Doomsday Wonderland

: 1269 after the four scattered

The text is almost finished, I didn’t expect it to be a long one... I am dying, kidney deficiency]


In two different places, this sentence was almost simultaneously spit out of the lips by two people.

The one who spoke was Hu Chang, who was on the sea azure, and the other was Yahweh, who was on Fang Dan.

3:02am, the southeast corner of the oasis.

"You kid feels lucky to face me?"

A blue rib on the forehead of Hai Tianqing jumped and slammed on the back of the hand of an axe, and the blood vessels floated up. He took a sip and looked down at Hu and said in a gloomy voice: "I hope you can think about it after five minutes."

The mouth that he spit out hit the ground like a bullet, and it even ignited a touch of smoke.

Hu Chang pushed the glasses calmly in his pretense, and took two steps back. I have been looking up at Hai Tianqing just now, and it is really so that his neck is sour - he has never been so close to such a person in his life.

Is this huge figure really a human being?

Although he is not tall, he is one meter seven or eight in height; but when he stands in front of Hai Tianqing, his head can only barely reach the other's waist; his shoulders are wide enough to accommodate three Hu Chang. The muscles on the neck and back are developed like hills. At first glance, I know that this man's body contains terrible power.

The axe in the hands of Hai Tianqing did not know where it came from, but it was generally higher than Hu Chang.

"That... the cadre of the sea," Hu Chang screamed in the old habit and decided to confess. "To be honest, I haven't actually developed physical strength."

The man opposite the hill was silent for a second, and then the big face of the sea was suddenly approaching him: "...?? Is it that you are still the physical strength of ordinary people?"

Hu Chang nodded a little embarrassed.

"Are you planning to surrender?" Hai Tianqing thought of a possibility.

"That can't be done. If I were taken away by you, it would have to hurt other people."

Hai Tianqing straightens up, "...then, don't blame me for picking up, who will make you want to help human traitors." The axe in his hand left the ground: "What are your last words?"

Hu Chang shook his head and his calf trembled. Looking at the axe in front of him gradually rising, and suddenly he gritted his teeth and rushed toward the sea azure waist.

The other side did not even raise the eyebrows. When the left hand grabbed it, he took him to the air and lifted him in the air.

Hu Chang was constantly slamming his legs in the air, and the air was being squeezed out of his body a little bit and quickly, and his face was purple after two seconds. He struggled, his consciousness was blurred, and his backhand grabbed the strong wrist of Hai Tianqing - but the power of this resistance was like an ant moving the mountain. In the eyes of the other party, it was not the same.

Hai Tianqing’s face showed an incomprehensible expression, probably because he couldn’t understand the reason why Hu Chang was dying to resist. At this moment, he only whispered to the young man who was caught like a chicken. A word, let him not hear.


" lie yesterday," the weak words, barely flowing out of Hu’s teeth.

Still waiting for Hai Tianqing to react, he suddenly felt that there was something more inside his left wrist. The skin on his arm clearly bulged a small bag, and he was swiftly moving toward his shoulder along his blood.

Hai Tianqing threw an axe and tried to hold it with the other hand - "Boom", the packet swiftly moved too fast, and suddenly pressed down on the part near his left shoulder. Come, suddenly a lot of flesh and blood, skin, fascia fragments, all with the explosion of the air wave splashing in the air, like a **** rain, Hu often poured a lot.

The entire arm of Hai Tianqing is not formed. He painfully squeezed a broken voice and sat down on the ground.

However, he did not care about his injury, or the weird little bag, but asked with difficulty: "... Why do you know the lie I said?"

Hu Chang fell to the ground, unable to cough a few times, the lungs still raging and burning: "I don't know. But from your injury it looks... this lie is very big."

Hu Chang’s ability: [Truthball]

Introduction: After the anti-pseudo-real upgrade, you can tell whether a person has lied in the past 24 hours. When the target does have a lie, only two people have skin contact, and Hu often can plant a real shell on the other side. The greater the lie of the target, the closer the time distance, the greater the power of the real shell. The destination of the real shell is the heart, but if it is blocked in the middle, it will explode in the blocked place.

At this time, Hai Tianqing’s injury is already very close to the heart. He gasped and gasped and smiled self-deprecatingly: "...I didn't expect it, I thought I had a high fighting power, but I was knocked down by someone like you so soon. It is my enemy. I... will you die?" ?"

Hu Chang is also saying bad. Although he lived alone for a while before coming to the oasis, he never killed anyone. If Hai Tianqing is really dead, he will be the first living person to kill himself... Thinking of this, Hu Chang’s face is even worse. He gasped and he just got up and walked away.

Hai Tianqing looked at his back and suddenly "ha", and covered his eyes with a good hand.

"I didn't expect... I haven't had time to take revenge, I'm going to die..." He whispered to himself in a very light voice. "And still a traitor to humanity..."

The footsteps that have just been lifted have fallen. Hu Chang is looking back, a face still has a blue-violet after extreme hypoxia: " should be curious when I am. What did you lie yesterday?"

3:03am, west of the oasis.

Fang Dan looked at the man in front of him and did not say anything.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to say anything, she can’t talk at all, and she can’t move.

Because Yalong is too close to her -

The gentle breath of the man crossed the side of her ear, and a long hair was pinched between the fingers. "Fang Dan, right?" There is still some carelessness in his voice. "...The information says that you came to the oasis very early. Although it is a natural evolutionary person, the ability is not outstanding and the physical strength has not been strengthened."

Fang Dan bit his lower lip and tried to make his legs no longer soft.

After all, it is one of the five cadres. Even though Yara seems to be narcissistic and not serious, the threat from him at the moment still makes her blood flow rate a lot faster.

Yahoo shook her steps and walked back to her. Fang Dan just raised his head and suddenly he was punched on his stomach. It was like being hit by a car. Her body was immediately shot and flew for four or five meters, and it was heavily slammed on the ground. Muffled.

After a few seconds, the man did not come to chase, Fang Dan could not sit up from the ground. The internal organs seemed to have shifted, and she tried to open her mouth, but something in the abdomen seemed to be broken, and she could not make a sound.

"Hey? Didn't you think that you really haven't been physically strengthened?" Yahoo seemed to be a little surprised. Then he shrugged a little boringly: "It’s so boring to solve it so easily... Well, do you want to stay alive..."

After walking around the dead fish like Fang Dan for two laps, Yara finally made up his mind: "I still don't leave alive. You are dirty, all the way back, it will make me dirty..."

Is it necessary to kill people for this reason? Fang Dan’s expression is distorted. She wants to move and wants to run – but her body is like a broken rag, and she can’t gather strength.

Yara didn't know what the tone of the song was. He suddenly slammed on her stomach. Fang Dan, who thought that he couldn't make a sound, could even make a little broken.

"If you want to die anyway, let me experiment with my new ability!"

In the dark night, Yara’s face suddenly floated with excitement and anticipation. He kicked Fang Dan’s head with his toes and saw her eyes squinting and her eyes were still active. Then she smiled: “Well, I can hear. I can speak."

"God is really unfair. There are people who have not strengthened your physical strength, and people who have just created new abilities like me yesterday..." Yara completed the suit vest and put his hand in his trouser pocket. Inside, whispered a sentence: "Start it, [three-stream writer]."

Yajun male's new ability: [third-rate writer]

Introduction: If you want your own story to have readers, you should at least be logically self-consistent and convincing. This is the basic requirement of every third-rate writer. You can't have the same bottom line as you need. Make a short story with the target as the main person. If the story is logical and the setting is easy for the other party to accept, then the target will eventually have the same thing as the story.

"...try this first." Yasuo man squinted and looked at the woman who was huddled under her feet.

"After graduating from college, you met a young and handsome boss in the workplace - it was me. After a while, you found that he had a girlfriend abroad, you feel that you have been cheated, and you are angry. I have escaped to the field. I didn't expect the boss's girlfriend to be the object of the family arrangement. He still loves you... After you find you and lift the misunderstanding, you and your boss fall in love."

It is almost impossible to have a story that is more vulgar than this in the world, but Fang Dan on the ground suddenly burst into tears, his lips are slightly open, and his face is happy: "I know, I know... our feelings It won't be false..."

Yara took a look and looked at Fang Dan, then she looked up and laughed: "Ha ha! Fun, this fun!"

The last story was taken away by a wave of his hand, and Fang Dan’s face immediately returned to its original state.

A red tide quickly rose from her ear, dyed her face - not shy, but hate - Fang Dan said hoarsely: "To kill and kill ... less here to play with other people's feelings !"

Yasuo turned a deaf ear and opened his mouth again.

"...friends who have been in love for seven years, they will soon enter the marriage with themselves. The new house is also bought, the wedding is also in preparation, you feel very happy. After all, I have been suffering for so many years, watching I’m going to make a positive result soon...”

Fang Dan’s anger suddenly disappeared, and her face floated with an expression that she couldn’t say, and looked up at Yap. The latter was immersed in the joy of his new ability, and glanced at her without stopping.

"But at this time, my boyfriend said that he has fallen in love with other women and asked you to let go. After a long period of infatuation, hardship, threatening suicide... all kinds of means are invalid, he still walks with other women. At this time, you find that you are pregnant."

"You hesitated for a long time and finally decided to give birth to a child... The child is innocent. And when you think about it, the child's father has no way - he falls in love with others, it is not his fault, no one can control Love. You have raised your baby for nine months with peace of mind, and you have a good doctor, but at the last minute -"

Yara's face approached and the sound cooled.

"The one born is the stillbirth. You hold the child and jumped to the building and committed suicide."

The scene calmed down for a moment, and the two men and women who stared at each other did not speak. Only the night wind that was screaming, the yellow sand was blown from it.

The more detailed the story, the greater the power. Yara looked at the woman’s expressionless face on the ground, and the smile on her lips was thickened –

Suddenly, like a juggling act, Yara’s body was thrown into the air by an invisible force, and then “snapped” like a broken watermelon, and it became a strange thing on the ground. The posture, the hands and feet were twisted, and the blood slowly leaked out of his mouth.

Fang Dan struggled and climbed up from the ground.

The position of the two was interchanged. She lowered her eyes and looked at the horror that was like a jump, and whispered, "You don't know women very much."

"Why... why... shouldn't..." Yah-hsiang coughed up a blood. The kind of woman in his story does exist in reality!

As if seeing through his mind, Fang Dan smiled coldly.

"Idiot." She frowned, revealing an expression that seemed to be disgusting. "The first half of what you said is really happening to me."

Yara’s eyes were rounded up.

"After my boyfriend derailed, I found out that I was pregnant. Do you know how I did it? In three months, I specially selected a black clinic, drove the child down, and put the stillbirth into a box. As a new wedding, they were sent to their wedding. Of course, during that time, my spirit was not too stable, and I was sent to see a psychiatrist by my family."

Yara’s hands were shaking and she couldn’t speak.

"I hate the man who is self-righteous." Fang Dan learned the way Yahoo had just played and kicked his head with his toes. "Look at your appearance, your ability is counter-attack, right? When a story is not established on the target, the ending will happen to you... it is a third-rate ability."

The man on the ground could not hear her voice. Under the motionless body, the blood gradually opened a shoal.

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