiu was so excited that he stopped his hand and did not move. After a while, he quietly picked up his eyes and looked up.

A white face hung directly above her face, and two black-eyed eyes were staring straight at her in the dark.

Again! --Again--!

There was a scream in the mind of Lin Sanjiu, but the sound of the throat was dry and could not be heard - her heartbeat was getting more and more urgent and getting louder and louder - the white face was slightly heard. Brushed and slammed into Lin Sanjiu.

Two weeks ago, she woke up in the middle of the night, and when she got up, she suddenly hit the face. At that time, Lin Sanshui was shocked and screamed. Even when he rolled up the ground and turned on the lights, he discovered that it turned out to be Ren Nan.

Ren Nan didn't know when she sat next to her, a face in the night without expression, I don't know how long I stared at her like this - just like tonight.

At that time, Ren Nan said that he used to sleepwalking since he was a child.

If Lin Biao is not suspicious, maybe she really believes. At this time, she resisted the fear and pretended not to wake up. She reached out and rubbed her eyes. The voice trembled and asked: "Ren Nan, are you sleepwalking again?"

Ren Nan’s face burst silently in the darkness, and his mouth was clear: “Yes, I’m getting old trouble again. Didn’t scare you?”

"Yes, a little..." Lin Sanshui almost got out of bed and stood at the door - the illusion of being able to escape at any time made her calm down a little, then she felt the steamer in the house. temperature.

"How is it so hot? Have you turned off the air conditioner?"

Ren Nan didn't talk, just stretched out, and the heavy curtains quickly receded toward both sides, revealing a floor-to-ceiling window. Throughout this window, Lin San wine sees the night scenes of half a city. It’s just that tonight, the city has lost the light that never went out before, and even the stars have disappeared with interest, and some are just dead.

The house with the doors and windows closed is so hot that it is breathless.

"The power burden is too big, it seems that the whole city has been cut off." Ren Nan’s voice still contains a smile, revealing a good deal. He said as he slowly stood up, bypassed the foot of the bed and walked step by step toward the door.

Lin Sanjiu’s sudden alarm bells, not waiting for him to come, violently turned and ran to the living room. In the past three months, the layout of this apartment has finally provided her with a little reward: in the darkness of the five fingers, she still rushed into the entrance of the living room, and had no time to change her breath. Reached the elevator button.

The red color that was envisioned was not lit up - such an expensive apartment, there is no backup power system?

"The backup power supply only supplies the corridor lights, the elevators - especially the private elevators, they don't care." The back sounded her voice for half a year. Ren Nan is still so gentle, but when he is biting the word, Lin San wine has heard a glimmer of water. It’s like... Ren Nan can’t control the secretion of saliva in his mouth...

In the darkness, the vague representative of Ren Nan stepped closer to her and eventually stopped in the middle of the living room.

Lin Sanjiu only felt dizzy in his head. Her sixth sense is right - there is a burst of regret in her heart: "You...what do you want?"

"You are very awakened," Ren Nan took a sip of his mouth. "I should have felt it already? But you should still learn to listen to your own intuition... otherwise you will not come back here with me. Come. You have probably done a lot of psychological struggles these days... Thank you for your trust in me."

Lin Sanjiu didn't find out about herself, but she clenched her hands into fists and couldn't stop shaking.

"Small wine, such a hot day, do you have more sweat?" Ren Nan suddenly asked with a word of gossip.

Lin San wine glimpsed, subconsciously touched his arm. She only had a little sweat - but - what did I ask this time?

Ren Nan was very satisfied and nodded in the darkness. "The wine is awesome! I don't know if I have trained you for half a year..."

What the **** is he saying - he can't understand one sentence!

Lin San wine opened his mouth and wanted to say something, only to find that his teeth were fighting hard. The thought of her heart floating for a few days made her ask a sentence she thought she would never say: "You...want to eat me?"

The black-skinned figure gave a satisfactory compliment: "This intuition is more sensitive."

Lin Sanjiu was irritated by his attitude--fear, indignation, confusion, and mixed emotions. She didn't seem to be so helpless. The next words sprang up like a tide: "Don't be kidding, you Who is it! Why are you looking for me? I tell you, don’t mess, all friends know that I live with you...”

She intentionally pulled the door high, while secretly hoping that someone could hear it, and quietly touched the open kitchen on the living room side.

Ren Nan sighed. "Well, you have been with me for six months, I will give you a clear understanding of death." After that, he raised his hand and gently tapped a finger.

Suddenly "bang", a glass wall in the living room suddenly shattered into thousands of pieces - with the screams from the outside, a heat wave never experienced by Lin San wine wrapped in glass fragments , swept into the apartment. The last little coolness left by the central air conditioner was instantly vanished.

How, how could it be so hot? It’s like someone put the whole city on the fire!

Still not waiting for Lin Sanjiu to react, Ren Nan’s gentle voice has once again rang: “From this evening, the world is not the one you are familiar with. In this new world, according to your measurement method, It is now...oh, fifty-six degrees Celsius."

Lin San wine is stupid. Fifty-six degrees Celsius, it is enough for people to have severe heatstroke, dehydration and death a few back and forth - this thought together, she busy touched her back neck. Unexpectedly, Lin Sanjiu did not have much sweat.

"Look! I have been raising you for a few months, and you have evolved 'high temperature adaptation' and 'sense intuition'... It’s really a high potential seed that I saw at first glance. If it wasn’t for the new world. Too early, I really want to raise you for two more years, then eat again..." Ren Nan's tone is a bit pity. He snorted loudly and walked toward Lin San. "Small wine, I have not eaten a good child with high potential for a long time."

After the glass wall was broken, the living room sprinkled with some shimmer. With this little light, Lin Sanshui saw the face of Ren Nan at this time.

In the past, male models, the general features of the Peugeot, have been opened up by his mouth, and gradually become invisible. The clear mouth was not clamped, and it kept flowing down the corner of the mouth - and at this time, Lin Sanjiu had been forced to retreat into the corner of the kitchen.

"I, I still can't understand! What the **** are you? Why should you eat me? Also, what evolution, ability - you don't want to give me a clear understanding, tell me!"

Even if it is delayed for a minute, there is a little more chance! By the time of shouting, Lin Sanji quietly extended his hand to the knife holder on the back of the flow table.

The big mouth paused, and the small ones were closed, and some of the original features of Ren Nan were revealed. "Oh... how are you so stupid? Of course I am a human being, Ren Nan is my name - but I am different from you behind. I am from another 'new world'. Humans living in the new world. , will evolve different abilities ... I have the ability you can not even think about."

Ren Nan wiped the wet chin. "I advise you to put the knife down, my vision is very good. Or let me eat it, I promise not to hurt -"

"Let your mother's fart!" His voice was not falling, and the fearful and angry Lin San wine had already held a sharp knife and rushed to the top.

The silver-bright boning knife is very fast, pulling out a bright line in the darkness - when he sees the tip of the knife coming into Rennan’s chest, he only takes a step toward the side, Lin Sanjiu It’s empty. She had a squat under her feet and stepped on a piece of glass. She could no longer maintain her balance and fell heavily on the ground.

A cracked mouth to two scorpions did not give her a chance to stand up. The wind rushed toward Lin Sanjiu - she only had time to turn over and smash the bones in her hand. I went out. Ren Nan was unable to hide a bit, but he was still scratched by a knife.

With a bang, the knife fell in the distance.

Ren Nan, who was furious and angry, pressed Lin Sanji to the ground, staring at her black eyes and almost shrinking to the tip of the needle. "The calf should have a calf look!"

In the shimmer, Lin San wine looked desperately at the shadow of his own throat.

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