Doomsday Wonderland

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[The text will soon be fine! 】

Headed by Lin Sanjiu, Xu Xiaoyang was named "Fighting Hero" and was greeted by the oasis cheers in the building where Chen Jinfeng’s office was located.

In the face of many people, Chen Jinfeng praised them with a smile. But when he turned around and led the way, his face was brushed, and he could just screw out the water.

Since he became a cadre, he still has no such thing in his heart.

Calling those people "tasks to die" is not a difficult thing - this time it will not be the next time. His main concern is that if these people meet with Mather, will they lead to any confusion. In the past, he was sure that he could hold the chaos - but now the woman named Lin suddenly showed such a powerful ability, which is what scares him.

After all, it is the reason why the information is not accurate! Obviously, the guy said that the woman’s card ability, and her companion’s transformation, data analysis, etc., have not much practical value...

"Chen Chan, do you know where Marshall went?" At this moment, the voice of Lin Sanjiu just happened to rang behind him.

Chen Jinfeng was a spirited person. After thinking about it, he said softly: "I am looking for her too! When you see her, tell her to come to me, I just want her to be on duty in the infirmary."

Lin Sanjiu had a bit of doubt and snorted and did not speak.

In the dim corridor light, Feng Qiqi suddenly evoked a smile.

Chen Jinfeng’s office is coming soon.

After mourning the high flight of a few words, Chen Jinfeng called the individual and moved in with a few boxes of materials as a reward. When Lin Sanjiu looked at it, he found that the things inside were quite complete: in addition to a large number of sealed packaged foods that had not been damaged by high temperature, there were many commodities such as daily necessities, pens, flashlights, and batteries.

She did not lack food and daily necessities. She flipped it twice and found a silicone bait at the bottom of the box.

In the terrible temperature of the extremely warm hell, the creatures that lived next to human beings and survived to the present, only the disgusting people. They have not evolved, relying on the original body structure to resist high temperatures, so the number has dropped a lot.

Lin San wine thought and moved, picked up the plastic bait and said with a smile: "Exactly, I need this in my room. You can divide the rest, I only need this one."

I thought that she was able to carry forward her own style. I didn't expect Xu Xiaoyang to sit on the side. I didn't even look at the box. The little gray was naturally motionless. Feng Qiqi only took two flashlights; the rest of the brain was full. I gave Hu Changshang, but he didn't know how to do it.

Seeing that everyone has finished the matter, Chen Jinfeng said a few words with a smile. Even Lianzheng’s government melted at high temperatures, but his official position was not affected at all. When he spoke, Lin San’s mouth sneezed and pretended to sneeze, and whispered his diary. card.

Perhaps she was lucky, this time the diary card was also stunned.

As soon as the card slipped into the palm of her hand, she slammed it tightly, then unscrewed the squeegee bait, squeezed a bit of glue, and stuck it behind the diary card. On the card, a line appeared: "12:58am, the location of Chen Jinfeng Office. Lin Sanjiu squeezed the disgusting plastic bait on the card."

For this implicit protest, she ignored it. Her "flat world" ability sometimes shows the same personality as human beings. Although she has never seen it in others, Lin Sanjiu has long been accustomed to it - she slammed Chen Jinfeng to stop drinking water. If you walked to the desk without a problem, smiled calmly: "...for Chen, thank you for your recent care."

As she said, she quietly stuck the card under the table.

Chen Jinfeng glanced at her unconsciously, and even laughed a few times, "This is what I should be"; Lin Sanshui nodded and turned, just right on Feng Qiqi's gaze.

"Have you seen it?" She came over and whispered to Feng Qiqi. "It's okay, you are not someone else. I have to see how many things are hidden in this surname Chen."

Feng Qiqi rushed to her and nodded. At this time, everyone just about to disperse; he said "Go," and they walked toward the door. Finally, I took a look at Chen Jinfeng’s desk, and Lin Sanjiu closed the door.

In the narrow office of ten square meters, it was finally restored again.

Chen Jinfeng sat silently behind the table for a while, and always could not get rid of irritability. I don't know if it was because the fire didn't vent, or I was disturbed by the disappearance of Mather from my own lair, or the squad was unsuccessful... In short, Chen Jinfeng was still so restless for the first time.

At this moment, suddenly the door slammed and seemed to be hit by something.

Listening to the ears that have been strengthened by myself, Chen Jinfeng can be sure that no one has ever walked through his door.

After a few seconds, he stood up and opened the door.

The door was really empty, only a stone on the ground. He looked around and found that he was standing in the depths of the corridor with a familiar figure.

"How are you here?" Chen Jinfeng said as he walked toward the man. "What are you looking for?"

One meter, two meters, three meters... well, enough.

The man smiled and opened his mouth: "I still want to ask you, what did you do to Mather?"

The width and length of the room should be 4 meters and 2.5 meters respectively, a total of 10 square meters. The diary card can work in a range of five meters, five meters each and 25 square meters - then the dialogue at this location will not be recorded.

The reason why this person knows so clearly is because Lin Sanjiu told him personally.

"What are you talking about..."

"Don't waste it." Feng Qiqi immediately interrupted him. "Maser learned this medicine. We never told you. After we left, you actually met her, right? Then, I don't know what you did, now she is gone."

The man standing in front of him pouted and his eyes gloomy. Seeing this expression, Feng Qiqi immediately smiled with satisfaction - he guessed it.

"Don't worry, I am not coming to you to ask for a sin... The reason why Mather disappeared, I am very clear. This time the squad action, you would have liked to kill me and Lin San Bar?" His smile still remains the same: Kill me, this is not enough for you at the moment. But the woman of Lin Sanjiu is too inconvenient, and I hope she will disappear soon. How do you want to cooperate with me?"

Looking at Chen Jinfeng's eyes widened by surprise, he said softly: "In addition... I will assure you that this time, Mather will never come out to hinder you."

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