Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1435: First loss


No, no, calmly think, no matter what method Van Gogh used, she should not "hear" their dialogue - otherwise Lin San wine has long exposed the underwear. Well, maybe this is a bit late.

"She gave you something to hold?" she asked Chen Hanwu.

"No," the dark-skinned boy shook his head. "Maybe she has anything to monitor the scenes. It doesn't matter. We are all a team anyway, right?"

Lin San wine forced himself to nod. The other party obviously has no reason to share the feeling of oppression in her heart; she took a long breath and let the goddess "lead the way" in front of him, and he followed Chen Hanwu, half of his mind was on Spartan behind the barrier, half of his mind was in the unknown. Van Gogh and his body, almost did not pay much attention to the shelf serial number - so that when Chen Hanwu gently "ah!", she did not realize why.

“H6 is here,” the dark-skinned boy got excited. “This is the shelf area of ​​their team!”

What do you think is just fine.

Lin Sanjiu should have a few words, "Really, let's hurry up and look for something". At the foot, it was intentionally behind two steps, so that Chen Hanwu first flew to the front of the h6 shelf. The dark-skinned boy hurried down, starting from the bottom of the bottom layer - the women's top was thrown out, and the wet, soft, tampered bag of ice cream was thrown away after he glanced at it, as for folding Well, he also hit a plush blanket with a bow. He didn't even look at it.

So, what are they looking for, no textiles?

Lin Sanjiu pretends to look up from the other side and thinks about it. In addition to her five target items, she has no clue about the remaining target items; if she wants to secretly stop the Brahman and collect the items, she must know what they are looking for? From Chen Hanwu's movements, he doesn't care about textiles, dishes and children's toys, and he will take a look at the food with the bags - but this observation is useless for Lin Sanjiu: except for vegetables in this mall. Fruit, what food does not have a bag?

The h6 shelf was quickly rummaged by two people, and of course there was nothing. In the next few shelves in the aisle, there was a h10, and there was nothing at all; Lin Sanshui could almost see the doubts on Chen Hanwu's face gradually deepening, as clear as if there were numbers.

"It's not right," he said in the aisle, reporting loudly to Van Gogh, who didn't know where he was. "We found two shelves in a row, h6 and h10, but we didn't even find an item... Is our luck too bad?"

Lin San wine looked up. In the middle of the mall, in the middle of the sky, the curtain wall consisting of countless goods is still quietly and heavyly falling into the air, filling every inch of the gap, and the gaze is not over the gap. After a few seconds, Van Gogh replied: "Is there nothing?"


"With h7, there are three shelves without the target item." Brahman said slowly, the sound faintly scattered under the ceiling, as if the moss had been drilled from the dark corners of the wet until the green was spread. It will be amazed that it is here. Lin Sanjiu slowly raised a heart - she felt that Fan and I might have realized that something was wrong.

"You don't move in the same place, I will go and see it." Brahman said softly.

The aisles they have searched for now account for only half of the malls on their side; time has passed twenty minutes. It seems that Chen Hanwu wants to hurry and continue to search the rest of the shelves, but he does not dare to speak - he does not raise objections, Lin San wine naturally will not take the initiative.

Although she glanced at the entire mall in a circle, when the shadow of Brahman suddenly emerged from the air, Lin Sanjiu still did not know where she came from. She came from far away from the checkout counter, and it seems that within a few steps, she has already been closer to them. She brows slightly and says, "I think, they may have just..."

"Lion Baan!" A nearly sharp female voice slammed, and with the sound of the cry, it was a figure that suddenly jumped from the top of the shelf - the girl with the fox eyes, actually from the mall on their side The top of the shelf jumped up and jumped over many shelves, rushing straight toward the merchandise curtain wall, screaming vaguely: "I am in the media, pick me up!"

"She is on our side?" Chen Hanwu's eyes are round, "When is it hidden?"

Van Gogh smiled a little and smiled from his nose. He broke his words.

The next second, the heavy commercial curtain wall, was suddenly smashed from the other side. The shadow that Sbaan could not misrecognize, wrapped in the swallowing of the sea and piercing the curtain wall, greeted the fox eyes with lightning; his momentum was too strong and too fast, so that countless goods splashed like Like a fountain, a wave of blasting behind him.

The fox's eyes made a small cry from the throat, and they rushed to Spartan's arms without a life; at this moment, Brahman still had no place to move. Her lingering light clings to Lin Sanjiu, and a smile evokes in her mouth. "I just looked for her for a long time, this child will hide."

Just as Spartan was about to reach out and grab the fox's eye, half of the shelves were moving. The goods that had been floating in the air and were washed away were twisted into a sharp cone at a very fast speed. They came straight from behind Spartan - it was a sharp cone, but the contact surface of thousands of commodities was full of a locomotive size. In an instant, I have already come to the back of Spartan; the blond man just jumped out of the state of the next shelf, avoiding the inevitable, simply bowed his head and blocked the wave with his back. Tsunami-like impact.

The various kinds of commodities that are usually used to make people like them are so strong and embarrassing after the shock waves that have gathered together. In the whistling sound of the storm, the objects were stopped by his back, and all of them were scattered; but none of them was stopped at a slower speed, but instead crossed the shoulders of Spartan with a violent momentum. - Thousands of goods, all rushing to face the fox eye girl who was running towards Spartan and had no time to react.

... When she was accurately shot into the aisle of Brahman and her, she had almost no ability to move. With the body not knowing how many broken bones, broken muscles, the fox eye girl like an airless balloon, softly swayed at the van Gogh and the feet.

The most striking thing is that she has a bulging mouth filled with things.

"Not bad," Van Gogh bent down and pressed her bulging cheek. "It looks like we have stopped at least two things from the Spartan team."

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