Doomsday Wonderland

: 1353 Go around

Just fine]

Think about it, the time is now at the end of December. If before the new world came, everyone should be busy preparing for the New Year at this time; but -

"Oh, no, the fog is too big, the players can't see each other...Blow it!"

After the high-pitched voice complained about it, then he listened to his own "whistling" and blew his mouth with his mouth - it was amazing that the white mist that was overwhelming really slowly shook and gradually dispersed. I went a lot and revealed the true colors of the heavens and the earth.

No, no, this is definitely not the true color of heaven and earth... Lin Sanji stared at the ground and widened his eyes.

At her feet is a huge circle, divided into two halves by a line in the center, painted red on one side and white on the other.

Not far from her, there are four strange men and women standing, plus Lin San wine and rabbit, a total of six people are standing in the red half. In addition, the half of the white, about 50 meters away from them, also stood 6 people, two of whom she is still very familiar with - one wearing glasses, it seems to be always serious; the other one is huge The people retreat to the house and squeeze the other five people to the side - it is Hu Chang and Hai Tianqing.

Three people and a rabbit looked at each other for a while, and they all reacted to each other. However, Hu Chang was watching the ground for a while, anxious, a mouth opened and closed, his hands were stroked, and for a long time, a little voice was made. Not coming out - it feels like there is something that cuts off the sound.

Until I heard the high-sounding door just now, Lin Sanjiu reacted and quickly turned to find the source of the sound.

Strange, it is clear that the wind blowing from that direction blows away the white mist around them - but the vocal person himself is still hidden in the fog and can't see the face.

"I am the copy host, Mr. Point, I am very honored to meet you... Did everyone see their teammates? The same color as your teammates, the other color opposite you is your opponent! Come here, Before starting our red and white match, teammates first get to know each other!"

This "Mr. Point" voice fell, a man next to Lin Sanjiu immediately smashed up: "Hey, are you crazy? Now is the time, what kind of competition is going on... I have no time to play with you. !"

This person doesn't look too old. It looks like he is in his early twenties. The hair on both sides of his head is shaved very short, and his temper is very irritating. He shouted, "You still have to stay?" The people snorted, and they ignored the crowd and turned away. Soon, his figure disappeared into the white mist.

"Mr. Point" does not seem to mind that the man’s sudden departure, still silent, seems to be waiting for everyone to know each other.

Because of the man's relationship, the five remaining people in the red team did not speak, only stared at the direction of the man's departure, until he could no longer see it - this began to have a faint commotion. .

In addition to Lin Sanjiu and rabbits, one of the other three people in the red team is an obvious couple. At this time, the petite girl of Qi Liu is looking nervous and holding her boyfriend’s clothes tightly; she is male. The friend is not tall, the skin is white, and the body is slightly fat. The whole person looks like a piece of milk with a shirt. At this time, the girl is comfortably low, and the voice sounds gentle.

Another person standing alone on one side is a middle-aged man with a large pore and a dull face. At this time, the hot rain continued to be poured from the sky, and everyone was soaked and wet, and the clothes were tightly attached to the body and became translucent. His big belly was shining under the wet shirt, and his eyes were constantly lingering on the women in the field - as if he had been used for a lifetime, and he was brought to his end.

Lin San wine wearing a black tight vest and loose field pants, naturally can not see through; only pity the girl wearing a cotton linen skirt, looked uncomfortable straight behind the boyfriend to hide.

When the middle-aged man’s gaze crossed the fourth time from the direction of the white team, there was a woman wearing a miniskirt and a pair of long legs who couldn’t help but rushed towards the red team – but Just as she was about to step on the line, she suddenly had a shocking brake, and she stopped at the line; then she stared at her big belly with her long legs, and her lips turned into a thin line and turned. Go back to the white team.

It seems that I can't cross the border here, and I can't hear the other's voice. Lin Sanshui and Hu Chang's eyes met, and each other was a doubt.

Lin Sanshui’s gaze turned around in the white team’s body, then shook his head toward Hu Chang – and did not know if the other party understood what he meant.


At this moment, a voice rang from behind the white team, and suddenly attracted everyone's attention; Lin Sanjiu turned and looked at it, only to see the temper just now, at this time is standing behind the five people with amazement.

She is not surprised at all.

"I must have gone wrong?" The temper whispered a whisper, not willing to turn and walk again.

"Don't waste money." Lin Sanjiu couldn't help himself, and finally stopped him. "If you don't complete the copy, you can't get out."

As soon as this statement came out, the members of the Red Team were paralyzed.

Sure enough, as she expected, these people were just surviving in the heat, and have never heard of the copy - don't say them, even the rabbit is the first time to know.

The "copy" thing sounds a bit ridiculous, so after Lin Sanjiu simply introduced it, everyone’s face is still a letter of doubt; instead, when the brown rabbit talks, the person who is scared seems to have more .

But in any case, even if there is no doubt, everyone will finally stay.

About five minutes later, Mr. Point’s direction came with a few slaps of slaps and interrupted the conversation between the red and white teams.

"I am very happy to see that everyone and teammates are so happy." Mr. Pointer laughed and relaxed his tone; but the next time he called the Red Team, he couldn’t easily get up: "But, the Red Team has a The members did not follow the advice I gave, but tried to leave without permission. So before the game started, I had to regret to give the red team a point..."

With his voice, on the red side of the land next to the boundary line, suddenly a "-1" floated upwards, with a faint gleam in the air.

Although I don't know what effect this-1 has, the faces of the Red Team have changed and it feels a little bad.

Is there a penalty for not following the action proposal?

Lin Sanjiu thought a little nervously. But the five of them haven’t talked to each other... I don’t even know the names of other people until now, and I can only secretly give them the code in my heart.

... Is this a kind of "knowing"?

Just thinking, just listening to the other side of the conversation: "But fortunately, a member of the Red Team has popularized a simple copy of knowledge for teammates, so the Red Team can get a treasure chest!"

The red team was on a low level.

Although it doesn't know what the treasure chest is, it sounds like a good thing. In this way, perhaps the gap between the red and white teams will not be so big - the red team's face is just a little better, just listen to the gentleman and said: "The same reason, the white team can also get a treasure chest. !"

"Everyone may wonder what the treasure chest does? Then, I will explain the rules of this match!"

[The end of the year to welcome the new red and white match]

Number of participants: 6 people in the red and white teams, a total of 12 people.

Rules of the game: 1. Four games are assigned by Mr. Point. The red and white teams do not need to participate in the whole team, as long as the total number of players reaches the minimum number of players in the game, and the number of participants in the two teams is equal.

2. There is no upper limit for the number of times each member can participate in the game, but each participant participates at least twice, otherwise a death penalty is imposed.

3. The participants of each round of the game must be voted by the whole team, and the majority of the passers can participate in the game.

4, some games may have score points, if a team member can successfully find and win points, then the team can +1 points. Winning a round of games can score +1 points, and the team that wins more points wins.

5. Similarly, there may be points in the game.

6. In special circumstances, you will receive an extra prize "treasure chest". After opening the treasure chest, from the reward of +10 points, up to -10 points, all kinds of results may appear.

7. Before each round of the game, those who do not participate in the game between the red and white teams must take out their own things to make "prizes". This prize can be a special item or an advanced ability. After the prize is offered, if the team is defeated, then the prize of this team will be owned by the opponent. For example, the red team's a does not participate, so he surrendered his "floating when farting" skills, but the red team's competitors failed, then the "floating when farting" skills, then white The team is owned by someone. If all the players participate, the prizes will be randomly selected by Mr.

8. In the winning team, who is eligible to receive the prize depends on the results of the team discussion. If the discussion is deadlocked, Mr. Point will make a judgment on the contribution of each person, and the person who contributed the most will receive the prize.

9. The team that lost the match will not only return all the previous prizes, but also the advanced ability and special items will be completely deprived, and will be awarded to the winning team as the final prize. In addition, each member of the winning team can also ask Mr. Point for a special award.

10. After the winner is defeated, the copy is released.

After listening to the long ten rules, everyone was silent for a long time.

From hearing the voice of Mr. Point to the present, the talents finally accepted the situation at hand.

"There is a bad thing in the treasure chest? What is the treasure chest, x!"

"Compared with this, I am more worried about the prizes..." White skin said with some anxiety, "Although I don't know what the game is, if we get more power from the other side, we are too disadvantageous. ""

Qi Liu Hai heard this, his face was white, and he had a nasal sound when he spoke: "I, I only have one ability, I really can't pay, I have no ability, I might die soon... ”

White skin sees her girlfriend anxious, and quickly grabbed her hand, softly comforted: "Don't be afraid, no one will force you..."

Although the big belly didn't make a sound, the gaze was finally removed from the woman, and the fat eyelids were hanging down. I didn't know what I was thinking.

Lin Sanjiu and the rabbit looked at each other with a heavy expression.

These ten rules look at the past at a glance, and there is already a feeling that although it can't be said, it is a feeling that it is full of traps.

What's more, the situation that she and the rabbit face at this time is almost impossible: not only do they have to win, but they can't let Hu often lose in the other team.

"The rules have already been introduced. Now, please ask the members of the two teams who have made contributions to come to the lucky draw!"

The red team was naturally Lin Sanjiu - she paused and her eyes swept in the direction of the white team. The white team came out to draw the prize, probably this time the enemy: knowing the copy of the situation, it is very likely that the person from another world; whether it is experience, or ability, probably not good.

With a gaze, she just saw a thin woman coming out of the white team.

At first glance, Lin Sanjiu thought she was an old lady; just to take a closer look, she felt that she was only four or fifty years old - only her face was loose and wrinkles, and a pair of triangle eyes were weak. The mantle was pulled, and she seemed to be extraordinarily old and not too old.

The old woman glared at Lin San, and then turned her head in a blank expression, walking straight into the fog.

Lin Sanjiu woke up and quickly put the rabbit down from his shoulder and walked into the fog.

As soon as the white mist wrapped up the body, she saw a black wooden box lying not far away, and even the lock was not hung up. Looking back, the teammates behind me are completely invisible.

Taking a deep breath, Lin San wine closed his eyes and slammed the lid of the box.

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