Doomsday Wonderland

: 1355 unexpected

[This chapter is very short, because there is nothing to write... it’s good in about 20 minutes.]

Said to be a mattress, in fact, just a black and thin blanket; lying on top, in addition to the faint sour smell, and even faintly feel the skeleton of the bedboard... Lin San wine turned over, suddenly bed frame A scream of squeakyness was issued.

Even in the dark, Lin San can still clearly see everything in his small room. The air in the basement is not well ventilated, and there is a faint smell of dust. A few nails were cut into the wall panel of the single room, which was probably used to hang clothes. The condition is really succinct. She can hear the squeaky voice in the sleeping dream next door. I don't know if it is because of a new stranger environment, she can't sleep in bed for a long time.

If Hu Chang is saying that the people in this place are all motivated by drugs, she does not have to continue to stay here again.

After all, she joined the oasis, but she was not looking for a visa officer to eat, drink, or sleep.

However, among the more than a thousand people who are almost ordinary people, how can a visa officer appear?

But after all, it’s not so good to just walk. I don’t know how Lin Sanjiu knows it. I remembered that the plausible figure was just under a glimpse. I still stayed for a few more days to see if the situation is good...

The thoughts in my mind are mixed, and I don’t know how long it took. She gradually felt that the eyelids became heavy and her consciousness was blurred.

At the moment she was about to fall into a dream, a strong current suddenly passed through her body.

Lin San wine suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole body could not control the pendulum. The body trembled too fiercely, and the iron canopy bed followed the sound of a "squeaky" sound, which was particularly loud in the quiet space. She wanted to move her finger, only to find that she once again lost control of the body... Although it was not the same as the whole body fluctuation, she was no stranger.

Damn, how can the ability evolve at this time!

Biting her teeth, she wants to turn to the ground, after all, the sound of the bed shelf is too big, it is easy to recruit people. When I was evolving, I had no self-protection ability. If I came in again, I would come in a stranger... Although the oasis seems to be peaceful, she does not want to take risks.

But I can't move, how easy is it to turn over?

Through the momentum of her body, she barely pushed herself away from the wall a little, and her long hair suddenly fell off the bed. This is not enough. Lin San wine is anxious.

However, she has no time. The neighboring neighbor who was still asleep just now, the long breath suddenly paused, and then only heard the sound of the bed, it seemed that the man sat up. Then, the footsteps came to the door of 1629 and stopped outside the curtain.

"Hey... is it a newcomer?" A woman’s dissatisfied voice whispered: "How do you pick everyone to sleep when you do this? You don't know shame! Stop!"

Although the body lost her autonomy, but the consciousness was still sober, Lin Sanjiu, after listening to this for a second, she suddenly understood the meaning of the neighbor, a **** old blood almost sprayed out she thought she What are you doing!

Although the bed is really loud.

The woman outside the door waited for a while and found that the noise was still rhythmically continuing. Finally, she was a little confused. When she opened the curtain, she screamed in surprise: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Sanjiu, who couldn’t say a word, was relieved, and at the same time he lifted a heart.

The neighbor who rushed in was a long-haired woman in her thirties, wearing a light yellow bear Pooh's pajamas. She was very decisive when she saw the matter, and immediately put the chilling Lin San wine on the bed and let her lie on her lap.

"Hey, can you talk?" The woman's palm slammed her face and slammed: "Are you a shofar?"

Lin Sanjiu has been unable to distinguish his own trembling because evolution has been mad at her.

Fortunately, the time of evolution is short. She has gradually calmed down after a while, and the control of the body has returned. As soon as I found out that I could move, Lin San’s wine jumped up from the neighbor’s woman’s leg and licked her for a while. When she wanted to say something, she found that the other party seemed to have nothing wrong. She just squeezed out: “I’m fine. ,Thank you."

The woman had a face and didn't leave. Instead, she asked, "What is your illness? Do you often commit crimes? Do you have to commit a lot when you sleep? Do I need to find a rainy house?"

Lin Sanjiu was almost mad at her, and said with a grin, "Not a disease! You don't understand, this is a normal reaction when the ability evolves."

"Hey?" The neighbor woman was surprised, and looked up and down her. "You are also naturally evolutionary. Me too."

A feeling of revenge is full of feelings. Lin Sanshui sighed: "So how can you not see it?"

"I don't know... I came early, and my ability has never evolved for so long."

Probably because the life of the oasis is too comfortable.

"Well... anyway, thank you for your help. My name is Lin Sanjiu, are you?" Lin Sanjiu quickly adjusted his emotions and extended a hand to the neighboring woman.

The hand she stretched out was touched by the woman, even if it was gripped. Then the woman said, "My name is Fang Dan. We still don't go too close. After all, you don't know how long you can live."

After saying such a weird word, Fang Dan stood up and was about to leave.

... So, are the natural evolutionists in the oasis a strange person without social common sense? Lin Sanjiu just wants to cover his face and sigh. "Hey, what do you mean by this?"

Fang Dan looked at her innocently: "You have just come here, and you are very capable. You will usually be sent out to do difficult tasks. So, the survival rate is not high." After that, this woman is very chic. Turned and left.

Lin Sanjiu looked at her back and couldn’t know what to say. The building board was not soundproof. She listened to Fang Dan walking back and lying down on the bed. In less than ten minutes, there was a slight snoring.

This person is really... too convincing. Lin Sanjiu complained a few times in his heart, and the difficult task that the other party Dan had just said was not in the heart. The strange and dangerous things in the extremely warm hell, she has also experienced, the mission of the oasis can be more deadly than the copy?

Sounded from the sound, Fang Dan seems to have been asleep.

Sitting in the dark for a long time Lin San wine, then carefully spread the palm of his hand.

Should check the ability of his own evolution. This time the evolution is over, she has a strong impulse to summon the card. This time it should be a card.

As soon as the mind was moving, a card appeared silently in her hand. The previous white light disappeared, and the card did not move at all.

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