Doomsday Wonderland

: 1266 in turn (repair)

The torrential rain shielded the heavens and the earth from darkness and darkness. The earth carried a continuous stream of rain, and the eyes were full of faint rain curtains, which erased everything and left only the rain in the world. When the people ran away and turned and looked back, the white house not far away was also sloppy and vague, as if it had to disappear from the water curtain.

Only when they leave the house, they will be soaked for a few seconds, and even when they talk, they will eat a rain. Yuan Xiangxi said a word "呸呸" several times, the eyelashes, nose tip, mouth corner is full of a column of water: "I said, small wine? Do not bring her out?"

"Take her out and bring the container out. Who knows when the container will fall out." Bohemia wiped his face as he spoke, as if he had to drive a wiper to continue working: "People put everything in the air," Anyway, the things that can't be held in one hand are all in her body, and she can't press her."

J7 was held in the arms of the Yuan to the west. Every time he turned his head, he slammed the next circle of water and did not speak. The doll teacher snorted with a slap in the back of his mouth and snorted low--no one heard clearly, no one Did not dare to ask.

The crowd stood in the rain and stared at the white house in the distance. From the window of the living room, they can also glimpse the situation inside: from time to time, there is a new shadow that has crossed the air, or flashed a light color; the sound of falling, striking, rolling, all rumbling The sound of the rain covered the past and almost disappeared - only a burst of loud music that came out of the living room suddenly made several people look at each other.

"What kind of music festival tickets," Bohemia did not know that he was talking to the doll, or he said to the west, "Yes... what song?"

The singing in the rain is melodious and clear, and the turning is powerful. When people listen to the female voice, they are comfortably given a heart. Everyone listened for a few seconds without saying a word. I saw that there was no more shadow in the living room. Yuan couldn’t help but ask: "Maybe not all fall out..."

His words were not finished, and a loud bang slammed the rain. The walls of the house were smashed in an instant, and the broken building materials tumbling in the dust, and even the second floor was lost, and it was crushed and smashed. A container broke through the constraints of the surrounding walls, almost smashed the face of half of the house, and suddenly smashed out from the house that had destroyed half of it.

Everyone is not talking. They listened to the ruff of the rumble and gradually dispersed. Listening to the sound of the rain and the singing, they rose again. Until they felt that there was no change in the house, Lin Sanjiu seemed to stop dropping things, and they began to slowly go back.

The 40-foot container blocked every gap that they could enter into the interior of the house—no, precisely, there isn’t much left in the house, and half of the house and one container are left in place. Everyone in the torrential rain and groping for a long time has not found where Lin Sanjiu is, the puppet master is finally impatient.

"There is no use," he said lowly. He didn't bother to look at the other two. The explorer sneaked into the air; the container suddenly slammed into the ground like a giant beast. The tumbling was thrown into the air - when it fell heavily on the farmland in the distance, it shook the earth and shook a little.

Under the rain curtain and smoke, Lin Sanjiu and her countless supplies are lying in a broken brick, even though the skin is whitened by rain, it is finally intact. The fluctuations in her ability to upgrade have stopped, but I don't know if it is completed, or once again halfway through; several people hesitated to walk over, toes on the ruins of the open space, finally touched her.

"The heartbeat is 40% clearer than before," J7's robotic arm pressed on the chest of Lin Sanjiu, like a doctor who auscultated. "The breathing is also smooth, this is a good thing."

"But the food was crushed," Bohemia raised a foot, and the bottom of the foot was covered with sticky jam and broken biscuits. She said with a sad face: "It’s all soaked in the rain, and you can’t eat it when you pick it up."

All the change of clothes, daily necessities, food reserves... all were destroyed in this innocent disaster. The two men and the machine cleaned the ruins a bit, and they seemed to be able to use and eat things, together with special items, and sorted them into a small pile; after they were almost finished, they were inexhaustible. In the rain, everyone sits in the middle of the ruins like a chicken, and it looks a bit bitter.

"This house should be self-healing," Yuan said to the west. "Don't worry, our home is not lost."

The doll and Bohemia looked at him together.

"Why is this happening," J7 murmured, and the light on his head lit up for a while, and it seemed that he couldn't solve the answer: "Isn't it the ability to upgrade? How can it fail?"

After sitting on the replica of the site again, Bohemia had the courage. She glanced at the teacher and whispered, "Adult..."

"Don't call me,"

Everyone else can only sit on the ground, only the dolls sit in the only chair that is still intact. The dripping black hair sticks to his paler skin, and the drops of water slide down the leather, as if it is thickly stained with black gas. "You ask her."

Bohemia immediately closed his mouth.

"I think, we should still try to power her up, I can control the amount of current." J7 still did not forget the idea, solicit opinions from everyone.

“It’s raining,” Yuan Xiangxi reminded him. “I’m not dead or electric, anyway, but there are cats at home.”

"...What cat?"

"How do you still ask," Bohemia was impatient. "I said that I played a cat, a cat, how can you remember - hehe?"

The people turned their heads together and turned to the source of the sound.

Lin Sanjiu overslept, the rain continued to draw from her face, and a small otter was accumulated on the ground. Her eyelashes flashed a few times and she dropped a few drops of water. "I... Where am I?"

"Wake up!" Bohemia jumped up and didn't know what to say. He could only say nonsense again: "She woke up!"

Lin Sanjiu reached out his hand, his fingers immersed in the muddy water, and he slowly sat up. Yuan Xiangxi is the most suitable person in the field to play the role of wife, busy to join the past, help her sit firmly, comfortably said: "Nothing, nothing... you still can't remember us in the mountains together. Going green?"

"Take a step to your mother." Bohemia whispered.

Lin Sanshui closed his eyes and whispered a little, and then seemed to suddenly react. He opened his eyes and swept his eyes, and his eyes stopped on the pile of items. "I... What happened to my [flat world]?"

"I don't know, you seem to have upgraded your ability, but you don't know why, everything has been thrown out by you, but fortunately we ran fast." Bohemia reached out and grabbed a ukiyo-e and threw it to her: "You Try it, can you use it?"

"Can be used," Lin Sanshui looked at the ukiyo-e in his hand and turned into a card. His face was only smoggy: "...the card looks no different from before. I really upgraded. Already?"

Several people looked at each other, and even the dolls were slightly curled up with an eyebrow. No one could watch her upgrade, and it was interrupted halfway. Bohemia saw that she had lost so much money. How can she be willing and hard to inspire: "You look at it again, really no. Is it different? You are very likely to upgrade. Don't tell me, losing so many things, there is no gain?"

Lin Sanji wiped the water on his face and brought the card closer. He watched it for half a minute.

“It’s exactly the same as before,” she said almost stunnedly. “If I upgraded, I should receive a card reminder... My conversions will increase and the weight limit will increase. Last time I could use the absorption capacity of the items. There was a big explanation on the card... but I have nothing now."

Bohemian seemed to have a hammer, and he sat back and sat back. "Yes," she sighed and said, "Without so much living materials, I will wake up for you..."

"Throw the painting first." The doll teacher suddenly spoke, asking several people not to be shocked by the back. "Try again and try again."

Perhaps it is the reason that he has never left the copy. His words are plain and faint, and there is no ridicule and disgust. It seems that he is really thinking about small cubes. Lin San wine was difficult to adapt. He looked at him a few times and slowly climbed up and said: "Then I try."

"You should sit and take a break," said the breadmaker.

"J-J7?" Lin Sanjiu realized that the machine in the corner was almost jumped up: "How come you - how it will be you-"

"Do business!" The doll teacher spit out a few words coldly.

Lin Sanji woke up to God, and finally re-pressed a stomach problem and explained to J7: "I don't know why, I think I want to stand and rest... Do you add any home functions? Okay, I will try it now."

When she closed her eyes, several people around her couldn't keep an eye on her. After the container was gone, the replica house began to slowly repair; when the living room ceiling finally grew to the extent that it could barely cover the rain, Lin Sanjiu finally opened his eyes and spoke.

"I... I found a different place." She didn't dare to believe it. She paused for a while and couldn't seem to find a word to explain. "It seems to be the change brought about by the upgrade... Who do you have a pen?"

"There is a study," Yuan Xiangxi is the hostess. "What do you want to do?"

"My [flat world]... seems to be the other way around."

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