Doomsday Wonderland

: 1324 Reunion of husband and wife

[The text is very good, can be sent within 20 minutes of visual inspection, welcome everyone to stay up late and bald]

If you only look at it with the naked eye, the glare that hangs high in the air at this moment seems to be no different from the summer. The dazzling sunshine sprinkled from the blue sky and sprinkled it on the boundaries of the human world, revealing the viciousness of the shocking.

On every street, there are people who are covered with burns and huddled together in a group. The building cracked at high temperatures, and some houses with poor quality were already collapsed into hill-like pieces. The ground is cracked, and occasionally a fertile fall can be seen between the ruins.

In the past two months, every day, the temperature is still rising; today, all human traces are melting in the heat, it is hard to believe that this was once a highly developed human civilization. society.

The air is dry and hot, and I don’t know where the rivers and lakes that have evaporated since these days have gone. Looking at it, there is no more green in the place where the eyes are, and the place where the truck rumbling through it will immediately roll up a thick yellow dust of half a person, which is almost difficult to see.

Lin San, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the truck, couldn't help but glance at the rearview mirror.

Behind her, followed by another cargo card of the same model, followed by a long bus. This is not the focus of Lin Sanjiu's eyes. She narrowed her eyes and carefully looked at a black smoke rising in the distant sky.

The place where the black smoke rises is the shopping center that has been hosting them for a month.

After living for so long, I finally had to leave... Lin Sanshui’s thoughts couldn’t help but return to a month ago.

After Lin Sanshui unintentionally discovered the full-filled supermarket warehouse, the three people were really happy at the time. They didn’t need to use a few points. You can see it with your eyes and the water in the warehouse. Definitely enough for them to last 14 months. And living in an underground supermarket, you don't have to worry about direct sunlight, it is really ideal!

The only problem is the small tropical plant forest in the outside hall.

After all, people are still coveted and comfortable - several people have discussed it. I think that in today's situation, as long as you can't close the door in the underground supermarket, the outside plant forest can't take them. Just a few days ago, they were thrilling and consumed a lot of their physical strength. Through the name of rest and adjustment, the three people simply settled down in the supermarket.

This rest is enough to recuperate for two or three weeks. Because of eating and drinking, the iron gate was closed, and there were no foreign enemies. The three people had a comfortable life in the first time in the new world. So that after a month, Lin Sansuo accidentally squeezed his waist and found out. I have grown up.

To be honest, this is not a lot of fat, but she immediately remembered the livestock that were being raised. During this time, she not only did not have the ability to build, but also had a lot of stagnation; because she had no crisis awareness and had several days of hard work, she even slept in the dark underground in one breath...

If you go on like this, it will definitely be harmful to yourself. The three people discussed it and decided to go to patrol - one is to check the situation nearby, and the other is to exercise by yourself.

The idea was quite good, but I didn't expect to open the iron gate. The three people were stupid.

When the door was opened, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon, but the elevator leading to the first floor of the hall was still shrouded in thick darkness.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the stupidly and whispered, "Is the sun so early?"

Lu Ze couldn't speak. Suddenly I saw Mather reaching for a finger and yelling "You see!", Lin Sanjiu and Lu Ze saw in the direction she pointed, and the five internal organs were cool.

Covering a piece of darkness in the elevator, it seemed to feel something like it, and it moved a little. This movement didn't matter. A little sunshine immediately rushed in, and the green of the half-branched leaves was revealed. The three people realized that the reason why the iron gate was black was all because it was covered by plants.

Then, more and more shadows moved, and dozens of green vines, large and small, densely packed, seemed to smell human, and survived one by one, slowly toward the iron gate. The direction has been over the head. I don't know who made a shout first. The three people did not dare to delay. They turned and rushed back to the supermarket, and they pulled the iron door down with a bang.

The green vines hit the iron gate, and the thick iron gates actually sagged several bulges inside.

It seems that as long as you go out and wander a few times, this iron gate will not hold up.

Back in the supermarket, the faces of the three people are very ugly. No one thought of it so quickly, they changed from being active to avoiding the world, and now they can’t get out of it.

"This place, we can't stay..." Lin Sanshui smiled a bit. "You said, what should I do now?"

"Even if you want to go, you have to bring the things in the warehouse." Mather said biting his teeth.

"It's not difficult to bring something up. Let's find a few big trucks outside. How much can we move? The question is... How do we get out now? The only passage is blocked by those ghosts." Lin San wine asked with a grin.

The three people were quiet for a while, Luzer suddenly "ah", then a squid jumped up, turned and ran towards the back of the supermarket, while running and shouting loudly: "The elevator is not the only channel! Small wine, you put Take the key! There is a door behind it!"

This sentence reminds Mather that she slaps her face and her face suddenly brightens: "Yes! How can I forget that!" A Lalin and three wines, they also hurriedly followed.

Within a few seconds, three people stood at the back door of the supermarket. Since Lin Sanjiu has appeared in the staff room, Luzer and Mather have forgotten this back door. Lin Sanjiu still knows that there is still a place where he does not know where to go. The back door.

She silently prayed and opened the door with the key.

It’s not too thin to wait for them – behind the door is a narrow slope, going out from the slopes, and several people find themselves standing with a row of huge trash cans, standing behind the shopping center. It seems to be the place where the supermarket staff cleaned up the tools and disposed of the garbage. From here, they saw a small road.

Looking through the glass to the shopping center filled with green shoots, several people still think that the cracked black road is so cute for the first time.

The next thing to do is very clear.

First find three cars. It is not difficult to find a car - almost 80% of the people are dead, and the city is full of cars with cars that have been used by the people. With almost no effort, the three found two large cargo trucks and one bus.

I took the battery from the auto repair shop and put a few boxes of oil from the gas station. The car finally moved. I drove all the big cars to the small road in one breath, so I was so crowded. It’s easy to stop side by side.

The water in the supermarket filled the three cars, and there was still a lot left in the warehouse. However, several people were not greedy, the car was enough, and the rest were coded on both sides of the street, leaving them to other survivors.

Before leaving, Lin Sanjiu brought a few barrels of gasoline, and Luzer and Mather prepared a whole box of wine.

“Ready?” Lin Sanjiu, holding a heavy brick, smiled at his partner. Seeing the two nodded, she called out: "Okay, start throwing!"

As Luzer shouted with excitement, bricks, stones, chairs, all sorts of things like meteor showers smashed into the glass doors and windows covered by green plants in the shopping center -

A series of crisp sounds rang through half of the street—the shards of glass seemed to rain, and they fell from the air in the air, sparkling in the air of the night.

The branches covered with the glass were shocked, swaying, and I didn’t know who to attack. But before they found the culprit along the human taste, then, a bottle of spirits, a barrel of gasoline, flew in from the broken glass, and fell on the plant. Suddenly splashes are everywhere.

The last step of arson, you need a little skill - the fastest, the lightest body of the three, the Mather, holding four or five already polished matches, rushing to the door of the mall like a rabbit A pickpocket, a few lights of ignition fell into the green.

The flames spread and spread, but the speed was not fast, but it was very firm. Soon, the first floor was filled with a red fire - not burning for five minutes, there was a sharp squeak in the lobby of the shopping mall, as if something was hurt, all The leaves are waving wildly.

I don't know why, Lin San wine actually felt a long-lost joy - she laughed a few times, and waved at the two people beside them, laughing out loudly: "Let's withdraw!" The first one ran out.

Several people just ran out of a street, only listening to a loud bang, the top glass of the shopping center was burnt down, pressed down with an unstoppable momentum, and half of the buildings disappeared into the flame.

The trucks and buses were stopped far away in the morning. Three people drove a car and stood on the unknown journey with the last starlight before sunrise...

After licking the hoe, Lin Sanjiu took the scene from last night and took it out of his mind.

Her face glanced again at the rearview mirror, and then the taillights were fired. The big truck slowly slowed down and leaned on the side of the road.

The trucks behind Luzer and the buses that Mather drove were slowing down one by one and stopped.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go?" Luzer shook the window and shouted in the direction of Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu pushed the door open and jumped down. He stood in the middle of the road and held a baton in his hand.

"Someone is following us." She frowned and endured the yellow sand in the air.

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