Doomsday Wonderland

: 1377 The universe is an onion...?

The engine roar of the Exodus has gradually stopped.

As the pneumatic valve slammed open, a row of mermaids wrapped in protective clothing walked out of the spacecraft, grabbing the grab ring on the outer wall of the spacecraft and slowly walking, adapting to this new gravity environment.

The place where the huge ring crouched was a desolate reddish brown earth. On the curved horizon, it was the absolute darkness of the universe. On the ground covered with sand and gravel, there is a strip of light white sand dunes that are stretched by the wind, like traces of splashing of a brush. There is no life here, no glory, but there is a ridiculous and silent beauty.

Lin Sanjiu is hard to believe, and at her feet is the mother of the original Shambhala.

According to Spartan, the mother and its nerves are buried in the depths of the earth; as the celestial body itself increases day by day, the mother will follow the development of the mature body. As a person who has experienced Shampala with him, Lin Sanjiu has never forgotten the scene in his own cave. In her imagination, there are countless whites around the core brain deep in the ground. Nerve, tightly pinching the dust stone into a celestial body.

The mother can grow up, and the celestial body is its "blood flesh". It can actively capture the various substances in the universe and add it to its own flesh and blood. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend the long time in the sense of the universe like a real planet, and it can become bigger step by step. According to the standard of the planet, it is still very small in size; the quality is not big, so the gravity is not big - everyone is still not suitable for this kind of gravity environment, eight talents have gone for a while, Jishanqing has eaten a horse. lie.

Lin Sanjiu just squirted from the nose and was heard by the package from the internal communication of the protective suit.

"I am going back!" he threatened.

It is also pitiful, obviously a data body, as long as he abandons this body, he can shuttle through space at any time... Lin Sanjiu rushed to him and waved, and the package suddenly forgot to go back, clumsily trying to catch up, and the result fell again. wrestle.

The female Yue, Han, and the other two evolutionists, after the Jishan youth, walked more hard than him; when they finally got to the place, Spartan waited for a long time. He had a large steel cable at his feet and was standing under the belly of Exodus - if he looked away, Exodus is now like a donut, sticking out a small foot on the ground, belly and ground. The distance between them is just the next person.

“Everyone has the steel cables ready,” Spartan told the communication system. “Find a spaceship foot and fix the cable on the foot.”

The task itself is not worth mentioning, but Lin Sanjiu did not expect that the gift bag was a data body. When he was working in heavy and heavy protective clothing, he was so awkward and distressed that she had finished her life and watched. He had a few eyes and had to go and do his work.

Next, Spartan took out a long stick-like thing. Lin Sanjiu found that after putting on the white protective suit, even Spartan, who had always been shocking, couldn’t help but be stupid: especially when he used the stick to get into the earth. Looking far away, it looks like a white fat mosquito is preparing to open a meal.

He himself was unassuming. After pulling it out, he came over and handed it over to Lin San. He said, "Like I just did it, I will go down a little and then I can easily The ground separates a ramp from the soil."

"In fact, I still don't quite understand what we are doing." Han was snorted.

Since leaving the modern world, his spirit has gradually recovered; the more different he is, the more he does not mention the modern world. Even when everyone talks about Maru Qingge who stayed on the initiative, he generally does not speak. It seems that he intends to completely cut the world.

"You will know soon." Spartan was very patient. "Everyone puts the cable in after the underground tunnel.... Yes, it is always at the end."

Lin Sanjiu pushed the cable into the small round hole in the land and let it fall down the ramp. Now, the cable is fixed on the spacecraft and falls into the ramp below the soil.

"I will inform her now and catch these cables." Spartan said softly, as if the mother was just a little girl.

"Ah?" Someone was confused and couldn't help but ask, "Who?"

When I came, Lin Sanjiu took a tightrope in one hand and couldn’t help but take a breath. She is different from other evolutionists in the field. She has seen the mother, and she guessed what Spartan was doing.

Spartan, in a protective suit, turned and turned his back to everyone; the helmet communication system was silent. However, a few moments later, Lin Sanjiu felt that the earth beneath the ground had a slight earthquake—not the kind of rocking feeling in the earthquake, but more like something is going deep in the ground.

At the foot of Lin Sanjiu, the cable of the original soft magnetic sheet on the ground was suddenly smashed by the next force, tightly stretched between the spacecraft and the ground, and even the Exodus was given a glimpse. , issued a dull squeak. A steel cable suddenly appeared to have vitality, jumped up and jumped up in the air, and in the midst of everyone’s surprise, Spartan’s voice rang in the communicator: “Task completion The mother's nervous system in the underground has already wrapped the steel rope."

With the mother king squatting underground, the Exodus was firmly fixed to the ground. The gravity of this celestial body is not big. Exodus has only a few tons of weight here. It is not as heavy as a truck on the earth. So on the way to Spartan and Jishanqing, they fixed the spaceship like this. After that, the mother will complete the next journey.

Between the faint confusion, Lin San wine is not even secretly scared. Fixing the spacecraft is obviously afraid of the spacecraft being smashed down... But what is the power to sail the celestial body in the vacuum universe without wind and waves?

Moreover, the mother of the king did not push the engine, how to go forward?

After everyone returned to Exodus, she returned to the control room with the gift bag and Spartan. The walls of the half-room are still in front of the scene: reddish-brown land, sand dunes that stretch all the way to the horizon, and a few stars farther away in the dark space.

"I received my sister's signal that day and found that it was not far from us," Ji Shanqing was in the chair, leaning her head on her shoulder and whispering, "I will follow the signal immediately with Spartan." The source rushed to its launch site... but at first glance, there was nothing in the universe."

"Is the wrong place?" Lin Sanjiu thought of this possibility for the first time.

"There was no mistake. At that time, all the means of analysis could prove that the signal was transmitted from that empty emptiness... However, in the range of nearly 10,000 kilometers, except for the direction we came, even a floating meteorite No."

When Ji Shanqing said this, he could not help but tremble a little - just think about it and know how terrible it was for him.

"Then you... how did you find me?"

"It’s a long story, when the mother is just around the corner."

Spartan, sitting in the other chair in front, turned his head and replied: "It's still small in size. If it is attracted by the gravitational force of the planet, it may become a satellite. So in general, it will avoid being too close to the planet. When I drive the Exodus to land, it stays in the distant space."

In the corner of Lin San wine's eyes, I felt as if the picture on the front screen trembled a little – when she glanced subconsciously, she did not realize what was different from the previous one.

"We parked the spacecraft on the surface of the mother, and continued to move deep into the universe to find where you might be... When we were discussing what it was all about, the 'Great Flood' arrived." Spartan said here, grabbed a blond hand with his hand and looked back at the big screen and said, "Don't wait for us to react, the mother king took us on an initiative to swim into the flood. When the light of the flood dissipated At that time, we found that modern world in a place where we had nothing at all."

Then naturally, there is no need to say.

"You were sent over by the flood?" Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood, "So we have to go back to the doomsday world, and it is also dependent on the flood...etc. Is the screen image just trembled?" ”

"Yes, the mother can find a big flood..." Spartan's voice was low and soft, "or, its movements helped the flood. This is what Ji Shanqing explained better than me." ""

"Sister," the package looked unscrupulous against the vibrating screen scene, but patiently explained: "General spacecraft are propelled by the medium to advance in the universe. The medium in the vacuum is thin, so it is necessary to carry a lot of fuel. The mother is essentially a living planet, without an engine or fuel, and its way of moving is very interesting... I think it is by some means, making it a separate space, compressing the front space, so that The rear space is inflated, so that I will 'fall into' the space ahead."

Understanding the imagination that physics needs, Lin San wine always felt that he did not, so he had no choice but to listen. The image on the screen is more and more trembled, but it is very slight: unlike the image jitter when the signal is bad, it is like the universe in the field of view is constantly shrinking and zooming in. At the same time, from the side of the screen In terms of coordinate numbers, their position in space is constantly moving forward.

"It's a way of twisting the space forward, it seems that it is easy to attract a flood." Ji Shanqing also looked at the screen, whispered. "I always thought, what is the flood in nature?"

Lin Sanji stared at the screen and blinked. The front of the planet is still dark, but she always feels vaguely, as if something is brewing in the dark... Perhaps brewing is not a correct statement.

"Until we were sent to the Great Flood," Ji Shanqing still muttered, "I finally understood the nature of the Flood. Sister, you remember the one you saw in the foraging world." A scene? It is the one you saw in the crack of the dimension..."

Lin San wine sat up straight and almost let the package slide down. How could she not remember it; then the air and matter were rushing to the cracks at a very high speed, and the wind seemed to blow away the human mind. She has been skeptical that it is her own illusion - deep in the crack that was forcibly torn, why is there a small planet?

The mother seemed to be thrown up by what force, and the picture on the screen suddenly collapsed; when Lin San was almost squatted down, she held the bag first. When she regained her stability, she looked up again and found that the whole screen was dark. In the control room without the lights, I suddenly reached out and couldn’t see the five fingers. It almost made people feel that the space was disordered.

“What happened?” she whispered.

"The flood and the crack are actually very similar in nature." The gift muttered, "In the place where the flood and cracks appear, it means that the dimensions of space and time have all collapsed and can no longer be observed. To... In other words, the universe we are in is broken."

Can the universe also "break a hole"?

"After that hole?" Lin Sanjiu sat in the darkness and asked in vain.

"It’s like I went to find what happened to you at that time. We fell from the hole to another universe... you see."

Lin Sanshui heard the words and raised his head. Initially, she still felt that she saw only a darkness; but soon she discovered that the big screen did not disappear, and in the depths of the darkness it showed, a small, shiny dust was floating. Half a minute ago, the coordinates were clearly empty, but now there is one more planet.

"We just fell from the cosmic holes formed by the Great Flood and fell into another universe." The package whispered, "The front should be another doomsday world."

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