Doomsday Wonderland

: 1274 There is no sense of crisis.

[every gift card dead cow]

A long shadow was swept in the middle of two unstoppable figures on the streets that were swallowed up by the heat. The shadow that was a little shorter, the speed of dodging was extremely fast, so the whip-like mouthparta was swept nearly 20 times, and even the opponent's clothes were not touched.

If there is still a mouth, the fallen seed must have been so tired and gasping.

"You, you...who is it? You are not a beautiful leaf!" The screaming of an angry voice was heard louder than a burst. When he asked the time, he took the opportunity and the mouthpiece slammed toward Luzer’s face.

As soon as the eye-opening device was approaching, Luzer blinked and his height suddenly fell short--the mouthparts were again empty from the top of the "village girl".

Not waiting for the fallen seed to retract the mouthparts, the little girl’s foot squats, and quickly slides to the fallen foot. When kicking out a sweeping leg, it has become a tall and dangerous man – clearly black zebra . The fallen ankle was heavily kicked, and the ankle bone was broken. It screamed and slammed down to the ground.

... Although Luzer is unable to obtain the ability value of the changing object, it will be affected by the upper limit of the ability of the changing object.

If Luzer’s own strength is 89 and the security sister’s power is 14, then Luzer can only exert 14 powers. After becoming black and bogey, since the power of Kurosawa was much higher than that of Luzer, he undoubtedly exerted the maximum value of his own strength.

The power of 89 was all kicked on the legs of the fallen seed. White's bones immediately smashed its calves and stretched out into the air.

This time, the fallen species could not stand up - it was snoring on the ground, the mouthparts were weakly hanging on the ground, and the hot road was twitching.

Lu Ze, who remained black and bogey, walked to the fallen seed with a cold face and looked down on it.

"Okay, okay... I admit defeat, I admit defeat." The fallen seed changed his breath and said with a sigh of relief: "I attacked you because I thought you were the lover of Mei Ye. It is purely private complaints, private grievances! Since you It’s not that awkward, why are we fighting?”

"I can't play it." Luzer smiled a bit - he should have a nice smile on his face, and he looks like he wants to eat people on the face of Kurosawa - "Let me take your mouth." Cut off."

Just with a pitiful, a little pleasing expression, I immediately melted away from the fallen face like ice and snow.

If you don't have this, you can't use humans. What is the difference between killing it?

It tumbling violently, barely supporting himself to climb up, and then raising the mouthparts -

"Come back again? You try again a few times, and you can't touch me..." Luzer didn't finish a sentence, only to see the mouthpiece slamming down - but not in the direction of Luzer, but instead The fallen calf plunged down.

A scream, the broken leg of the bones fell off - it was actually removed from the knee by itself.

"As long as you absorb it, you can grow back with a few legs." The fallen man stared at Luzer, and he looked rather gloomy than he had just said: "I still have a point that I should not use this. ...but now..."

Lu Ze was shocked and stepped back two steps, watching it with warning.

The fallen sneer sneered, and the hand flipped over and took out something.

... Luzer almost suspected that he was wrong.

Because that is clearly a fresh lunch box.

"Thanks to me, I brought this." The grin smiled and opened the lunch box cover.

In Luzer's surprised eyes, a pink bubble swayed from the lunch box, filled with two men's swords, and the night sky was stained with a touch of pink.

Luzer stunned, his eyes could not help but turn around with the pink bubbles, and suddenly he woke up - when he looked at the place where he fell, he found that it had disappeared.

A closer look, not only the fallen species, the wreckage of the remaining shops on the streets, the dilapidated signs, and the abandoned cars... all disappeared.

At the entrance, there are only pink bubbles in the sky. Looking out through the bubbles, there are only more, twitching bubbles, shining in the sky with a beautiful shimmer, forming a beautiful world like a dream.

"This is the woman's 'trap"?" Luzer took a sip and understood it. He couldn't help but be annoyed. Under frustration, he screamed: "I have never seen you eat soft rice like this." Also take a lunch box and bring the soft rice out!"

"You shut me up! I just said soft rice and soft rice just now, mom!"

I didn't want to smash the sound of the smashing back, but it immediately came out from the depths of the pink bubble. Luzer immediately listened to the source of the sound, but failed: the bubble is like a small player. Like, the sound surrounds him, but he doesn't know where the speaker is.

"If I were you, it wouldn't be tampering. The bubbles here are not all harmless, and they are explosive and corrosive. Even I can't tell you - if you want to test it, I am very welcome!"

Luzer looked at it in a dignified manner, and each bubble looked exactly the same.

If the deformation is always maintained, the physical energy consumption is too great; in this environment, Luzer immediately disarmed and restored the original appearance.

"Hey, it’s still a child, but unfortunately it’s not a long time." The sound of the fallen seed echoed through the space through thousands of bubbles.

Lu Ze did not pay attention to it, his eyes still glanced around the space around him, trying to find out the law of bubbles.

Suddenly, I only heard a soft bang, as if the bubble had burst open, and it rang behind him. Almost at the same time, a sharp mouth hurricane spurred from behind.

The one that had just been reminded Luzer, he twisted, then jumped back and slid lightly away from the mouthpiece - but because he was full of bubbles everywhere, when he was dodging, elbows The child fell into a pink bubble, and the bubble "wave" broke.

Then, with a slamming sound, Luzer’s elbow actually ignited a white smoke—the pain caused him to stop talking for a moment, and looked down at what the elbow was like. To the burn, a large piece of epidermis was removed, revealing **** muscles.

"Hahaha, I haven't said it all, don't move it! This time it's just sulfuric acid. Who knows what it is next time!" The screaming laughter rang.

With pain, Luzer’s cold sweat appeared on his forehead. The bubble that was just broken in his eyes is no different from the other thousand.

Where the fallen seeds will give him time to study slowly, this time the mouthparts changed direction and hit again.

The guy's intention is obvious: for Luzer, the mouth attack is nothing, he can easily avoid it. Then, use these dangerous bubbles to fill every place where he might be dodged - or if you are stabbed by a mouthpart, or if you are injured by a bubble, Luzer has no other choice.

Once again, Luzer, who had escaped the mouthpart, broke a bubble in the back. At this time, three or four "bombs" blasted behind him. The small explosion of air swept away from his back. On the broken cloth, underneath is a piece of blasted flesh and blood.

Luzer just wanted to bend down, and the back was a sharp pain that made him black. He gasped and his lips were bitten.

"The luck is not very good, it is the blasting bubble!" The fallen kind of excited smiled: "Have I told you about it? In addition to the harmless bubbles, the other 18 kinds of things will hurt very much... not as good as Let me **** it out early, and waste precious body fluids."

Lu Zebai’s face was covered with ash and blood after the explosion. He suddenly lowered his eyes, and some shyly showed a delicate smile. The rabbit teeth were particularly white in the rosy lips. He tempered and whispered: "Is there so much nonsense in soft rice?" ?"

"It seems that you don't see the coffin without tears!"

With the scream of the fallen seeds, the mouthparts spurred out from the right side of Luzer once again.

He turned his head and glanced at the mouthparts that had come to his eyes. Suddenly, the body swayed and turned into the appearance of the little girl of the age of ten. Not only did she not run, but instead stepped on her feet and went straight to the mouth.

With a bang, the mouthparts pierced the shoulders of the "Little Girl" and splashed a **** flower.

Still not waiting for the fall of laughter, Luzer actually endured the pain and accelerated again - the mouth immediately penetrated the little girl's thin body, but he continued to move forward without consciousness - half a second later, Luzer A huge blood hole was broken on his shoulder, and at the same time he blew open the bubbles around him and threw himself into the face of the fallen seed.

The bubbles broke one after another, but nothing happened.

After the deformation was lifted, Luzer did not wait for the horrified fallen seed to react, reaching into the claws and pinching its throat - the fallen seed was still a bit weaker than the physical strength.

"...I don't know which bubble is dangerous, can you stand by your side? It is not difficult to rush along your mouthpart." Luzer took a sip of blood and gasped. "I know that the building you live in is a trap. I will ask you a question."

The face of the fallen seed rose into purple, and a large amount of liquid leaked out from the root of the mouthparts. It had no time to think about how the teenager knew the intelligence. He only wanted to shake his mouthparts, but he was desperately found to be fixed by Luzer’s shoulders. The flesh and blood fluttered under its movements, and the juvenile body trembled. Still still motionless.

"...How did you go upstairs?"

"I, I...not stupid, said, you, you will kill me..."

"Wrong. I just want to kill that woman. But if you don't say it, I will really kill you." Lu Zewu's eyes look very sincere: "Your life and the woman's life, Do you choose one?"

This multiple-choice question seems to be in the face of fallen seeds.

When it was finished, Luzer slowly put down the fallen seeds, but gradually increased his strength, and asked with some doubt: "You didn't lie to me?"

"No, no! If you don't believe it, you can tie me up and take me with me! So you believe it?" The fallen eyeballs were squeezed out and they suddenly came out. Under desperation, they thought quickly. A idea that can save lives.

"This is a good way." Luzer nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly looked at it.

Fallen and planted.

"Sorry, I just lied."

When I fell down, I widened my eyes. The last sound it heard was the soft click of the "kick" when the throat burst.

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