Doomsday Wonderland

: 1317 Don't go to the museum again, Wu Lun thought

... In this narrow room, echoing the deafening silence.

The low background sound on the phone turned into a line in the turbulent silence, allowing people to hang their minds on the top. Lin Sanjiu was suddenly afraid of hanging up the phone. No matter what Han did, now she has the ability. She is the only person in the world who can understand her situation at this time. Once the phone hangs up, she is afraid that she will be silenced. The world is drowned and swallowed.

"Do you want to go back?" Han Jun seemed to smile with a bitterness. "Do you want to go back to the world that is precarious and turbulent?"

"I must go back." Lin Sanjiu said slowly.

"...I don't have to persuade you, everyone has their own way." He tried to make a joke. "It seems that you used to mix well."

Lin Sanjiu didn't laugh.

"It's me, if I can choose..." Han Jun's voice gradually weakened and did not finish this sentence. "When I drifted in the doomsday world, I was calm in my heart. Now that I have settled down, I have thrown my wife at home, sitting alone in the runaway car, and I can no longer show up in this place. You said , this... what is going on?"

Lin Sanshui’s brain screamed, and his sigh didn’t even listen to it.

"You are not stupid. If you want to go back, you should think of the only way."

With the words of Han Jun, she felt that Wu Lun suddenly raised her head.

"You mean..." Her throat seemed to be licking the wire, and it was getting tighter and tighter. "To make this world..."

Han was silent and did not respond to her. Even if he abandoned his newly married wife and wanted to flee to a distant place, he still did not want his ordinary wife to face such a future.

Wu Lun licked her elbow, and she looked up and found that the other person was asking "what" with her mouth - the girl was extremely sensitive, even though most of their conversations were confusing, they immediately realized This "the only way" is something quite serious.

"Since... since someone came to the world through random transmission, it shows that it is also part of the doomsday world system, and one of the human worlds facing the destruction... sooner or later. Here, there is a factor that can destroy the world. ""

Lin Sanshui lowered his head and did not know whether he said to Wu Lun or to Han, or to himself, "There may be some kind of power... suppressing it, suppressing this change, so that it should have The ruined world has continued to exist for so long. If it is here, it will usher in the end..."

This sentence does not need to be finished.

Wu Lun’s hand slipped from her arm.

"You can't do it," Han said coldly. "I advise you not to do it. You are by no means the first evolutionist to think so, even I have thought of it myself. Nowadays The world is still running steadily... What does this mean? Explain that one or two evolutionists alone cannot afford such a large and stable world. People are very adaptable creatures, and we are even the end of the world. The world can get used to it. This kind of modern society, which is originally the norm, is easier to adapt. I advise you to accept the reality earlier, get some money early, and live in peace and stability is the best. Moreover... the world There are six or seven billion people, you think about it."

When the words were finished, he hanged up the phone.

The surging, real silence, in the blink of an eye, drowned Lin Sanjiu - until she heard her throat screaming loudly, only to realize that she was not really suffocating; she suddenly grabbed Wu Lun’s arm, holding her close to her, felt the chest gradually calm down.

"Pain!" Wu Lun couldn’t take a shot and called, "You--"

Lin San wine immediately loosened his hand and said, "I'm sorry."

Wu Lun didn't talk, his eyes narrowed and his wrists pressed.

Unable to do, she looked at Wu Lun silently, thinking. That means that the hot noodle soup, the cosmetics counter and the mother that the girl is familiar with are all gone with the human society, and there are countless such girls in the world. She can't do it.

...but without returning to the doomsday world, she knows that she can't live anymore.

She has long noticed that her mentality is not normal, no one will be so desperate, so desperately tied to the connection with others. She thought she was out of the shadow of losing her parents, but the shadow had long been part of her, filling her empty shell-like body, waiting to swallow her moment.

"No, you can rest assured." She comforted her voice quietly. "Your world will be good and will not usher in the end."

Wu Lun's tightly held hands, the joints were all white, and the words were slightly loosened, and they turned back a bit of blood.

"Moreover, don't you not believe in the end of the world?" Lin Sanshui smiled a bit.

"I... I still have the spirit of suspicion," Wu Luan stroked the wrinkled pajama pants. "I am just... with a questioning but not negating eye, come and see this question."

After a while, probably seeing Lin San wine can not speak, she whispered: "That ... what are you going to do now? If you want the end of the world, can you go home?"

"Even if someone is looking for me, I suspect he can't find it here." Lin Sanjiu said, took out the thick stack of visas given to her. No one has worked, and it was wasted after the transfer... The package hopes that she can go to the heart of the twelve worlds and write it clearly on every visa, but she still falls here - one in the doomsday world, No one knows the modern society in which they exist.

No, the package will definitely use every means to find her. Anyone may give up after looking for a while, but the gift package will not. Lin Sanjiu thought of it and sat up straight. She must be sure that the package is coming to her; then she has to find a way to send out even a message...

This netless world, like a huge hand, has blocked every method of her... but the evolutionary power and special items are varied and nothing, she has no way, no one else has no way; even There is no way for others to wait until they are united, and there may be a way.

As Spartan said, these evolved people who are thrown away are like a lot of scattered sand; if they struggle alone, they will gradually sink into this silent river, just like Han. Then, as a matter of urgency, she must first find other evolutionists.

"Speaking of it," she thought of it, and she smiled again. "I still have to find ways to make money and advertise."

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