Doomsday Wonderland

: 1262 Gardener Bohemia diligently irrigated

... Ji Shanqing did not bluff.

In the scream of "Bone Wing!", the teacher didn't have time to return. The back muscles shrank and hurriedly lifted the two huge bone wings. The tail of the thorns suddenly "吱嘎嘎" The ground has been drawn from the mirror - fortunately, the mirror has never been broken.

Just breathing a little breath, Lin San wine still hangs in the air, only to see a light and shadow from the mirror on the top of the head; she snorted a little bit anxiously, and her feet jumped away from the original Earth - but she only turned back and barely lifted a heavy arm like a jack-up. The light and shadow had already touched the mirror of the floor, and it was reflected again and disappeared.

Screaming and snoring, he slammed his ear drums with a heavy weight; Lin San wine closed his eyes hard, and when he opened it, his eyes still seemed to be blurred by blisters.

"You see, this is why," countless bodies are distorted by the haha ​​mirror, and the expression is calmly standing in twenty mirrors, each eye is staring at Lin San. liqueur. Countless mouths said at the same time: " you have to die when you see hope right away. Isn't that more painful?"

Lin Sanjiu didn't scream, his eyes swept through the mirror space over and over again, and every time his eyes moved, it seemed to be able to spend most of her physical strength; from time to time, a fierce turn made her look even a little nervous.

Speaking of it, it was only a three- or two-minute battle. She was already exhausted like a horse **** with a rope.

She did not expect that Ji Shanqing just suddenly touched the mirror and the whole person immediately turned into a light and shadow and was sucked into the mirror. In the next second, all the mirrors showed exactly the same. face.

... She is alone, facing the numerous mirrors that have been mapped to each other, resulting in countless people who have no physical entities.

No, there is actually no difference between the so-called "physical and virtual shadows" - every one of the twenty mirrors in the mirror can be "shot" from the mirror with a sharp shadow. People can't see what it is, only a faint color; however, as soon as it is scratched by the shadow, it will immediately become a sharp and strange attack - however, this is not the worst.

The light and shadow that emerged from the ceiling actually followed the law of light, and was suddenly refracted into a myriad of paths by the surrounding mirror, occupying the entire space from all directions. Some of them were reflected, and they disappeared. But more, like a puncture, they passed through Lin San’s unguarded body.

"Pure touch" has long been useless.

Not only because light and shadow will not cause air flow - but also because Lin San wine is attacked too much, at this time, the skin and muscles have long lost their feelings, and each movement relies on the willpower to drive the limbs and rely on the residual intuition. To judge the position of your body after it has fallen. As if she had been injected with hundreds of pounds of anesthetic, if she didn’t lower her eyes, she wouldn’t know where her hands and feet were. In fact, she hasn’t died because she broke the mirror until now. It’s really called herself. I am surprised.

In the closed mirror space, each light is constantly reflected; if a person can't avoid the light, then naturally it will not avoid the light and shadow attack of the Jishan Qing.

He can completely attack me in succession until I die, but -

The idea of ​​Lin Sanjiu has not been finished yet. From the back, there is a strong shock that she is already familiar with. Another light and shadow has just hit her.

All of a sudden, all the pores seemed to be blown up, and the blood seemed to be stimulated, and immediately madly countered and fiercely impacted the heart; before her eyes were black, the body involuntarily fell to the ground, the light and shadow She slipped over her head and fell into the opposite mirror—turned into another Ji Shanqing who looked at her head.

If possible, Lin Sanjiu really wants to lie on the mirror; however, from the bottom of her eyelids, the projection of Jishanqing in the bottom mirror slowly approaches her.

She was sweating and squatting, and she crawled up her limbs. She could now say that she had completely lost her perception and control of her limbs. She didn’t even know how to get up. She just stood up and was immediately covered by a light and shadow. The knot was hit **** the lower abdomen.

"No, you will die like this." Seeing Lin Sanjiu even if he tried his best, it was still on the verge of lingering; the first time in the voice of Yi teacher, he was afraid: " rush to escape! The way to deal with him Even if you go out and think slowly, you can do it!"

Until the things that flowed from the forehead fell into my eyes, Lin Sanjiu knew that his forehead was bleeding. She bowed her eyes and shook her head weakly. She answered in her heart: " way to escape."

The teacher was suddenly dumb. She is an "image" plasticized by Lin Sanjiu's subconscious level. With her, Lin Sanjiu can have a better control over her own consciousness - just now she is desperately controlling her bones with consciousness. Wings, trying to put them together; but because of this, many of the information that exists in the table consciousness, she is not clear.

"When I was hiding from the light and shadow, I had already encountered the mirror several times." Lin Sanjiu did not know what, did not talk in his mind, but whispered this sentence, the voice is because of the numb tongue Unclear: "...but I was all 'bounced back'."

The path of the mirror was not sealed - she was sure, and that was why she didn't dare to break the mirror; but I don't know if it was because she finally found the gift bag, or because there was a Jishanqing in the mirror, her body. After breaking down into particles, the roots did not pass through, but instead they fell back into the same mirror room in the blink of an eye.

"Although I know that you are a gift bag, but what the **** is your mother..." Lin Sanshui whispered a whisper, and some of his defocused eyes crossed the countless Zhang Shanqing's faces.

This sentence suddenly called countless Jishan Qingtou heads to look at her for a while, then picked up the thick and thin, different arms at the same time, the tone calmly and warmly said: "... Do you know? I am a gift package, not a fake, But I am not exactly an item."

"Since I have a sense of autonomy, you are not the first person to doubt me. However, I am still here, well, going back and forth in the mirror house. Those who identified me as a gift bag died. After they died, they became part of me - became part of the final package."

"Some people say that the end-point package is a powerful ability; some say it is a stable, non-recurrent ordinary world; some say it is a wish... no one in the world knows what I can do, but I am eager to pursue Thanks to those of you who have died, the more I can do, the more I can do; as long as I insist on not being dismantled, one day, I will get rid of this inexplicable place and become unimaginable. Exist.” Ji Shanqing’s expression is still very flat at first glance, but the countless pairs of eyes in the mirror seem to be burning with crazy light: “... Come on, it’s your turn to make more contributions for me. ”

"Is it?" Lin Sanshui lowered his head and revealed a weak smile toward Jishan Qing in the ground: " have to remember, people who have too much nonsense are often not very good at the end. ”

"What else can you do -"

Ji Shanqing did not finish a sentence, I saw that Lin San wine suddenly had something more, and then slammed it to the side - a violent hurricane like a caged beast generally rushed to the right, instantaneously The stool was on the mirror wall; only the "哗啦啦" sound was heard, and several mirror walls were broken into several large pieces at the same time; [Tornado Whip] really broke the mirror without dissolving Lin San.

However, countless Jishanqing on the head, under the feet, and around, it seems that I can't help but laugh. "Do you think that you can run like this? It's too naive!"

Lin Sanjiu has already seen it. The four or five broken mirrors had just fallen off a little, and they were posted back. Almost in the blink of an eye, the mirror wall was once again brightly lit up, reflecting a heavy Jishanqing .

The pure and delicate face is full of ridicule at the moment, and the red lips are open, as if to say something; just waiting for him to speak out, Lin Sanjiu has once again lost his mind. Beside him, he madly pulled out the [Tornado Whip].

To say that it was more like a temptation, this time, Lin Sanjiu seems to have no concerns at all. A hurricane that was fierce and more than a few times ago swallowed a mirror in the half mirror room and beat Ji Shanqing’s "You Mad Dog".

After being hit by a hurricane, the mirrors have cracked open lines; they are not waiting for them to re-fit, another wave has already hit.

This kind of "useless work" has been repeated for three or five times, and Ji Shanqing finally realized that it was wrong.

... I don’t know when the mirror room is darker than it was just now.

More than half of the gaps between the mirrors are no longer shining. The room is dark and the reflection in the mirror has long become blurred. It is unclear; he plucks from twenty mirrors. Close to the mirror, countless faint faces were magnified at the same time: "You - you originally played this idea!"

Lin San wine smiled softly, and his heart smeared his mouth.

She has been completely forced to death on the road by Ji Shanqing.

Even if she has a higher combat power, she can't hide from the light; the only difference between the light and shadow that Ji Shanqing projects is that he is more fierce and more difficult to guard against than light.

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Lin Sanjiu is a person who will never be discouraged - don't say a copy, there is no real road in this world; this mirror house must have a solution.

What is this method?

When she fell to the ground, there was a sudden thought in her mind.

... If there is no light, naturally there will be no reflection of Ji Shanqing. Retreat 10,000 steps and say that even if Ji Shanqing came out of the mirror, there would be no refractions that could not be prevented...

But how do you get rid of the light in the mirror house?

Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the mirror. This time, her focus is not on herself in the mirror, or on the mountains, but on the gap between the two mirrors.

...Why is there light coming out here? If there is light, it means there is a light?

But even the mirrors are so hidden, can the lights here be ordinary lights?

However, under the repeated attacks of Ji Shanqing, she could not think of it anymore. She had to try the mentality of the dead horse as a living horse doctor. She opened the [Golden Finger] with the help of luck and tried to increase her chances of success. After that, Lin Sanjiu called out [Tornado Whip] and made a decision.

The next thing went so well that it exceeded her own expectations.

The attack she took over was to disturb Ji Sanqing’s line of sight; it was also to completely destroy the light source behind the mirror – and as Lin Sanjiu thought, the mirrors were restored one by one, But the light source was all shattered in the violent wind, and it could no longer be lit up.

In the completely blackened room, after standing still for ten seconds, Lin Sanjiu still did not suffer the light and shadow attack from Jishanqing, and the skin of the whole body began to recover gradually.

She slowly smiled in the darkness.

"Your attack, there is a time limit; there is no light under this, you can't even play it out. Come out, it's time to play face to face."

After a while, the dark silence sent a "嗤".

"Do you think that if this is my only means, can I still keep it from being unpacked for so long?" Ji Shanqing smiled ridiculously. "...put yourself in the dark, that is, put yourself in the middle." In the death. I asked you a question, do you think these distorted haha ​​mirrors are just for fun?"

Lin San wine has a glimpse.

"Every mirror you pass through records all your data. As long as I like, the data in these mirrors can come out at any time, and then piece together into one... you and they are one, regardless of appearance. How are they all the same composition..."

Even if I can't see it clearly, Lin Sanshui is still keenly aware of something, in the darkness, one by one from the mirror of the body - they are silent, even a little turbulence in the air between the movements Can't stir it up; however, it's almost a blink of an eye, and these things have gradually and quickly filled the space around her.

... Lian Lin San wine can't think of herself, how many mirrors she passed through. If the "Lin San Liquor" in the mirror that passes through each side is here...

"Don't bother, they don't need to attack you." With Ji Shanqing's words, Lin Sanjiu stopped the hand holding the [Tornado Whip]; he only listened to him and continued to laugh: "Just touch it. If you look at it, those who share the same meaning with you will be able to completely replace you."

Lin Sanjiu had no time to digest the news in this sentence, and felt a few cold fingers on his shoulders.

"Lin San." Belong to her own voice, crying low behind her ear.

... Lin San wine has even blown up his brain for a moment, and nothing can be said at the same time.

"Hey, Lin San?" The other hand stretched out, furry, and grabbed her arm: "Lin San? Lin San?"

Quiet for a few seconds in the dark space.

After being quiet for a while, suddenly burst into a burst of laughter. She almost couldn't help herself. She subconsciously changed the ability to polish her ability through the ability of Mike Duck. The bright light of the silver light filled the space and reflected the face of Jishan.

"Hahaha, I must, I have to look at your expression," she laughed and leaned forward, and even the hundreds of "Lin Sanjiu" around her were too late to look at me. "I said, what are you?" Does the replacement have a condition to start? Do you have to call me my name? After all, you have to replace someone else, even if you don’t even know the name, right?"

Ji Shanqing had a sluggish face and completely responded to the situation at hand; he could only smile at the woman while saying: "--Yang is not called Lin San!"

:. :

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