Doomsday Wonderland

: 1385 Eat by your hands


The reed painting standing in the corner suddenly pointed to the opposite wall, just about to open, and suddenly hurriedly swallowed the words back - it seemed that I didn't pay attention to it for a while, and almost let the word "elephant" blurt out. After such a meal, she continued to say: "That, there is a line of hints on the opposite wall."

"Day1, 9:00AM." When Lin Sanjiu went around and saw it, he said that the big line was written: "Today, please explain why there are not enough posts in the room."

"Is this fun?" The evolutionary man who has been ignorant of a few words, a man named Shisheng, couldn’t help but whispered: "The post burned to the dead."

The line of characters still hangs on the wall, obviously does not think this explanation is reasonable enough.

“It’s not difficult to explain,” Ji Shanqing said after Lin San’s wine, like a small shadow, said: “First take the backpack.”

"How to distribute?" Lu painted a slight frowning eyebrows.

Among the eight people present, Lu Zu, Hao Xun and Shi Sheng were the last to join in the free ride. They are not so familiar with each other. When the problem is thrown out, it will be a bit embarrassing.

“Do not assign first,” Ji Shanqing explained. “To work in this room to make a living, there must be more rules, such as how to work, how long it takes to maintain a day’s livelihood... The answers may all be in the backpack. After we understand the situation, it is not too late to allocate."

Almost no one made more thoughts on him, and this task naturally fell on the shoulders of Lin San. In order to be on the safe side, it is best to grab a few more backpacks at a time, so as not to be identified by the game as having chosen a career; she uses her consciousness to wrap three backpacks while dragging them from under the belly, hesitating for the season Shan Qing asked: "Do you need a backpack?"

"This game is set up by people," Jishan Qing nodded. "So my body will be regarded as one of the players."

Then, let her give up the backpack.

She has the absolute attention of Ji Shanqing and Spartan's priority care, as well as the full trust of the female and Korean people. Compared with any one present, there are several layers of safety nets. Only by letting her give up her backpack can she avoid cracks in this small group.

When she thought of it, the elephant suddenly turned her head and seemed to be attracted by a backpack that was sliding on the ground. When the elephant's nose turned a few turns in the air and seemed to fall toward it again, Han Pingping couldn't help but breathe a cold breath. All the eyes on the elephant were turned over and stared at him. .

He hurriedly removed his gaze and pretended not to see it.

I don't know how many people's eyes slowly groaned and turned away. Just now Han Pingping did not say anything, did not mention the elephant, it seems that it is not a foul... When the seven backpacks were pulled smoothly, everyone was together at the backpack, no one noticed any strangeness at that moment. .

The next second, a gray shadow swept through the air in front of the eyes, rubbing the nose of Lin Sanjiu and screaming out; next, Han Pingping was hit in the chest and flew straight out, slamming into the wall.

Lin Sanshui exclaimed, and he rushed to his side, hugged him before he fell, and quickly asked: "Is it okay?"

Han Pingping’s face was white as if he had fallen into a layer of snow. He seemed to want to cough a few times, but he was blocked in the chest. His body was bent like a shrimp, and he couldn’t even breathe a sigh of relief. Without letting Jishanqing check, Lin Sanjiu just knows that his ribs have been broken.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a fracture," she said, screaming and whispering as quietly as possible: "We will cure you well."

"He clearly..." The more the woman cut off her words in a timely manner, "Why is this?"

In fact, I think a little bit, the answer to this question is self-evident. People sometimes look at empty places. It's not surprising, but people don't suddenly look at the air and suddenly start to surprise—that is, they can't “cognize” the existence of elephants by talking, acting, and reacting.

The crowds moved Han Fangping to the corner in a hurry, and they carried all the backpacks together and tried to distance them from the elephants. Just now, the attack on it, even Spartan failed to respond in time, opened Han Pingping, enough to illustrate a problem: their ability to face the elephant, almost zero.

"That... can he not work?" Hauser whispered his thoughts on the hearts of everyone.

"Look at what happened to the backpack first, then judge." Ji Shanqing lifted his chin and said, "Is it noticed? Every job is written on the cover."

A total of seven backpacks, four occupations are "farmers." The rest are "tax collectors", "inspectors" and "workers".

I have to say that this list of occupations is far beyond the expectations of Lin Sanjiu. She originally thought that her Mike Duck ability could come in handy... She first told Ji Shanqing to hurt Han Pingping, thought about it and said, "There is something in the backpack, it is quite heavy. Lu painting, you Choose a career first and see what is in the bag."

Seeing that the first one was called, the aloe painting seemed to be taken aback. She hesitated for a moment, reaching out and grabbing the "worker" backpack - almost at the same time, a small line appeared under the prompt text on the wall, saying "All professions can't be changed once they choose."

In other words, it is impossible to do a few days of work and then give it to someone who has no job.

"There is a manual," Lu painted a piece of paper from the bag. He was not busy looking at it, and he took out a few small tools from the bag: "These are... sanders?"

These tools can be used for polishing, sanding, and cutting. They are small but can be used.

"Working remuneration is the form of living materials, and the living material is a food card of 100 cards." While reading the tip of the manual at the top of the manual, Lu painting said: "Everyone must consume 300 calories per day to survive..."

Workers' Manual

The job content is to serve the farmers, provide services such as grinding and repairing for their agricultural tools (the players must actually make corresponding actions), and get paid from the farmers. The more you do it, the more you pay, the more you pay, not limited to working hours.

Note that you need to deduct the tax portion from the rewards you receive before you can use it yourself and/or use it for others.

Seeing the word "use for others", Lin San wine sighed with relief.

The relationship between calories and survival: 1000 calories are the level of physical ability to keep the game into the game every day; 300 calories can only maintain a minimum of survival, and can not avoid side effects such as weakness and dizziness. As the intake of calories rises, physical strength and ability will become stronger and stronger, and even beyond the strength of one's own ability is also possible.

If you consume less than 300 calories a day and do not work for three consecutive days, if any of these two premises are not met, you will die. Of course, as long as there is work, it is not difficult to consume 300 calories.

The calorie intake time is not limited, but it must be before 12 o'clock in the evening. Before taking enough calories, you can guarantee the survival and physical strength of the next day.

Lin San wine looked up and looked at the timing of the wall. Obviously, the timing in this room is the same as the real-world time flow, now 9:12 am.

"We havetened to allocate time to the profession," she patted a few backpacks on the ground. "Although we can live a little bit of food for Han, but he can't work, we must find an exit before the end of three days. For a while, I will treat him as a wound."

"I took the peasant," Jishan Qingyan said, "Spartan, you take the inspector."

Spartan honestly picked up the backpack of the inspector.

Farmers' Manual

The job content is to plant the land (the player must actually make the corresponding action). Harvest by time, produce 100 calories per hour of food **** (in the case of no problems with the implements, otherwise the damage will be reduced); the longer the cultivation time, the more harvest. Note that the tax portion must be deducted before it can be traded, used, and/or used by others.

Except for the specific instructions on how to plant the land, the rest of the matters are the same as the workers.

In the remaining four backpacks, only the tax collectors were unique; the people discussed two sentences, and they were taken by the interstitial who had less words and temper. The remaining Lin Sanjiu, the female Yue, and the Horst three became farmers.

"This..." The student took out the instructions and suddenly took a look. "On this piece of paper, in addition to the general working principles, I can't disclose my specific work to others. So, I can't show this paper to you."

"My own is also this," Spartan said as he smashed the instructions into a ball and threw them back into his backpack. "Do you mainly collect taxes?"

"Yes, your income should be given to me," and the student raised his hand and pointed to the other side of the room, turning a blind eye to the elephant in the center: "I will take it to the tax point over there."

The so-called tax point is a rectangular cement trough that has not existed until now, and is located at the corner of the wall. The more I saw the cement trough, the more I felt it was like a trough. It seemed to have been seen in the zoo before. She looked at the elephant in the room, then looked at the cement trough and frowned.

"My job is to check that you do collect taxes and that you have not stolen." Sbaan shrugged.

I didn’t bother to say no, no words.

“How much is the tax?” Lin Sanjiu asked.

"Sorry, this is not to say."

Ji Shanqing whispered from the nose and looked thoughtfully at one of the board-sized model farms. There are several pieces of farmland of this size. They are as realistic as shrinking the objects, and the farmland is slightly tilted, and it will fall into the ground.

The time of the peasants is the most precious, so when the four people understand the situation, they all lay their farmland on the ground. This room was not big. After being taken up by the farmland and Han’s bed, everyone could not help but move a distance. The elephant’s trunk was swept a few times in the air, from their shoulders and head. When swept over, the eyes of countless people who grew on the skin turned to them.

Among them, the farmland of Yangyue is almost close to the elephant leg. She has to stare at it with the light of the light, and when she is ready to move it, she is ready to put away the farmland at any time.

"After the harvest, everyone should keep their own food balls, don't eat." Ji Shanqing sits cross-legged on the ground, squatting with a little girl, and his face is as clear and calm as ever - this is really Lin Sanjiu never thought of A picture that I can see. "How much we can harvest after a day's work, we have to know after the tax collector has collected the tax. By then, we will distribute the food ball again."

"The three of us are looking for an exit," Spartan said. "The gift pack, give us a few pens. We start with the half of the room without farmland, and the areas we have found are covered with markers."

"You can use your nails to scratch it." Ji Shanqing was not happy, and Han Yuanping, who was not far away, lifted his chin. "I just wanted to say it... He broke his ribs and needed to tie it with a fixed-brain strap, but when I tried to take out the tape, I found that in this room, the foreign materials could not be used. ”

"What do you mean?" Lin San was shocked. When he asked, he had already opened the card library.

"The fighting props can also be used, but things like materials can't appear in this room." Ji Shanqing sighed and said: "The goods we can call these days, only the food **** and the body. Clothes only."

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