Doomsday Wonderland

: 1411 Inexplicably elated Elizabeth

When the knocking on the door rang, Lin Sanjiu was agitated, and the teacup in his hand almost slipped. She was steady and realized that her hands and feet were still shaking slightly, and she took a deep breath before she opened the door.

Pinker licked his lips, and he couldn't see the anger on his face. He stood outside the door and said, "I want to go in."

"Do you want to play? But if you don't go home, Grandma will worry about you." As Elizabeth, she really has no patience to deal with her children, saying, "You are still hurry -"

When the words were not finished, Pinker had squeezed her over her shoulder and strode into the house. She turned around and almost screamed out of her throat, finally stopping herself in time. She didn't dare to look at it, quickly lowered her eyes and said behind Pinker: "I don't have time..."

"My grandmother slept and died," Pinker suddenly turned back and interrupted her: "Like the last time you saw it. Miss Chen searched our home again, just left, no one found me in here."

Elizabeth stood in the same place, her mouth stretched several times and she couldn't speak. How did the child know this? Was he not confused at the time?

"The time you bumped into it was not the first time." Pink said, sitting down on the sofa. "Miss Chen often comes to see us with food, but my grandmother sometimes faints after eating her food recently. After I have been slumbered once, I refuse to eat what she brought. Sneaking up."

So... At that time, was Pingke on the bed sleeping?

The tone of his voice was so mature that he was surprised. I really couldn’t think of this as a five-year-old child. Elizabeth couldn't make him fool like a normal child. He had to swear and say, "Yes... I saw it."

"I don't know what the old witch is looking for," Pinker looked up at his chin, and finally got a little childish. "I want to ask you, if you have seen and heard, don't you have any idea?"

I heard?

When Elizabeth glanced, she saw Pingke open the bag and pulled out the baby monitor she had placed at Pinker.

"I am a child, I was always driven out of the door to play, I can't hear anything." Pinker slowly pushed the monitor to her and asked: "...but, have you heard it?"

Staring at the monitor for a while, Elizabeth was so cold that it had been a battle--it had been four or five days since she put down the monitor. During this period, Miss Chen naturally did not visit Grandma Pink; since Pingke did not sleep, it must be I have already discovered this monitor, but I have to wait until I ask her now, probably to give her a time to hear something from Miss Chen.

Can you think so deeply, is this really a five-year-old child?

And... what Pinker just said is like a puzzle she has been looking for for a long time, just to let her realize that during this time, she really heard something.

"I did hear some of their conversations..." Pinker said this, and she didn't use it any more. She lowered her head and said, "Because your grandmother... bad memory, many conversations are not. What value, but once I heard Miss Chen said that it is necessary to conduct a general survey of residents, and everyone needs to go to the police to update the registration information.

It wasn't until she looked up at Pingke's expression that she suddenly realized that the other party was really a child. I don't know what the census means. Elizabeth explained it to him. Pingke nodded. Asked: "What happened?"

The census seems to be nothing, but as one of the adults in the building, Elizabeth, like everyone else, has never received a notice to update her identity. This incident is obviously fabricated by Miss Chen.

At that time, she couldn't understand why Miss Chen had to make such a boring thing, but after listening to Pink's words, she finally understood.

"I thought that the one I bumped into was the only time... but you said that she had to go to the medicine again and again to make you sleepy, which means she never found what she was looking for." Elizabeth glanced at the corner and calmed down. After a moment of mind, I said: "As far as I know, there is no such thing as a census. I think, because Miss Chen can't find the goal, so I have to find a way to let the owner take it out?"

"What you mean is," Pinker raised his eyes. "What does she want from my grandmother's identity?"

In addition, Lin San wine can not find other explanations.

"If you want me to help, I don't know how to help you." Elizabeth has always been unprofitable, how can she take the initiative to get involved in things that are not profitable but full of danger, and say: "I also There is no evidence, it is hard to say... or you will call the police next time."

Pinker turned a blank eye. The child turned his eyes and looked good.

"What are you doing with your monitor?"

"This, I accidentally forgot about your home..."

"Forgot behind the flower pot?" Pinker sneered. "Do you really think that children will be deceived?"

Elizabeth closed her mouth. How can she confess, knowing that Pink is also one of the goals that needs to believe that she really has spiritual ability - once he is told that he is collecting materials for divination, Pink can no longer believe her.

The child bent down and looked at the monitor on the table for a while, not knowing what he was thinking. Elizabeth looked straight behind him, and after two seconds, she stunned and looked away.

Pinker raised his head and seemed to think of something. "The goal you listen to is not us..." he said with a positive tone, "Is Miss Chen?"

This made her jump, but Pinker smiled, and the eyes flashed with the unique characteristics of the child. "My grandmother and I have nothing to monitor, but Miss Chen said everywhere that you are a liar. Are you not convinced? She lives alone, and in her own home, she can't talk to herself every day, you think of my family. ,is not it?"

... basically guessed.

She even suspected that Pinker even guessed her game goals - after all, everyone's actions are to achieve the goal, no one will waste time "not convinced"; this is only if he can not directly communicate with the target What is the use of a statement?

Lin Sanji quickly glanced at the corner behind the living room and lowered his eyes.

She twisted her hands and kept thinking about what else she could say now, in order to convince Pink that it was not the case, let him keep a little bit of the possibility of believing in himself - just how she could think of it and could not think of it, the brain was in a mess. I don't know if the other party is really mature like a child, or another reason why her room is uncertain.

"What have you been watching?" Pinker asked suddenly. "From the moment I came in, your eyes were swept away in the corner of the room."

Elizabeth did not expect the child to notice it. She looked up and looked over Pink's head and landed behind him, standing on the other person behind the sofa. Pinker noticed her gaze, frowned and turned, and looked at the person behind the sofa for a while, then turned back and asked: "Is there something behind me?"

...he really couldn't see it, and Elizabeth swallowed her throat, thinking.

It has been four or five days.

When she saw the second "Miss Chen" under the bed, she almost seemed to be frozen, and even her mind could not move. At that time, the second "Miss Chen" seemed to be looking for something, groping for a while under the bed, but suddenly did not move, slowly turned her head towards her.

It was at that moment that Lin Sanjiu realized that the other party was confirming that she had seen her.

Although the two eyes met, but fortunately, she had not spoken on this thing, and did not give the "Miss Chen" a completely certain opportunity - she forced herself to look at "Miss Chen" for a second, then nothing more casually Remove your eyes, just as the gaze is just an unintentional act.

... What if the other party finds that she can see her?

When Miss Chen, who was outside the bed, returned the object to her home, and finally left, she dragged her stiff body out of the bed. The second "Miss Chen", like a big spider that just climbed out, slowly emerged from the bottom of the bed, and her eyes still stared at Elizabeth without hesitation.

It still doubts Elizabeth. Because when Elizabeth got up and went home, it also followed suit. When Lin Sansui bent over and pulled out the key to open the door, she could even feel the other's head hanging over her shoulder.

For four or five days since then, this "Miss Chen" will appear in her house from time to time.

"I... I am just observing the flow of energy," she said, busy lowering her eyes and saying, "Everyone has their own energy field..."

Pinker clearly does not believe this set. "What did you see?"

With this problem, the "Miss Chen" behind the sofa slowly bent down and probed the neck forward. The white eyes seemed to stick at any time. It is also waiting for the answer of Lin Sanjiu.

"Really, didn't see anything..."

"Can you see the ghost?" Pinker chuckled a little, but suddenly looked at it, didn't know what he thought of, and slightly frowned.

Elizabeth just wanted to say "Where is the ghost in the world", and hurriedly swallowed this sentence back. She didn't know what she was doing, and even she felt that she was suspicious and unconvincing, but she was not able to deal with it. He stood up and suddenly turned around and said: "I know where my grandmother's identity information is placed, do you want to know?"

When Elizabeth glanced, the heart jumped. If she knows what Miss Chen is looking for and knows where she is looking for it - at that time, let Miss Chen believe that she really has spiritual ability, or is it a problem?

"You... are you willing to tell me?" she asked in an unbelievable way. This is an important thing for his grandmother. Why is Pinker...?

"Yes, but I have a condition." Pinker smiled slightly, and the hook gestured to Elizabeth to put the ear together.

His warm exhale made her ear itchy, but her face was white and shocked because of shock - until half a day after Pinker left, she was not sure if she was wrong.

She turned and kept her invisible look at Miss Chen, who was close to her, and walked into the living room; she subconsciously took out the character manual that had been lying in her pocket, while thinking about it. The conditions that Pinker just proposed.

I don't know how long I have been confused. When she bowed her headlessly, she suddenly "hmm?" and she was stunned.

Below the word of the game, it is the progress of the number of people who believe that she is really capable at the moment; in the past two weeks, the number has been only poor "2", that is, black friends and Xiao Huang.

Now the number has become "4".

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