Doomsday Wonderland

: 1403 Unrecognized mental problem


Elizabeth turned her head and looked at the empty floor, letting Yan Huang not see her look.

The barefoot disappeared when they entered the door. No one can hide in the depths of the house in such a short period of time - at least, Yan Huang should be able to hear the footsteps of rushing away. But even the air in the house was stagnant, only when they entered, they stirred up a pool of stagnant water.

"...Is it," Elizabeth replied softly. "This shouldn't be."

"What should not?" Yan Yan, who originally carried a heart, immediately asked. If the object is not a psychic, she will not mention that she has seen a pair of feet under the curtains anyway - because even if the object is a fake psychic, I dare not say that "the ghosts are all mentally ill". From this point, Elizabeth must protect her reputation.

"I wonder if you actually saw it..." Elizabeth shook her head and led her into the room and sat down at a table. "However, I am even more surprised that you saw it in a place where it rarely went."

"What did I see?"

Elizabeth thought about it and said, "There are many things that ordinary people still don't know."

"You know the feet... what is it?"

"Of course." Psychic poured a cup of tea for her. It seemed to calm down a little. Then she smiled and said, "We are also old friends. I will go with it, and it will follow."

Is this person not a liar?

In this game, maybe there are really settings like ghosts and ghosts, so there is a psychic media?

Yan Huang found that she now has only two choices: either to believe that Elizabeth can really see the ghost, or that she has just had a serious vision. She knew that her spirit was fine. She did see the bare feet under the curtains. It was as if she could see Elizabeth and the table at the moment. If she even began to doubt herself, then the black friends were not unconditional. Did you win?

If Elizabeth really can psychic...

"I am very scared," the four words almost rushed out of her mouth without thinking, until the sound echoed in the room, she gave birth to regret.

Elizabeth was silent for a while and pointed to the teacup and said, "Drink it."

Yan Huang looked at the teacup and hesitated for a second. He drank half of the warm tea. "Give it to you," she pushed back the cup with a small pile of tea and decided to stop saying more words. She still doesn't quite believe that Elizabeth is really capable. If she has, let her see it from the tea.

"You think someone is going to harm you, and the danger... comes from a place that should be safe."

Yes, the home should have been a safe place. Yan Huang’s heart trembled and looked at Elizabeth holding a cup and said slowly: “It looks like you are at home? Well, you want to act, but... you have been dragged by some reason.”

action? She did think so well, to prove that she had no mental problems when she was meeting in the neighborhood today; but she was not dragged by anything. If the husband wants to harm her, she will have to resist, how can there be concerns.

Did she edit it? These words are ambiguous, and I have leaked a lot of information, maybe it is enough for her to weave a rhetoric.

Elizabeth was obviously very keen, her eyes swept away from her, as if she had noticed her own words and did not immediately put Yan Huang on the net, frowning slightly. Probably what is the expression on his face, Yan Huang could not help but touch his face.

"Hey," Elizabeth lowered her eyes and looked at the cup and said, "I saw something new again... Your marriage is about to encounter a very big change, no, maybe it has already begun."

If Yan Huang’s confidence is a pointer, then she has turned slightly to Elizabeth. Even if she is ignorant, she is also very accurate.

"I can continue to show you," Elizabeth put down the cup and said, "But..."

This is to collect money. Yan Huang immediately reached out to touch the trouser pocket. Of course, she knew that this was just a acting skill. She had never been able to find her own wallet. All the money was spent on black hands. She said she forgot to bring it. Now, let Elizabeth go to him to be better.

"I don't want to collect money." Elizabeth's words stopped her movements. "Because of my predictions, I am afraid you will not like to listen, and may not believe it. I only hope that when you encounter setbacks, you can think of my warning to you... If you believe me, then you I can come back to me."

Yan Huang raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but lean over: "What? Is there anything bad that happens?"

"Your opponent will get a small victory in some way." Elizabeth put down the cup and said with a dignified look: "What he said about you, you can't prove it is fake."

Yan Huang felt his heart suddenly sinking straight. What does it mean? The tea hasn't started yet. She wants to prove that Hepburn has been lying, and his spirit is no problem, and he was first sentenced to death by Elizabeth. How did she know what she was going to do?

I didn’t know where the anger came from, and Yan Yan stood up. She is really almost fooled, how can I believe in Elizabeth? If this psychic is really capable, will it fall into the mansion and eat it? Although she couldn't explain the feet, she couldn't explain why Elizabeth knew her own intentions - but the scammers had to have a few tricks.

She is absolutely unwilling to give up before the action has begun. Besides, how she sees her plan and feels that it has no problem.

"Then I will wait and see," Yan Huang suppressed the urge to turn around and re-entered. "You said that I can't prove it. Do you have a way?"

Elizabeth shook her head like a bamboo. "You still have doubts about my abilities," she said in a near-understood tone, and the amber eyes looked very sincere. "I don't blame you, because I have never shown my ability between neighbors. But when my predictions really come true, I hope that you will have a little confidence in me at that time."

Yan Huang looked at her and asked: "Just... is that right?"

"Yes. I can't help you until you believe in me." Elizabeth regretted and sighed.

Yan Huang was about to believe her - until Elizabeth looked at the time, went into the kitchen, and put the box she gave lunch into the microwave. It was this move that poured into her head like a basin of cold water.

What Elizabeth can really see from the tea leaves, how can she not be suspicious of that lunch? The dialogue between the two men has clearly indicated that the opponent who wants to harm her is a black friend; the food she came out of from her house that she refused to eat, as long as she thinks about who did it, how can Elizabeth dare to eat it?

This psychic is probably based on the message that comes from her look and words. The scene has played such a set of rhetoric, and I am afraid that I have no idea what the essence of the problem is. If my confidence is impaired, there may be problems in natural performance. When there is a problem, when she is eager to find Elizabeth for help, the latter can open the lion.

I can't think of a person who looks like a very kind person. It turns out to be so motivated.

For the next half hour, Yan Huang, like sitting on a needle felt, finally waited for the neighbors in a chat with a ride. The neighbors, apparently like her, were the first to visit the Elizabethan family; as soon as they entered the door, they all showed a similar look—surprised, nervous, and with a slight resistance.

Such a ghostly house, whoever looks will be uncomfortable.

Despite Elizabeth's unclear notice, Yan Huang felt that he was impeccable. Yes, she was in bed for a long time, because she had a fever on and off, and she was a little confused. I can breathe out and talk to everyone. It’s really a lot of my heart. Li Er and Jessica are about to usher in the final exam? How about Aibi’s recently talked boyfriend? Pinker is about to go to elementary school soon?

A set of gossips, shuttled back and forth between her mouth. She can't completely deny that she is in bed, nor can she say that her mental problems are good, so she only slightly changed the black pen's rhetoric; she remembered the principle of asking others and speaking less, and beinghave in a reasonable way. Generous, even if the neighbors just saw her, they were a little restrained, and later they made a lot of laughter together. When someone asked about her daily life, she also sent the answer she had conceived: "Doing housework, cleaning, reading books... Searching for job advertisements on the Internet, and it will soon be over."

"You are looking for a job?" Miss Chen asked.

“Yes,” Yan Huang said with a smile. “I am still finishing my resume.”

Very successful, when she went to the bathroom, she was proud and half relaxed to say to herself. Even a conversation can not completely eliminate the shadow of the black lie, at least give the neighbors a conscious impression; with a good beginning, then it is convenient.

When she washed her hands and was about to open the door, she heard the whispers of the two female college students in the outer hallway.

"It's really a bit scary," said the voice of Jessica. It's a slap in the face. "I was so close to contact for the first time..."

What is so serious?

"I originally thought that Ahei was exaggerated," Li said in a whisper. "I didn't expect... Why didn't he send Xiao Huang to the hospital?"

Yan Huang slammed the doorknob and felt only spinning.

why? Where does she have problems? What did she say wrong?

Isn’t all her response not enough and not enough to meet social norms?

After all, Elizabeth is right...

Yan Huang raised his head. For the first time, she felt that the psychic might be her own glimmer of hope.

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