Doomsday Wonderland

: 1383 Enter the game world

[This is anti-theft, the text is good, I haven't seen you for a long time]

No one expected this attack. Seeing that a strong wind had reached the top of Luzer’s head, he was caught off guard for a moment, and had to roll on the ground, barely escaped the offensive, and then fell down the stairs.

Fortunately, Lin San’s wine eyes were fast, and his short body stretched out his hand and grabbed his sleeve, which stopped Luze’s downward momentum.

Just before that, I didn’t hit Lu Ze, and slammed it on the stairs. I suddenly broke a few steps and picked up the gravel and smoke. Lin Sanjiu and Luzer immediately got a cough, and they were afraid of the heart. If you hit someone, you must have at least half a life!

The black shadow didn't hit a single shot, stopped in the air, and swayed gently on the top, as if it was impossible to attack which prey should be attacked.

With such a short moment, the two talents can see what is attacking them. The mystery of the homing of the corpse is finally answered.

It was a green vine that came out of the tropical plant forest.

No, it is better to say that it is tan, rather than being green. On the green vines that spanned half of the shopping mall hall, the blood has been stained by the streaks and the original color is not visible. The thorns on the vine body even hang a few pieces of orange-yellow broken cloth - Lin San Only a glance at it was confirmed: that is the cloth used in the uniform of the staff in the downstairs supermarket.

"I x! How can this stuff stretch so long?" Luzer wiped a bruise on his face and groaned.

Lin Sanjiu stared at the green vine, and he did not dare to move. "It’s probably growing up after the mutating... How do we do it now?"

"There is nothing to say, let's go back and run! I don't believe that this broken thing can go all the way to the supermarket!"

The green vine seemed to understand it. He shouted in the air and brought up a fierce blast. Several pieces of broken bricks were blown by the wind, and they rushed toward the two. The two were busy turning around. I have escaped. Lin San wine stared at the green vine, biting his lip tightly, and his heart slammed - "No, let's go separately! I am going, you are down!"

"Are you crazy?" Luzer glared at her head.

"The body is piled up in the elevator. This green vine can be used. This means that we will be attacked along the way!" Lin Biao opened the mouth and answered, she had already picked up the lightning. A large brick beside him, aiming at the green vine and throwing it away -

The green vine in the middle of the sky seemed to have a long eye, and when it was lifted up and down, it escaped the bricks. In this blink of an eye, Luzer had no time to react. Lin Sanjiu had already ejected like a string of arrows, and shouted in his mouth: "I will attract attention here - you will go back soon. Call Marsser, take the wine and meet me! Take the purity!"

In a word, Green Vine has been attacking her several times in a row - Lin Sanjiu will have escaped the previous attacks, and he will climb the last step, but he will be the last blow. I wiped it a bit, and all of my pants broke open a hole and oozing a little blood. Regardless of disregard of Lin San, he rolled up and finally went to the second floor and immediately hid behind a store.

Luze, who has been staring at her, has fallen into her stomach. At this moment, he also understands the intention of Lin Sanjiu, and he is also anxious and admirable: "You are a madman! Be careful, I will come back with Mather as soon as possible!"

"Come on, it's going to you!" Lin Sanjiu shouted as he slammed the store door.

Green vines hesitated in the air for a moment - squatting for half a second, Luzer had already maximized the physical strength of the reinforcement, and flew toward the elevator. Seeing that the green vine seems to be on the way, Lin Sanjiu rushed out of the store and threw a promotional sign at it -

Luzer had no time to look back at this time, so he had to hand over his back to Lin Sanjiu, and he ran to the elevator at the foot.

After a while, he had already rushed down the elevator, and the green vine did not catch up.

After a few rushes, Luzer almost ran into Mather on the head--she heard it wrong, and was rushing out. At this time, she met Luzer, and a series of questions immediately rushed out: "What? What is the sound outside? Small wine?"

"There is no time to explain, let's go get the wine! Take the high-purity wine and liquor!" Luzer also rushed into the supermarket, and quickly rushed into the supermarket, and ran into the shopping bag. Wine area.

When Mather was unclear, the movements on his hands were very fast—not ten minutes, and the two men were filled with a few bags of wine.

"Is there a lighter on your body?"

"Bring it! What are we going to burn?" It was wine and fire, and Mather reacted.

Luzer smiled bitterly: "We have to destroy the greenery!" He said that he was rushing to the elevator.

The two men slammed into the elevator, and when they were about to take their heads, Luzer suddenly stopped and thought about it, cautiously revealing half of his head and looking out.

Quiet outside, nothing at all.

The green vine that had just been so amazingly drilled has already disappeared from midair, and the central tropical plant forest is still so honest and motionless. Lin San wine did not see the figure, looked up and looked at it, there was no movement on the second floor. If it weren't for the broken staircase that was broken a few minutes ago, Luzer almost doubted that he had just experienced a dream.

When Mather approached, he whispered, "What the **** is going on? What about the little drinkers?"

Luzer only felt that his mouth was bitter, and muttered: "I don't know..."

To explain to Mather, the heart of Luzer’s heart is getting higher and higher. If Lin Sanjiu accidentally misses his hand and is hit by the green vine, what should he do if he falls behind with the corpse?

I didn't expect Mather's side to listen to it. It was estimated that I also thought of this possibility. I suddenly felt anxious. Now I opened the door and shouted: "Small-wine! Where are you! Should be heard!" Her voice Resounding in the empty shopping mall, stirred up a layer of echo.

Luzer was shocked and looked at the tropical plant forests - I saw the tallest coconut trees in the center, and suddenly moved the leaves - it was like a voice heard by a person, turning his head and licking it. . Probably because two people are still hiding in the elevator leading to the first floor, just hiding in the corner of the plantation, so Mather's shouting did not attract any attack.

This time, he was relieved, just joined Mather and shouted together.

The sounds of the two people were amplified by the echo, which was almost deafening, but Lin San wine never showed up. The longer the shouting, the higher the two hearts of Luzer and Mather hang -

Suddenly after a door was pushed open, the voice of Lin Sanjiu did not know where it rang: "You got the wine? I am fine, rest assured!"

"Where are you?" Mather was busy looking around for the source of the sound.

Probably because of the relationship between the echoes, the sound of Lin Sanjiu sounded a bit floating: "You can't see me, I am on the fourth floor."

"How did you run that?" Luzer asked inexplicably - going upstairs meant taking more attacks, but looking at the stairs up the second floor, it seems to be quite good.

"I can't help it. I'm hiding in which store, and the one that Ghost Fujiko will give to the shop. If I don't want to hide in the staff's special staircase, I can't get it." ”

Lu Ze only noticed that the facades of the luxury and exquisite famous shops on the second floor were really ruined at this time. In short, he was relieved to hear that Lin San was all safe. It seems that this is indeed a blind spot of thinking: the passengers in the shopping malls in the weekdays use the stairs and handrails outside. However, if you transport a garbage, push a cleaning car or something, it is impossible to squeeze together with the guests, and definitely have a dedicated dedicated channel.

Lin Sanjiu also hit the Universiade for a while, only to see this employee channel.

"So how come you come back to the supermarket?" Mather asked still a little worried.

After a while, the voice of Lin Sanjiu rang again: "I estimate that this employee channel should also lead to the negative level. You should not burn the tree first. I just looked at the plant. Lin and the flower beds on the fifth floor are connected. If you have a piece of burning on the fifth floor, it would be too dangerous. So, let's go back first, let's see it."

Luzer and Mather glanced at each other, and smacked her a few words without worry, and returned to the supermarket.

Putting down a few bags of wine, the two people walked around the supermarket a little bit uneasily - except for a locked back door, there was no other entrance.

"It seems that the employee channel is behind the door..." Mather shook the brass lock on the door. "We have to open the door, how can she come in a little while?"

Luzer looked at the back door with a very solid material and felt that his head hurt. The string of keys that came out of the dead manager happened to be placed on Lin Sanjiu, but the keyhole was clearly directed into the supermarket, and there was no gap under the door. He was reluctant to go round again, and this time he was found to have a handful of weapons - in a humble corner, there was a red fire box. An elbow shattered the outer glass and Luzer pulled a small hammer inside.

"Come on, let's use this to open the door!" He rushed back to the back door, and the treasure was like a little hammer to show to Mather.

Mather saw the hammer, and the brow furrowed a little faster. Luzer’s strength was greater than her, so she sweared and gestured to Luzer to start swearing.

A few times, the hammer pulled a series of sparks on the door lock. The lock is smashed down, but the door does not even mean to open.

The crash was amplified several times in an empty supermarket. Wang Sisi seems to be awakened by this voice, and suddenly screamed a few times - just as the two were eccentric and ready to continue to squat, then there was a voice they were very familiar with:

"Mom! I am in the staff room!"

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