Doomsday Wonderland

: 1312 Cheat the child, steal the manhole cover, the evolution of the light Lin San wine


Now in front of Lin Sanjiu, there are two choices: one, hiding in the museum, and then going out after the closing of the museum; Second, go out first, then sneak into the museum at night.

The first option seems to be very tempting at first glance, but in order to be able to communicate with Wu Lun, she has made a lot of noise, and the staff in the museum are afraid to get news soon. Look for a "mental patient" here - they can't let a madman who can't control himself swim in the hall. And when they did not find it, and realized that this "mental patient" did not leave from the exit, it would undoubtedly bring trouble to themselves, and even bring trouble to Wu Lun.

After she made up her mind, she never looked at any exhibits again. Within a few minutes, she came to the exit gate on the back of the museum.

The speed of the news that "there is a mental illness in the museum" is obviously not as fast as Lin Sanjiu. When she came to the exit, she found that the only female staff standing in front of the corridor was still looking normal and natural. The eyes barely stayed on anyone who was out of the hall. In order to let her notice that she did go out, Lin San was suddenly clearing her throat as she was about to walk past her.

When the female staff turned her consciously, she immediately began to pick up.

"It’s not so easy to kill me. How many times have I died? When I fell into the copy and died for a lifetime, you ordinary people are still watching TV at home..."

She has tried to pretend to be like a mental patient - she remembers the madman who was occasionally seen on the street, always talking to herself, screaming, and occasionally yelling at the air. But she really has nothing to say, saying that even the real experience has come out; fortunately, there is no evolutionist around, and it is not afraid to say it. After the female staff stared at her intently, Lin San immediately turned her head and yelled at the air of no one around me: "You are a little loud! Don't let them hear!"

The female staff shrank back and forth, sticking her back to the wall and touching the intercom at the waist. Lin San wine did not notice that there were people around, and strode toward the exit gate; when she left the museum, she saw the female staff behind the glass door staring at her while rushing to the walkie-talkie. Speak in it.

Now, the impression that "the madman has left the museum" should be planted.

After leaving the area of ​​the museum, Lin Sanjiu turned around nearby. She didn't rob the museum. Suddenly she had to do such a ticket job. Naturally, she had to spend some time thinking about an action plan. If there is any sports shop nearby, it would be better. Maybe she can find some useful ones. Things - the result turned for two hours, she did not find the sporting goods store, but found a primary school.

It has delayed the work of such a long time, and it is almost time to go to school in elementary school. A group of parents gathered around the school gate and waited for their child's figure to appear behind the gate; for a time, "She just doesn't love playing the piano", "Yes, the daughter-in-law can't come today" is short and full of ears. Li - This group of ordinary people who lived down every day, I am afraid that no one can think of it. Just a criminal offense walked past them and was inspired by them to come up with an idea.

A child with a parent is not old enough, not her goal.

The upper grades of the elementary school are all eleven or two years old. After the class bell is played, the children carrying the schoolbags pass through the parents and go out together. Lin Sanji quickly walked to the side of the school, sitting on the edge of the flower bed and turning it over in the card library for a long time - she found herself to be a library of friends' activities, in addition to her own things, filled with people. A mess of miscellaneous things, there are actually two cat doctors placed in her cat litter, it seems to be used for the accident. Seeing that the two little girls are coming to her eyes, she finally turned out some of the pieces that Bohemia did not know when she threw it at her.

The interest of Bohemia is obviously similar to that of the sixth grader.

"He didn't care if I had to do my homework..." A little girl with short hair just said half of it, her eyes turned, and she stuck in Lin San's hand and did not move; she bowed and slammed Pulled her friend's sleeves.

Live like a change [] state, Lin San wine raised his head, the two girls smiled.

"This...what is this?" With the ponytail's footsteps, hesitantly did not know who was asking.

For a child in a normal society, the twelfth gadget is really new.

Lin Sanjiu held the handle and gently slammed it. The transparent ball formed by the water curtain on the handle turned slightly, undulating in the afternoon sun, and the breath was soft and soft.

“Is this water?” The two children did not consciously approach, “why it...”

Too much vigilance, they can grab them when they reach out. However, Lin Sanjiu is not trying to catch the children, but just try to soften and say: "It is water. You can put your hand in and try."

The daring of the ponytail seems to be bigger, or, oh, some - her voice fell, the little girl reached into the water polo, and was shocked when she was smirked, and her eyes were bright: "Oh my God! Me, how do I seem... my clothes are still dry!"

Her companion couldn't help it, and she reached out and suddenly screamed: "Ah! I--oh? I am like a bubble in the hot spring..."

When Bohemia lived without a fixed place, this little thing seemed to bring her a lot of soothing and happy. She seems to like the feeling of soaking in the water. When she is on the exodus, she lives in the bathtub.

“There is a feeling of swimming pool and the sea,” Lin San wine tempted. “Do you like this little thing?”

The two children laughed and nodded, and their hands were reluctant to pull out of the water polo.

"I can give it to you." As for who is going to be, will it not be for this fight?

Both children are stunned.

"The condition is," Lin San wine slowly pulled out a tape recorder from behind - actually took it out of the card library, she just made a disguise action. "You have to say a few words according to my request and record it."

...... Waiting for the two little girls to hold the water with a half-hour aging experience. After the ball went away, Lin Sanjiu jumped off the flower bed and turned into an old residential area, heading down a road. In the past, the living image is counting on the wallet. Every time she walks near a sewer cover, she will look up and look around: if there are more people coming and going around, forget it.

If not much, like now -

She lifted her foot high and injected all her strength into the heel. She stepped on the edge of the manhole cover. Despite the large pressure bearing capacity of the manhole cover, its edge and road surface can not be precisely fitted. Sometimes a car will be jingled in the past; at this time, on a small contact surface of a heel, it suddenly came. The same as the astonishing pressure of the truck, the cover was broken and it was smashed. Lin San’s eyes were quick and bent, and the manhole cover was taken into her hand during the fall, and the card was suddenly disappeared.

When the people who were afraid of walking fell in, Lin Sanjiu thought about it and called out the metal gloves. He took the ladder in the well and took it hard, and inserted the pieces into the nearby ground as a warning. After pulling out three or four manhole covers in a row, she was tired. After staying away from the crime scene, she sat on the edge of a flower bed in the community for a while - suddenly wiped her forehead and wiped a drop of water.

The age of this residential community is not short, and there is almost no design. The building and the building are tightly tied. Many people washed their clothes and pulled a rope outside the window to hang up the colorful clothes; some did not dry out, and dripped down the water.

... black clothes seem to be a lot.

Lin Sanjiu slowly stood up and glanced around. She pretended to be nothing, followed by a grandfather who had just bought the dishes and went into the building, and went up to the top floor in one breath. From here, she was able to jump between the rooftop and the rooftop – just like visiting a strangely shaped mall, when she found the right size black clothing, she bent down and cast a sense of consciousness. Force; holding the clothes to the next, and quickly took it into the hand. After a while, she collected enough black clothes to cover her from the head to her feet.

The cockerel dog thief did almost the same thing. Lin San’s eyes saw the sun slanting and the twilight gradually sinking, and he sat down on the roof of the top floor. There are still a lot of places to use consciousness tonight, and she must ensure that the teacher returns to the state as soon as possible.

"Yes, as before..." The teacher sounded like a sore person, and finally lie down on the massage table, almost screaming: "Compress, try to compress... let the space go out, then Generate new consciousness..."

This is the “purification and solidification” method in the cultivation of consciousness, which not only increases her stock of consciousness, but also makes it more pure, flexible and flexible. Lin Sanjiu always felt that the original consciousness seemed to be a bit loose when she practiced this time; after she practiced for a few hours, the teacher finally gave a long sigh: "I feel much better."

"It seems that I still haven't practiced enough?" She scratched her face with a lot of fun.

"It's possible. You will take a few hours of practice every day," said the teacher. "Black Zee teaches you physical training, and you can't relax. Have you heard of it if you haven't heard it?"

"But I am a growing type," Lin Sanshui stood up. "The doll teacher said that even if he doesn't practice, the combat power can be gradually improved every day." This is what she asked at risk.

"You are a doll?"

... no.

Lin Sanjiu stretched his muscles in the night, and he really felt energetic and plenty of energy. She crossed her arms and looked at the direction of the museum, smiling with confidence: "I am coming!"

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