Doomsday Wonderland

: 1394 internal friction and self-inflicted

"no problem."

Intermittently put down a ball, wiped the sweat on his head and continued his inspection.

"This is no problem."

He will announce it loudly every one or two minutes, and after ten minutes, it will gradually become a monotonous and repeated stagnation. The peasants could not waste their time, and they had already returned to the edge of the farmland and continued to farm while listening to his briefing.

The most worrying, naturally Lin San wine and Ji Shanqing two.

"Spartan's position does not only mean that his work is the most leisurely." The package whispered and whispered to her: "His position has mastered the highest power among us, and the sixty-four **** that have survived these days." ""

Lin San turned his head and looked at him.

"Yes, the person who took over the position of Spartan naturally took over the food that we had smashed down in a few days..." Jishan Qing is hard to reveal the look of this time. "If it is someone else in charge of the six Fourteen balls..."

He doesn't have to finish talking at all.

Even if I changed Lin Sanjiu himself, I dare not say that she would not be tempted by the sixty-four **** and secretly ate a few. You know, it’s all food **** that have received taxes; whoever eats and eats has no problem at all.

"Sister, when you imagine that you are doing bad things, you also have the guilty conscience of a good person."

I didn't expect the gift bag to listen to her words, but it was a rare laugh. Only soon, his face sank again and said: "The newly appointed person does not need to steal. There are three rules a day for Spartan to give himself. It is ridiculous to say that he violated his own regulations. If he If you want to eat more, just change this rule... The new person will definitely do this. The inspector even if he distributes ten food **** a day, what can other people do?"

The farmer’s farmland was closest to them. At this time, it seemed to have just heard a little. After several times, I finally couldn’t help but come together and asked: “That... I am also very worried. You said, will the students tell the truth? ”

Ji Shanqing looked at the female Yue, it seems that there is some scruples - in this room, people who can be trusted seem to become untrustworthy every day. However, Lin Sanjiu couldn't bear to be left out of her cold, or replied: "Actually... he checked five or six **** in a row, and he is honestly saying that there is no problem. I have been a bit surprised."

She has always been willing to think about the benefits of the people, but in the current situation, there is only the worst possibility in her mind.

"Maybe we misunderstood him." The woman is also somewhat uneasy, and it happened that she had reported "no problem".

Ji Shanqing snorted from the nose.

Lin San wine plowed two fields and was anxious. He asked, "Do you think it is impossible?"

"The power and interests represented by Spartan are the closest, only one step away. Few people can reject the temptation of the fruits at their fingertips." Ji Shanqing said here, shaking his head: "No, it should be said, Only the second power can be successfully replaced by the first power."

Seeing that the two men fell into thinking, he added: "I don't know if he still hasn't realized it yet, or he has other plans. But the position of the inspector, no one but him, can sit up... Once the birth is in place, his power is absolute and can no longer be subverted. We were close to desperation at that time, and it was almost impossible to leave the game again."

Yes, they have to find a way to leave this game... Lin Sanshui holds his own temple and secretly thinks. What happens when you connect for an hour, it is so unpredictable, leaving the game, it feels like a dream that is nowhere in sight.

“It’s ridiculous,” the more the woman heard the whitish face. “The tax collector is also the inspector. He himself supervises himself? I can’t vote for it!”

"Then all your output will not be taxed." Ji Shanqing only used a short sentence, so the more women there is nothing to say.

It’s ridiculous. If the **** is so dry, it’s really hard to be a job... but I’m afraid that this kind of behavior will not be pursued.


As soon as she thought of it, like a conditioned reflex, she subconsciously cut off her thoughts.

"As you said, he must have thought, and he will definitely be able to replace Spartan... Can we play without a card?" She looked at the farmland and thought about it. Suddenly she came up with the idea: "If our farmers unite, no Work again..."

"He will have sixty-four food **** when he arrives," Ji Shanqing whispered. "Absolutely longer than we can."

"That's better than doing it directly," said the woman, irritated and nervous. "A few of us can join hands and can beat him."

I don't know what to remind him of this, Jishan Qingyi stunned, like suddenly a wind blows away the look of anxiety and exhaustion - replaced by an urgent and tense alert. He stood up and stood up and turned to Spartan and shouted: "Spartan!"

Because of the loss of too much strength, I could only rely on the figure resting in the corner, and the words turned slightly.

Interstitial was started from the food ball next to him, and moved forward a little bit. At this time, it was just facing Spartan. He also heard the sound of Ji Shanqing, looked up at the room and accelerated. The work on hand.

"You have to stare at him step by step!" Ji Shanqing was anxious, and there was a faint luster on his forehead. He shouted: "The food ball he just checked has to see if there is less. ""

"What do you mean by this?" The **** couldn't be ignored anymore, and asked to sink.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized it and suddenly jumped up.

If the **** begins, the food ball is problematic and it is indeed stolen, then everyone's attention will be drawn to the food ball. He certainly framed Spartan, but he did not get any benefit, and he immediately faced a dispute.

And if he keeps saying that the food ball is ok, repeat it several times, and everyone will gradually relax and do everything. Check the food ball alone, you can take a chance to eat it, and add it. After enough physical strength, he accused Spartan of stealing it. At that time, even if Spartan wanted to protest, or if they wanted to start, who could beat the suffocating life?

"I know, I know what you guys are playing," but the intertwined temper was trembled, standing between the food **** and saying: "Ji Shanqing, you are overdone." Say that the food ball I checked has become smaller, and you want to lose it."

"What, what happened?" asked the reed vibrate. "Who is stealing?"

"It seems that there will be no other people besides him," said the blond man in the corner, sneer: "I want to count the smaller food **** on my head? I tell you what is going on. I The food **** that have been inspected at the moment are really fine. Obviously, Spartan secretly ate only a portion of the food balls, and I have not yet encountered the food **** that have been passive."

He looked at the paintings of Lu and Hao, and said, "They know that I will soon find that there is a food ball that has passed through the hands and feet. I came up with this saying, and I want to give me the ball that has become less. Spartan." If you come over and check and say that the food **** are getting less, does it really mean that they are less? Every ball has the same appearance. If you change the position, you will not recognize it. If I take the ball to you for inspection, They can say that Spartan’s corrupt food **** are all stolen by me.”

There is not much food ball in the end. It seems that the simple and simple things will evolve into this kind of Luoshengmen... When Lin Sanjiu tried to suppress the irritability and anger of his heart, he only listened to the painting and said: "What about us now? do?"

"The situation is very clear. He must have secretly greeted the food ball. His friends will want to frame me." The interns said, looking up at the unchanged text on the wall. "I think Spartan is no longer suitable for this job. I want to deprive him of his position. I am registering as a candidate. You can vote to decide if I can take office. This is fair."

Lin Sanshui glanced at the gift bag and felt that he was sure to be like him. He was pale at the moment.

... As a person who has just passed through more than half of the room and checked more than a dozen food balls, the energy and face of the students at this time seem to be surprisingly good.

"Then the food ball you checked, is there any less?" Unexpectedly, the person who questioned him turned out to be Horst.

"You can come over, I will show you again in person."

Hauser closed his mouth.

In addition to the tax collector who specializes in this, it is obvious that no one has the extra physical strength to go back and forth across the room.

"If you want me to look at it, it's better not to care about who stole it, or to divide the food ball." Hurst silenced for a few seconds and muttered: "Everyone is equally divided, and when you stop farming, you eat your own one." ......"

At first, Spartan proposed to keep food **** for them. He was worried that some people could not stand the weakness and hunger, and gave the food **** in advance. If you don’t take the food balls, no one can put food balls. Tolerate this torment; if the method of Horst is implemented, Ji Shanqing’s plan will be less than half of the plan.

"If I have been an ombudsman, I will consider your proposal." Intermittently nodded to him and looked at the room again. He paused and asked, "How? Is there any other candidate? No? Then you can vote as a raiser, can I be an inspector?"

Do they have the freedom to raise their hands?

Lin Sanshui’s fist was tight and he only wanted to rush down the center of his face. They insisted on two days, and the plan of the package can be successfully implemented, but this time...

Spartan, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, held the wall at this time and slowly stood up.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing," he said dumbly and whispered: "In this place, the supreme power without the protection of force is not qualified for the highest power. And physical strength... very unfortunate, not equal to force. ""

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