Doomsday Wonderland

: 1295 Nothing happened

[My Hu Han three got off the plane and lived! 】

The three people did not speak out, only stood silently, and the face was vigilant.

Kong’s questioning brought a little echo in the empty supermarket, not waiting for the echo to disappear, followed by a sharp knock. This time she even raised her voice: “Let’s come over and open the door! I know you are here. The rice just now, aren't you taking it from here? Open the door!"

Yes - she lives nearby, presumably often buys things here, so I recognize the source of the original imported rice at a glance.

The three did not think about what to say. I didn’t expect her shouting to successfully wake up Wang Sisi in the staff room. After a harsh scream, the door of the staff room was hit by her. It rang up - Lin Sanji couldn't help himself, and suddenly got up and walked to the iron gate.

It seems that Wang Sisi’s voice shook the hole, and the iron gate was quiet for a few seconds.

Waiting, etc., Lin Sanjiu replied with anger: "What do you want to do?"

" the girl upstairs?" Kong Tong asked.

"What do you want to do with you!" Lin Sanshui sighed heavily. "Do you think I will be like your husband, let you absorb it?"

The other side of the hole suddenly silenced. After a meal, her voice passed quietly through the iron gate: "...I actually want to come and talk. To be honest... I need to say thank you."

Lin Sanji bit his lip and didn't speak.

"If you didn't wake me up, I'm afraid I will wait until there is no one around me to let me absorb, and finally it's a death. But... I really hate you." Kong Wei's voice is extremely unstable, the voice is high If you are low, it will make you feel uncomfortable. "The little girl who didn't understand anything like you took my hope... I am so painful, really, what qualification do you have to tell me, I killed him? I am not willing, I, I, I want to Killing you, my heart is so good."

Lin San wine, a trip, could not help but back half a step. Even if there is an iron gate, she seems to be able to smell the abnormal madness in the air.

The opposite hole whispered again: "Forget it, I said you won't understand... Now you can't open the door and there is no difference. If you don't open the door, I will talk to you... You open the door, I Just turn your bones into juice and drink."

The face of Lin San wine was stunned by her, and she was about to open her mouth. However, Kong Tong seemed to know that the people in the room wanted to talk. They continued to say no matter what they said: "You listened well, I only said once... ...I can only start my ability once in an hour. For me, living life is much stronger than dead body, and people are much stronger than others. While in absorption, me and mine ... prey, can't move within ten minutes. Whether it is subjective or forced, as long as I move, I will completely give up and can only wait until the next hour to absorb. But the amount I need to absorb in the early stage is too big. I can't afford a situation that I can't absorb for a few hours..."

In this way, after eating chicken porridge, Kong Tong has been delaying time -

Suddenly, Mather’s “ah” sounded suddenly: “No wonder you just didn’t start with us. It’s not that you don’t want it, but you have no chance at all! The rest of the people just found out that you’ve exposed yourself and wasted a hour!"

When her voice fell, Luzer whispered but clearly broke a national affair.

"Yes," although I couldn't see it, I couldn't see how Lin Sanjiu felt that Kong Yan's face should have a smile at the moment. "I was waiting for you among the people who came to order... but I didn't expect it." Now it looks like this..."

"You really want to be honest, and reveal your old bottom is really clean." Lin Sanjiu was skeptical of her words, sneer and stabbed.

"What can I say? The worst result is nothing more than death." Kong Tong’s tone was high. "I am still afraid of death? You killed me, I can see my husband, then I Thank you, too."

Lin Sanjiu had a glimpse of it, just about to speak. At this moment, in the staff room behind her, Wang Sisi’s whistling sounded.

"What is that?" This inhuman whistle sounded very powerful. After a few moments outside the iron gate, the voice of Kong Tong was heard.

"Nothing is," Lin Sanjiu did not want to tell her about the fallen species. "Probably someone is dying--"

Ming knows that she is crap, and Kong Xiao still laughed. "Well, I hope we will never see each other again."

She was simply, the voice fell, only the footsteps outside the iron door turned in the direction, went up the elevator, and gradually disappeared and could not hear.

Although Lin Sanjiu has been working hard and hard, she can still hear her go, but she is still relieved.

The three people walked back to the place where the bath towels were placed in the supermarket. Lin Sanji wiped his face and some of them were lying on the bed. The ear still echoed Wang Sisi’s screaming scream, but the three seemed to be used to it. After talking about Kong Tong for a while, Mather and Luzer said and said, I don’t know how to say the materials; After a while, I decided to move out the remaining water and click on it.

"You two go," Lin Sanjiu felt that he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he didn't want to move at all. He waved and said, "Let me hide for a while."

"Don't care, that woman can't tell you how," Mather thought she was still remembering Kong Tong, laughing and patted her head, got up and Luzer left.

The ability to polish the agent in the small bottle is bright and bright, and there is a flowing silver light around it. If it is not the impact of Wang Sisi and the whistling sound, it is really quiet.

Lying for a while, Lin Sanshui found himself in the brain crowded at the moment - Ren Nan, New World, his own ability, dead parents, Zhu Mei, Confucius... Everyone was bustling in her mind, one after another, almost Tell her to breathe. I knew this before, but it was better to find something to do - Lin Sanjiu turned over several times, and finally jumped up irritably, and planned to find another two people to check the water.

Unexpectedly, the body just left the ground, and a sudden heat flow from the beginning to the sole of the foot. In a flash, Lin Sanjiu felt that every muscle in his body was trembled rapidly, and the blood rushed in the blood vessels like crazy. Even the teeth are fighting. She never experienced this weird feeling that it seems to be out of control. She whispered out from the eyes of her nephew.

It happened that Wang Sisi had just stopped, and this sound immediately spread in the supermarket. Then, Mather hurriedly asked: "What?"

Lin Sanjiu wants to talk, but her muscles and tongue are completely uncontrollable, and only the teeth in her ears are violently hit by high-speed tremors.

"Let's go!" Luzer screamed.

The footsteps of the two people running towards this side were so vague about Lin Sanjiu - until the two men fell around, she felt the cold breath of Mather - "This is this what happened?"

Luzer’s voice sounded flustered too: “Her, her face, no, whole body, how could this be...?”

At this time, Lin San wine looks like a huge, jelly-shaped human figure. Under the external force, it keeps shaking and shaking. Her skin, hair and muscles fluctuate wildly like water waves. After nearly a minute, the strange tremor gradually disappeared and the body slowly calmed down.

When Lin San wine blinked, he saw the two big faces in front of him, looking at her in close quarter and uneasily.

"I... What happened to me?" She stunned her skin. Young women's firm skin looks so normal, and the muscles, bones and blood under the skin seem to have returned to their former appearance.

Luzer and Mather glanced at each other and they were a little bit stunned.

"I will give you a blood test, check it out." Mather said as he stretched his nails and made a stroke on Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu also had this intention, and looked at his second drop of blood and fell into the hands of Mather.

Perhaps because of the last data, this time she waited for less than twenty minutes, and Mather opened his eyes. She glanced at the Lin San wine, and the corner of her mouth rose up high, and a few lines of smile appeared in the corner of her eye: "Little wine, congratulations, you are happy!"

"噗呲", Luze, who was drinking water, squirted Lin San wine with a full face.

Lin Sanjiu can't even wipe the water on his eyebrows: "Impossible!"

"Why not? This is the inevitable law." Because of doubts, Mather's smile disappeared a bit. She looked back and forth between Luzer and Lin Sanjiu: "Is it not a joy to generate the third basic ability?" ?"

She looked at the opposite mouth of the two people, very puzzled: "And the third basic ability is still a high-level physical growth ability, what are you doing... and so on, Luzer, why don't you stop her? Ah! It hurts!"

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