Doomsday Wonderland

: 1320 戴 wearing a blindfold

Ordinary people, evolutionists, are all wearing a black cover on their eyes. What fate can make you see is only the small piece in front of you.

What people can do is only one of the choices that seem correct at the time; but what will happen in the future, whether the decision you make is good or bad, after that moment, you can only wait for the fate to unravel. The answer.

There are only a few things in the world that are "early known".

In this kind of shit-like life game, the most unbearable thing is that you don't know when and where you made the choice. It doesn't matter, it will seriously affect the future.

For example, at 3:18 pm, Lin Sanjiu asked Wu Lun to go home by car and choose to chase another taxi.

At that moment, she did not think about the meaning of this move. Wu Lun did not realize the influence of this decision; at 6:18, both of them thought that this was only a temporary break-up.

Until 11:54 this evening, Lin Sanjiu still did not wait until Wu Lun went home.

The small clock on the table ticking forward, the sound is mechanical, clear, and indifferent.

She took a quick glance at the breakup, did not pass the taxi number plate that was about to stop at Wu Lun, so she could not trace it from the taxi card; in fact, Lin Sanjiu did not even know, she later Did you get on the bus? At about 7:30, she knocked the door of Wu Lun’s house and squeaked for ten minutes. Even the neighbors opened the door and looked out. Wu Lun did not come out. Playing her mobile phone is always off.

At 8:30, tearing off the security window and drilling into the house, Lin Sanjiu decided to follow the way they would go when they came back to find someone. She pulled out Wu Lun’s photo from the house and asked all the way, passers-by, shopkeepers... all asked.

The phone is still turned off.

At 10:30, she found it again in the same way.

Although the second search was also lost, but with the luck of Wu Lun, who had already arrived home this time, she once again returned to this narrow single room and waited until now. As the night deepens, the city becomes more and more quiet, the heavens and the earth slowly sink, and the lights outside are far away. It is like the world is like this. There has never been a human being.

You are an evolutionary, what can you do?

Lin Sanjiu buried his face deeply in the palm of his hand. He thought for a long time and finally did not report to the police.

As an evolutionary, it is inevitable that you will naturally distrust the ability of ordinary people. If you have a problem, you would rather solve it yourself - but this is not the main reason.

Alarm, how to report? Have a phone call? After listening to Wu Lun’s explanation, can she still hold the mobile phone alarm of the escaped Han Jun? Even if no one finds this, there is a policeman who comes to the door to understand the situation. Who is she when she arrives? Legally speaking, she does not exist in this world.

In other words, another legally existing social person who knows Wu Lun can call the police...

Lin Sanjiu thought of this and slowly raised his head.

Wu Lun is a person who has a serious job. If she really gets something wrong, her colleague will realize that something is wrong after she has not finished working for no reason.

No, no, it may take a few days, and the ingredients for luck are too big – maybe her colleagues will think that she is suddenly going back to her hometown and will not go to the police. And when she works alone, she has to wait until the mother of her home is aware of the accident, I am afraid that everything is late.

Lin Sanjiu stood up and irritatedly turned two circles in the narrow single room.

Even if this is counter-intuitive, she has to admit that a police officer in a modern society should have more resources and strength in finding a citizen than in the first-time evolution. The question is, how to let Wu Lun be found missing?

... Slow, she wants to smash.

Lin San wine rushed to the window in a few steps, looking out from the anti-theft net that he had torn. The neighborhood is very old, very small, and a few lonely street lights are standing in the night, and several light bulbs are broken.

She has been in the unfettered days of the world in the doomsday for a long time. I didn’t think of it for a while—a big resource for the police, isn’t it a surveillance camera that can be seen everywhere on the road or in the community? If she can get the surveillance video on the road when Wu Lun is driving, at least she knows where to start tracking.

The question is, is the section of the road covered by surveillance cameras? There should be, but she still needs to go to the field to see.

Before Lin San wine went out, he hesitated, and found a cap that was put on the box. In addition to the bandages on her neck, she couldn’t pick up her trousers and shoes. She stole a man’s outfit from the shelf of the neighbor’s clothes, and the extra hair was stuffed into the hat and covered with trousers. Lived in the shoes; fortunately, Wu Lun is a person with a sun-protection concept, and there is a mask at home, and she has also taken one. When she had finished the change, she also bowed herself.

... All the actions just made were done subconsciously without much thought. But now think again, why do you want to change it? There is no more than a museum on the road, and there seems to be no need to hide your face.

That is to say, to take off the hat and mask, but she feels awkward, so she still still wrapped up tightly. A man is fitting her height, and anyone who is in the distance will probably think she is a man - that is, the skeleton is a little thinner.

There are still many people and cars on the road at 12 o'clock. Most of the roadside shops have been closed, only the restaurants, convenience stores and other lights are on; the cars on the roads drive one by one, most of which are lit with empty lights.

Lin San wine hesitated for a moment, did not reach out to recruit. She just walked slowly along the street, carefully observing the surveillance camera on the street from under the hat; at first she would go to several areas to install a few, but soon it was not counted. When she had to cross the road and cross the bridge, she looked up from the stairs and found that three surveillance cameras in the shape of a stapler were hanging in the air and looking directly at the stairs from which she was sitting. When she was halfway through the bridge, she suddenly realized that she had changed her walking posture unconsciously. Even when she stepped out, the knees had to bend slightly in the loose pants. Come, she looks shorter than usual.

... Lin Sanshui took a cold breath from under the mask.

A person's gait is comparable to fingerprints and irises. Even the evolutionary people who have fought in battle can't change the weight, inclination, coordination and shape of walking. Because the gait uses the whole body features, involving more than 600 muscles and more than 200 bones; even if it is installed, it is difficult to change its general physiological conditions - and, on the evolutionary More stubborn and difficult to change. When an evolutionary finds the most appropriate and efficient way to use the body, it will continue to consciously self-reinforce this way, which will result in a deep-rooted behavioral posture.

The reason why she can do this is because she was trained in black and bogey many years ago.

The mode of fighting black zebra is not so much a fixed battle trajectory. It is better to say that his skeletal muscles and responsiveness are like running water, and can be changed according to the situation. Influenced by him, Lin Sanjiu also pursued the effect that “every muscle is alive”. When she wants to change her gait, she can adjust the musculoskeletal state of the body like a switch. Looking at it from a distance, it is like changing someone.

However, Lin Sanjiu does not know why he would do this - she does not even know if there is any technology in the world that can recognize gait.

From the camera-intensiveness found on this road, it seems that Wu Lun’s breakup with her is certainly under surveillance. The next question is where she can go to see the surveillance video.

After changing the gait, the speed of Lin Sanjiu was obviously slower. He also took a night bus in the middle of the road and returned to the place where she and Wu Lun broke up after half an hour.

It’s a forty or fifty-minute drive from Wu Lun’s family. Because it’s already close to the city center, it’s quite lively at two or three o’clock in the middle of the night – the dim, closed door on the road during the day is now open. It became a bar with a glamorous rumbling and rumbling music in the door. Men and women dressed brightly and cheeks red, laughing and standing on the side of the road smoking and chatting, no one took a look at the silent "man" wearing a cap.

It stands to reason that the surveillance video should be visible in the [] office of this area?

Going to find it?

Lin Sanjiu thought while walking, suddenly stunned and stopped. After a few seconds of silence in place, she turned her head and strode to the rear of a telegraph pole - in front of the pole, she asked in her mind: "Is it true? Do you remember?"

"Remember." Teacher Yi whispered. Today, she didn't have time to practice her consciousness. It was only half a night later that the teacher thought it was a little tired.

After waiting for Lin Sanjiu’s question, Yi’s teacher continued: “Today, both of you are on this pole and posted a tracing notice.”


Lin Sanjiu got closer and looked at it carefully. After the tracing notice was torn down, a small piece of white shredded paper remained on the pole and was glued to the pole.

This can't be cleaned by the cleaners, because next to the shredded paper, there is still a small advertisement with a "credit card for quick withdrawals."

... There are evolvers nearby.

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