Doomsday Wonderland

: 1391 Undiscovered discovery

If you study it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Hauser’s words.

Especially for the evolutionists, the law of the jungle is their usual principle of survival; especially in the case of copy, can not adapt to the situation, can not overcome the difficulties, said death will die - but Lin Sanjiu always feels now Not the same thing.

Think about it, just two days ago, they also worked together to spend a blue wall game.

Yes, they are not all living with each other, but at that time it did not affect them to help each other. Everyone searches for the sighting report, collects the appearance of the blue wall people, and people stand in the high place to be responsible for the police... just change a game, how can they be torn apart or even to the point of others' lives? It took only two days to retreat from the same direction and to live and die.

They are all going to put them in a dead game. What is the difference?

When Lin Sanjiu sat down next to Han Shouping, she was full of doubts.

"You have a fever," she didn't know how much Han Pingping had heard. She just whispered comfortably. "If we go out, we can help you with it..."

Han Nianping seems to want to shake his head, but only when he moves, his strength is gone. As Ji Shanqing was sitting down, his eyes turned around on the gift bag and opened his mouth with dry lips.

"I... I know."

Lin Sanjiu did not say anything.

"You thought I was fainting... but, intermittently, confused... I also heard a lot." When he spoke, he could clearly hear how much water was lacking between his lips and his tongue. "Today, today is the next day? If you haven’t gone out tomorrow... I will die if I give food to me, right?"

Lin San wine is not willing to think about the possibility, but it is inescapable.

"You are so smart," Han Yuanping suddenly turned his eyes to the gift bag and asked: "You... you always have a way?"

Jishan Qingfei quickly glanced at Lin Sanjiu. From her reaction, he has faintly understood how "a solution to death" is unacceptable to humans.

"There is a way... there is one." Seeing Lin Sanjiu nodded with a stiff neck, he leaned down and whispered his thoughts to Han. In this process, Lin Sanjiu can only look at the two people motionless, only to feel like a slate that has been crushed and crushed, and the thoughts and thoughts splashed open are full of thoughts.

... What should she think of this solution?

Han Yuanping’s body, memory, and even scars in the modern world will be written from the same set of data. From this perspective, he is still him, but he has a container of all his biological information, from a physical body. It became a storage component of the package.

However, if the package reads the 24-year-old Han Nianping, and then Han’s life is 68 years old, then the 24-year-old Han Pingping who was once again written... and the 68-year-old may be the same person?

The more she thought about it, the more chaotic she was, and she stopped thinking about it; at this time, Han Pingping seemed to have fallen into the confusion and doubts she had just had, and she did not speak for a long time.

"No one has ever seen this situation in history, so humans have not understood the basis of this issue from a philosophical or moral point of view." Ji Shanqing shook his head gently and said, "So what do you think, I will not strange."

"That is to say... or how do you think about it, it is what it is." Han Shouping looked gray, I don't know if it was because of pain or shock. "I...I don't feel any interruption or the same thing myself?"


“Really? Not at all?”


Han Pingping was silent for a while. "Then can I understand this..." He frowned and said, "My data was uploaded...and then downloaded into another body. Although the body changed, it seems like I am still me, right? ”

Jishan Qingtou stopped for a while and said like a sigh: "I think so."

Han Shouping must find a narrative perspective that he can accept - Lin Sanjiu understands this. If you think that the ontology will die, and only your own replicas will live in the world in the future, then it is difficult for people to accept this method; if they think that their body has changed from A to the same B, and consciousness is still the same set of consciousness, then accept it. It will be much easier.

Just to say that, one thing is obvious: Han Shouping tends to accept the package solution.

... This may also be a matter of reason.

After the modern world, Lin Sanjiu understands Han Pingping, a man who is flexible and courageous. He will use his abilities and resources to solve any difficulties. Nowadays, he suddenly becomes a drag and even a hindrance from the reliance of the team. Naturally, he can't stand it anyway.

As she expected, even the high fever and the fragility caused by the illness did not affect Han’s determination.

Lin Sanjiu did not leave, quietly sitting beside him for a while, accompanied him to say a few words, until he gradually dissipated consciousness, and fell asleep, she stood up with the gift bag and walked back. Between farmland.

Regardless of whether she and Han Yuanping really have a goodbye day, at least she will sue a different day.

"How is it?" The woman raised her head from the farmland and asked with a little concern. "He... is he okay?"

Lin Sanji nodded and coughed, attracting the attention of the rest of the people. The more she is in the state of tearing up the group, the more she and the gift package need to tell their plans openly and honestly.

Especially when facing Han Pingping. Even if she said that she was very reluctant, she had to admit that “removing” Han Pingping from the room might temporarily make up for the cracks between the people, making it possible for them to cooperate again – at the very least, the one of Haosite The proposal of "paying each tax" can be postponed and put on hold.

"...had you still have this ability?" After Ji Shanqing explained, Lu painting said with a little doubt, "This is the best of both worlds."

She obviously won't think about it as Lin Sanjiu.

"It takes at least a day to read his body information. I can't have any food **** produced today." Ji Shanqing said quietly.

"If there is only one day, then there is nothing." Hurst's face was a bit awkward, and he did not seem to have thought of his venting anger, but it would really evolve to the present point. "I am also because of the situation, I am... I am not malicious to Han Nianping. I appreciate him very much. Of course, he can live a good life. So, today, everyone is evenly distributed."

In the past few months, I have always left a bit of friendship - Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath.

“It’s not just today,” Ji Shanqing said immediately. “We are temporarily sacrificing Han Pingping, not for ourselves to eat one or two more **** a day.”

Hauser raised his eyebrows.

"We are under such a severe pressure of survival, and all the energy of every day must be placed on the livelihood." Ji Shanqing told him about Lin Sanjiu and said it to everyone: " understand Our current behavior is tantamount to helping to consolidate the game system and continue to strengthen our dilemma."

"We can't do it anymore. If you don't cooperate, don't you starve?" said the student.

Ji Shanqing did not hear the same, and continued: "In the past day or so, this game has been running smoothly and very well... and during this time, we just found out that there is no exit in this room. There is no connection between them. I think that when the game system runs smoothly -"

He paused and looked at the faces of the people, as if they were afraid that they did not understand it. They said it thoroughly: "When this system of farming and paying taxes and providing others runs smoothly, that is, this room does not exist. When we export, if we don’t change the behavior pattern, then everything will not change, and we naturally can’t go out.”

"Without Han Pingping, we are not raising idlers," Hurst subconsciously said. "That is, will there be a change in the room today?"

Ji Shanqing looked at him and blinked slowly. Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that he seemed to have a minute or two of time, and he did not know what to say like a mortal person - but that must be her illusion.

"How are you going to change our behavior pattern?" She asked aloud, hoping to help the package successfully complete the plan - he said, he has not told her carefully.

"We can change the whole face of this game and overturn its rules from the most basic level." Ji Shanqing smiled at her and said: "...we can strike."

"Ah?" The woman was taken aback.

"We started working continuously until we had a sufficient number of food balls. We could start the strike." Jishan Qing looked at everyone and frowned slightly. "We only consume the lowest share of survival during the strike. Extend the strike period as much as possible. Although there are rules that say that death will occur if you don't work for three days, there is room for it to be drilled - we can only work for ten minutes, half an hour, and stop before harvesting. Still Worked, avoided death, but did not produce any food balls."

"I don't understand," said Lu, muttering. "What good is this for us? What is the significance of the strike besides letting us go hungry?"

Ji Shanqing looked at her, and the strange look just floated up. In fact, this is also the doubt of Lin Sanjiu: What role can strikes play? Why deliberately avoid producing any food balls?

"Wait a minute," Ji Shanqing took a bit of a stunned look, and his eyes swept away from the faces of everyone again. "you guys……"

"Ji Shanqing!"

From the end of the room, the voice of Spartan sounded cold. Everyone looked back and found that he stood up and walked over, his face slightly a little sinking.

"Don't say it." He put his hands in his trouser pocket and stopped when he was five or six steps away from the crowd. "You found it?"

What did you find?

When Lin Sanji was puzzled, he saw Jishan Qing nodded slightly and dignified.

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