Doomsday Wonderland

: 1322 Wu Lun with no danger

"Hey? Is it... Lin Sanjiu?"

Wu Lun’s voice sounded weak, and the thick nasal sound made Lin Sanjiu think she cried for a moment.

"It's me, are you okay? Where are you?"

The **** the other end of the phone sucked her nose and whispered, "No, nothing big. In the afternoon, I had a car accident, my phone was dead, I am in the hospital..."

This is an answer that Lin Sanjiu didn't even guess - but this sentence was in the ear, she immediately interrupted Wu Lun: "You wait."

Now that Wu Lun is still safe, the urgent pointer suddenly turned to the other end.

She looked up at the young man opposite, and he still replayed the same conversation over and over again; at three o'clock in the morning, except for the excitement around the bar, the rest of the place remained silent and peaceful, so it was hard to see this "falling down." What is the area covered by the effect?

"I am not malicious to you," she said in a hurry, and heard Wu Lun on the phone "ah?" The young man didn't call her at first, but stayed here waiting for her to appear, indicating that he was full of doubts about other evolutionists, and he must not let him back away... she suggested: "I just want to find and leave together. If you are willing to talk, we will go up."

Said, Lin San wine pointed to the sky - all the way, she is still enough under the hundreds of cameras.

"Floor, upstairs?" The young man stunned.

“No,” Lin Sanjiu said. “The streetlight is on top.”

For the two evolvers who first met and tried each other, the streetlights were so convenient. Its advantages are obvious: there are no obstacles in the air, it is difficult to ambush; the foothold is very small, it is difficult to fight; the distance is opened, it is difficult to raid - all sides are empty, and if there is something wrong, it can be The road to escape.

However, the young man looked up at the street light, but his face was a little reluctant. He paused for half a second, and when he spoke again, his tone sounded dry and fast: "I will go up."

When Lin Sanjiu consciously and leaped on the poles, when she fell over the lamppost, she looked down and realized why the young man had a hard time.

"Send me your hospital address, I will go to you right away." Lin Sanjiu hurriedly said to the phone still in the call, not waiting for Wu Lun to speak again, she said, "I have something to do here. I will deal with it first, and I will hang up the phone.

For most evolvers, climbing a streetlight is not that difficult, but it is under the premise of "capability without recession." The young man was obviously in the world for a while, and his ability began to be damaged. He stood on the ground and hesitated for a few seconds. He raised his hand and slammed a rope on the streetlight; the rope was not waiting for the lamp for the first time. Just fell off, the second time was the roll of the pole that was rolled up.

He fixed the rope on his waist and climbed it with his hands on the pole. The harder it went up, the more he slipped on his feet and fell down. It took him two or three minutes to climb to the top. Even if it came up, it would not be able to stand still; the young man leaned on the waist and slowly sat down on the street lamp. He grabbed the electric pole with both hands, and he shuddered and breathed. It's a bit heavy.

He looked pale and white, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't talk for a while, only looking at his feet in the air and the earth floating under his feet.

"I don't really know if I don't climb once..." He looked up and smiled softly. "It turned out that my physical fitness was eroded to the present level in four or five months."

The man sitting on the opposite streetlight is her own future. Lin Sanjiu wants to comfort him, but he can't say anything at a time.

The two quieted for a few seconds, and the young man stretched out one hand and snapped a finger. Underneath the road was like a group of little black bugs, and suddenly broke free from the small round of the bondage. They began to gather together and turned around. They also shouted from time to time: "Others? Who saw him gone?"

“It’s very powerful,” Lin Sanjiu heartfeltly praised. “Is this your ability?”

"No, a special item," the young man shook his head and said, "In fact, it mainly attacks the items against the time of the fallen species. The ordinary people just add extras... the fallen seeds will not be trapped like them. For a long time, it has no effect on the evolutionary. It is actually a very tasteless thing. After I came here, it came in handy."

Lin San wine opened his mouth and was a bit stunned. "The fall of the species", "time attack" ... she clearly came to this world only four or five days, and then listen to the evolutionist talking about these words, but it feels like the world.

“It’s great to meet another evolutionary person again,” she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her body was slightly warm. “I have only met the predecessor who became an ordinary person.”

"I have also met, about three or four." The young man recovered his calmness, and the sound was uploaded from another electric light that was not far away. The two sit and stand, all under the light and under the darkness, and each other can only see a vague outline. “It seems that the bigger the city, the more people there are, the higher the chances of an evolutionary person.”

"Do you know this world well?"

"For four or five months, I have been looking for ways to retain my ability. In the process of searching for information, I have some understanding of the world." The young man has a clear mouth and a soft voice. "My name is He Huan. ”

"Lin Sanjiu." She was also polite, she also reported her name.

The young man nodded, as if he didn't know where to start from time to time. Lin Sanjiu asked: "Do you want to stay, or go?"

The river shook his head and seemed to be looking at a late student who had not yet mastered the content of the class. "You are just like we have a choice... From the records of the predecessors I found, we can't go unless you can successfully make the end in this world."

It seems that all the evolutionists who want to leave after understanding the situation will think of this method for the first time.

"No, maybe there are other ways." Lin Sanjiu stared at him and asked: "If you are really willing to live in this place, you will not tear off my tracing notice. right?"

The river laughed and licked his neck, and a messy hair was blown on the face by the night wind.

"What do you do?" he asked.

Lin Sanjiu said that he wanted to pass the message outside the world, and explained: "However, all the tools for external contact in my hands are now useless, so I need to gather more people. work together."

"Just send a message to the Twelve Worlds...?" He Huan sighed for a while, then when he looked up, his eyes brightened in the night.

"If you just pass a message, the chances of success are much greater than the destruction of the world." He was obviously a little excited, and his speech rate was much faster. He asked, "But, after passing the news?"

"There will be people pick me up." Lin Sanjiu said in a word, "Whether I can send the message, as long as it is sent out, someone will pick me up. Then everyone can go with me." ""

"Really?" Although Huanwen is gentle in appearance, but the temper is so arrogant - just thinking for a few seconds, he climbed up from the lamppost and said: "Dry! Even what? Don't do it, my ability is dying out... I might as well work hard."

Lin Sanjiu was relieved. "You are not afraid that I will lie to you?" she asked.

"In a world where everyone will degenerate into ordinary people sooner or later, first-timers may lie to later people, but in turn they can't make sense." He Huan not only took the initiative, but his mind seemed to be very agile: "You deceive me too." There are benefits. Now my abilities and items have been completely damaged. It’s not your opponent. If you rush to the outside of me, you can grab it. In addition, you and I are both a rope. On the grasshopper, what is necessary to lie to me?"

It seems that her luck is really good. The first evolver to meet is not the kind of person who is paranoid and suspicious to obscure the logic and rationality. Lin Sanjiu is a bit lucky to think. At this moment, there was another commotion on the ground under her feet; she looked down and saw the unique warning light of the police car flashing from a distance in the light river where the road lights gathered.

The shadows of the people at the entrance of the bar suddenly stopped and circled.

"Why are you deliberately letting them call the police?" He Huan looked down at the noisy people underneath for a while and remembered the problem.

Now that she has reconnected with Wu Lun, Lin Sansui naturally does not need to go to the [] Bureau to watch the surveillance video; she took out her mobile phone and saw that Wu Lun had sent a short written hospital address and ward number. Message.

"It’s a long story, but I don’t need it now," she replied briefly, asking, "I have to go find an ordinary person I know here. If you don't mind, you can and me." Going together, you can have a good chat on the road."

In this regard, He Huan has no opinion. The two people were waiting for the crowd under the streetlights, and they returned to the ground, far away from the bar. At the suggestion of He Huan, the two stopped a taxi - the taxi The feeling of faint discomfort is all because of Wu Lun. Since she learned that she had only had an accident, Lin Sanjiu could not find a reason to use this very convenient means of transportation.

With the special item of He Huan, the two easily entered the hospital. Wu Lun was placed in a double ward, because the time was too late, the lights had already been turned off. Lin San wine screamed "Wu Lun, it is me". When the door was pushed, the light in the corridor was spilled into the black lacquered ward, illuminating the bed near the door, and Wu Luna. Two eyes without sleepiness and black holes.

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